Pesawat Dabi Air di Papua Tergelincir Hingga Menabrak Gundukan Tanah

  • last year
Pesawat Dabi Air dengan nomor penerbangan PK-DPP dilaporkan tergelincir di Bandara Pogapa, Distrik Homeo, Kabupaten Intan Jaya,Papua Tengah
00:00 The plane, the BIR, flight number PKDPP, crashed when it crashed at the Pogapa Airport,
00:09 Distrikt Homeo, Intan Jaya, Central Papua, Thursday, December 7, 9.55 p.m. East Indonesia time.
00:17 Kabit Humas Polda, Papua, Combes Polisi Ignatius Beni Adi Prabowo, in Jayapura, said
00:24 the plane flew from Nabi Re to Distrikt Homeo, Intan Jaya, Central Papua, carrying five passengers and a crew.
00:32 The plane, which was driven by Captain Irela and Co-Pilot Henry, was hit by a slippery floor when it arrived at the parking area.
00:42 The plane finally hit the hill around the floor.
00:48 For the five passengers and two crew of the plane, three people were injured, including the pilot.
01:02 And now he is in medical treatment at Soramil, Pogapa, and waiting for evacuation from Nabi Re.
01:16 The plane was from Mas Kapai, BIR.
01:21 Until now, the BIR plane is still at Pogapa Airport, Distrikt Homeo, Intan Jaya.
01:28 The joint apparatus is currently securing the plane,
01:31 to carry out an in-depth investigation into the process of identification of the cause of the plane's slip.
01:37 From Jayapura, Papua, Laksa Mahendra, Antara News Agency reported.
01:43 For more information, please visit
01:48 [END]
