‘Wonder Woman 1984’ Interviews with Gal Gadot, Chris Pine and Pedro Pascal

  • last year
“Wonder Woman 1984” stars Gal Gadot, Chris Pine and Pedro Pascal discuss the DC film in this interview with CinemaBlend Managing Editor Sean O’Connell. Gadot talks about her reaction to seeing Wonder Woman’s gold armor for the first time, Pine discusses how Harrison Ford’s Indiana Jones influences his portrayal of Steve Trevor, Pascal reveals he was worried his failed Wonder Woman TV pilot might’ve cost him his role as Maxwell Lord, and more. Plus, Pascal, The Mandalorian himself, weighs in on why Patty Jenkins is a perfect choice to direct the “Star Wars: Rogue Squadron” movie.
00:00 - Who needs you?
00:04 Gal, I really want to ask you about the golden armor, which
00:10 is something that we've never seen on screen before.
00:12 It looks fantastic in the movie.
00:14 I'm curious if you remember the first time
00:16 that you got to see the design of the golden armor, what
00:19 it was going to look like.
00:21 It was amazing.
00:22 First of all, when I first saw the sketch of what
00:26 we're going to design, it blew my mind.
00:29 It was so beautiful.
00:30 And you know, it's like women and clothes.
00:33 And it's like, golden armor is not something
00:36 a woman would ever try on.
00:38 And I was like, great, I have the best opportunity
00:40 to try this crazy costume.
00:44 It took a lot of work in terms of getting the look right
00:49 and making sure it's still practical so we can move in it.
00:54 It wasn't the most comfortable--
00:55 you know, it wasn't like wearing a pajama.
00:58 There was a lot of things going on.
01:03 But it was so worth it.
01:05 And I'm so happy we did it.
01:07 And Lindy Hemming just did the best, best work
01:12 with all the costumes.
01:13 Conservative, but not entirely unfun.
01:19 I can save today, but you can save the world.
01:25 Steve.
01:26 Diana.
01:30 I won't reveal how Steve is brought back here.
01:33 I know that that's something we're keeping for the audience.
01:35 But I think it's safe to say that at least it allows you
01:37 to approach him completely differently.
01:39 It's a fresh interpretation.
01:40 It's not what you did in the first film.
01:42 And I'm wondering if you felt that way, too,
01:44 that it allowed you to do different things with him.
01:46 And you didn't-- you didn't have to really worry about messing
01:48 up what you'd done previously.
01:50 Yeah, I really like the Steve--
01:53 the version of Steve in the first film
01:54 was-- I love that jaded hero archetype is really fun to play.
02:00 I mean, that is such a classic cinema guy.
02:04 If you see something wrong happening in the world,
02:06 you can either do nothing or you can do something.
02:08 And I already tried nothing.
02:09 The interesting thing about this version
02:11 is that this is not a classic cinema guy.
02:13 This is-- or at least in a hero mold.
02:17 So how do you do that?
02:20 I have no idea.
02:21 It certainly wasn't, you know, my--
02:26 all my, you know, gruff guyness was like, no, I
02:29 want to play the, you know, tough guy.
02:33 But it's a lot of fun.
02:33 You know, the hard part about playing the kind of fish
02:36 out of water puppy Labrador who's excited about everything
02:40 is you have to really make--
02:43 try-- you have to play pretend and making sense of, OK,
02:46 what-- what is a toaster oven?
02:48 And like, what is a pop-tart?
02:51 And what is an elevator?
02:53 What is an escalator?
02:54 What's a fucking subway?
02:56 Like, it's all-- you have to completely change your brain
03:01 and be like, how do you digest this?
03:02 So there was a lot of fun in doing that.
03:05 It's all art.
03:10 It's-- that's just a trash can.
03:12 It's just a trash can.
03:13 Yeah, yeah.
03:15 Life is good, but it can be better.
03:19 All you need is to want it.
03:21 Pedro, when they called you with an idea
03:23 to feature you in a Wonder Woman sequel,
03:25 did you initially think you were getting a chance to dust
03:27 off Detective Ed Indelicato?
03:31 No.
03:32 It's such a good question because I
03:33 think that because of the impact of the first movie,
03:37 and then, of course, the idea of getting
03:40 to work with Patty Jenkins, I--
03:44 it never-- it never occurred to me.
03:46 And I'm glad that it didn't because I think I probably
03:49 would have been paranoid if they knew that I had already,
03:53 you know, had a go in a Wonder Woman project.
03:57 Maybe they didn't know at the time.
03:59 And well, so yeah, I guess I loved making that pilot.
04:05 And I was really sad.
04:07 Oh, yeah, I was super sad that it didn't
04:09 get picked up the series.
04:10 But here we are.
04:12 Here you are, exactly.
04:13 Well, you get to play Maxwell Lord now,
04:15 who I find to be a truly fascinating and compelling
04:19 comic book villain, you know, along the lines of Alex
04:22 Luthor.
04:22 And I just-- I wish we had a chance
04:24 to spend more time with him because there's so much
04:26 of the character to develop.
04:27 And so because you do have experience
04:29 with longer form episodic television,
04:32 what's an aspect of Max that you just wish you had more
04:35 time to explore and portray?
04:38 It's funny that you ask that because I think that it
04:40 was the opposite for me.
04:41 I think that there's an opportunity to really,
04:43 like, dive into a really, really incredible arc of a storyline.
04:50 And the only way to accomplish it, you know,
04:52 under Patty's vision was to do it with kind
04:55 of uncompromising honesty.
04:57 So I got my fill, actually, more than I have other characters.
05:01 That's excellent because that means
05:02 it was a rewarding experience.
05:04 It felt-- it felt-- it felt rewarding.
05:07 Nothing good is born from lies.
05:12 And greatness is not what you think.
05:14 There's a moment in this movie where
05:16 Steve is standing on top of a truck in the desert.
05:18 And he turns and punches a soldier.
05:20 And the Foley mixers use a sound that I only know
05:23 as the Indiana Jones punch.
05:26 And then I brought it up to Patty.
05:27 And she mentioned that you guys use
05:29 Indy as a reference point for Steve often.
05:31 And I was hoping that you could elaborate
05:33 on what that means in terms of how you approach the character.
05:36 Yeah, I mean, I'm not going to lie.
05:37 I've said it basically about every hero I've ever played
05:41 is that Harrison Ford's reluctant hero
05:44 is like my touchstone for pretty much, you know,
05:47 all of these types of guys.
05:49 You have to show a certain amount of vigor.
05:52 The humanness of it and the fact that he always
05:55 feels like he doesn't want to be there, but he has to be there.
05:59 The fact that he'll try his hardest,
06:01 but getting hit hurts, punching hurts, you know.
06:07 And that particular sequence always reminded Patty--
06:10 or reminded me, and I know I talked to Patty about it.
06:12 And I think she modeled it after that famous sequence
06:16 in Raiders.
06:18 So to shoot in the desert with tanks and stuff
06:20 and pretend that I'm Indiana Jones is essentially my dream.
06:27 And yeah, I had a whole bit--
06:31 I think they cut it out, but I had a whole bit planned for--
06:34 I don't know if they used it-- a whole bit planned
06:36 for the fighting the guy on the top of the thing.
06:40 And it was like a whack-a-mole.
06:41 And I'm hitting one guy, and his head pops out,
06:43 and then he disappears.
06:44 And I go look in, and then he pulls me in.
06:47 I forget if it remained in the film, but--
06:49 The pulling in the hole bit ends, but not the whack-a-mole.
06:53 Yeah, so that was--
06:55 I love-- you know, that was--
06:57 it's always trying to find the comedy.
06:58 And like, you know, Trevor thinks
07:02 that he's one-upped someone.
07:04 And oh, no, he's going to get his ass kicked somehow.
07:08 Well, that's neat.
07:08 Because of the groundbreaking streaming deal,
07:12 a lot of people are going to get to see this movie at home.
07:14 On Christmas Day, they'll get to press play on it.
07:16 But something like "The Mandalorian"
07:17 has allowed us to get used to seeing stuff at home
07:20 and better our systems and really
07:23 learn how to focus on something without distractions.
07:26 Is that what you've been able to do?
07:27 Do you have a system at home that you allow yourself
07:30 to, like, really focus on something?
07:31 And do you ever, like, press play on your "Mandalorian"
07:33 episodes as they drop?
07:35 I am very, very, very, very precious about my TV viewing
07:39 and my movie experiences, to the point of being obnoxious.
07:45 You'll get kind of kicked out of a room
07:46 if you're messing with my--
07:48 with my-- with my-- with my movie experience.
07:51 It's not a toy.
07:52 So I-- I-- I honor that often.
07:56 I'll turn off my phone.
07:58 Stop touching things.
07:59 Why is Patty the-- the right choice to make a "Star Wars"
08:04 film?
08:05 Because she's the best.
08:08 That's why.
08:09 That simple?
08:10 Yeah.
08:12 I think it's something-- if you think of anything
08:13 that she's made, I mean, you know, Patty can do anything.
08:17 I think, you know, this is-- this is--
08:19 I think it's a gorgeous compliment to-- to--
08:22 to one another.
08:24 This is a weird compliment, but you are my favorite Spider-Man.
08:27 I think that you nailed the humor of the character in a way
08:31 I've never seen before.
08:32 And he's my-- Spider-Man's my favorite character.
08:34 And the way that you-- in a short amount of time,
08:36 the way you got him to me was-- was majestic.
08:38 I appreciate it very much.
08:39 I had a lot of fun working on that.
08:41 Those guys are great.
08:42 And I think what they made was spectacular.
08:45 I seem to die--
08:46 I have to get in something where I at least don't die.
08:49 I think that's my actor challenge for 2021.
08:53 No, but you're so good, we find ways to bring you back each--
08:55 Yeah, right?
08:56 It's just going to become ever more ingenious how you
08:59 bring me back from the dead.
09:01 Do "Groundhog Day."
09:02 Yeah, there you go.
09:03 Sure.
09:04 Oh, God, you can't fuck with that.
09:05 You can't fuck with that.
09:07 (upbeat music)
