Home Cinéma (Be TV): le premier film d'animation de Pablo Berger

  • l’année dernière
Sudinfo vous propose l'émission "Home Cinéma" de VOO / BeTV consacrée à l'actualité du 7ème art. A l'honneur cette semaine: Pablo Berger, réalisateur espagnol fan de cinéma muet qui a réalisé son premier film d’animation. Interview: Fabrice du Welz
00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:06 - Hello, Pablo!
00:07 - Hello, Fabrice.
00:08 - Pleasure to meet you!
00:10 - I feel the same. I'm glad to meet you.
00:12 I heard many times about you.
00:14 We have common friends.
00:15 - Well, I'm so pleased.
00:16 Let me just... to present you a little bit.
00:18 You're a cinephile director.
00:20 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:23 You made extraordinary films.
00:25 Not so many.
00:26 You made great films,
00:28 just like "Torre Molina 73"
00:31 or "Blanca Nieves".
00:33 It was probably the most renowned and famous one.
00:37 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:41 But now we just heard that you're gonna make
00:44 an animation film.
00:46 (clicking)
00:47 It makes sense, because you always employ cinema
00:51 with image and sound and music,
00:55 just like in old days, just like in the '20s.
00:58 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:04 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:10 We could say you're a very, very silent film director, no?
01:15 - Completely, you know.
01:16 Even when I have, of course, "Blanca Nieves" is a silent film,
01:19 but "Torre Molina 73" or "Abra Kadabra",
01:22 there are so many scenes.
01:24 Could be like ten minutes that the characters don't talk.
01:26 Or even when they talk, they just talk just about necessary
01:29 so the story advances.
01:31 And as you said, this animation film,
01:34 as well, it's a silent film.
01:36 More in the way of "Jack Stati"
01:39 that you could hear the sound of the streets, of the doors.
01:42 But I created a script that there was no necessity
01:46 that the characters need to talk.
01:48 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:52 I'm very curious about "Bat Robots".
01:55 At what moment you say, "Okay, I'm gonna make
01:57 an animation film"?
01:59 - When I was preparing "Blanca Nieves",
02:01 I read this comic book called "Robot Dreams".
02:04 And, you know, I said, "Oh, it looks like a children's book."
02:07 Then I realized it's not a children's book,
02:09 although it's animals.
02:10 And then I laugh and it moved me.
02:13 And then when it ended, it really--
02:15 I was really touched by the story.
02:17 [footsteps]
02:19 But I never had a plan to make an animation film.
02:22 It was kind of like another punk...
02:24 [laughs]
02:25 Attitude moment.
02:26 Okay, I don't know anything about animation,
02:29 but I want to make an animation film.
02:31 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:38 And of course, it was the silence,
02:40 the fact that the graphic novel was silent
02:42 was very attractive to me.
02:44 And the fact that I lived ten years in New York,
02:47 and this story took place in New York.
02:49 So this kind of combination of love letter to New York
02:52 and the silence, it kind of turned me on.
02:55 And the fact that I like this kind of idea
02:58 that to make my-- any film I make,
03:01 I take it that it's going to be my last one.
03:03 ♪ ♪ ♪
03:07 - It's a stop-motion film?
03:08 - No, just a draw, drawing to the animation.
03:11 Like old school, like, you know,
03:15 Miyazaki or Sylvain Chomet
03:17 or Persepolis, just kind of like in the old tradition
03:21 of like 24 drawings, one second.
03:24 - You always go through cinema,
03:26 the experience of cinema, just like a big adventure.
03:29 And I think "Robot Dreams" has to be
03:33 a big, big, huge adventure for you, no?
03:35 - It truly was, and it was a very satisfactory adventure,
03:39 you know, and I even think that all my previous films,
03:44 they were preparing me for "Robot Dreams."
03:47 The thing is, somehow, I've been storyboarding
03:51 all my films, so that element of storyboarding
03:55 and doing-- in animation, what you do is animatic.
03:57 That is like a very basic storyboarding--
04:00 storyboard animated.
04:02 So in a way, I could see the film before it was made.
04:06 So three years ago, I already had the film in my head.
04:10 ♪ ♪ ♪
04:12 So I'm used to this kind of tempo.
04:13 A five-year time for film, it feels like,
04:17 "Oh, this is nice," because I like to be--
04:20 have control, to be very precise.
04:22 ♪ ♪ ♪
04:36 (coup de feu)
04:37 (cris de l'animal)
04:39 - Thank you, Pablo.
04:40 Good luck for everything you do.
04:42 - Fabrice, one thing-- one thing that I think
04:45 would be nice to share with you is that
04:48 my animation director is from Belgium,
04:50 Benoit Ferremont.
04:52 I want to express that-- how key he's been in the result,
04:56 because there are very few 2D traditional animators,
05:02 and Benoit Ferremont is one of the great animators in Europe.
05:07 He worked in "The Tripess of Belleville,"
05:09 in "The Book of Kells," so I was lucky to kidnap him
05:13 for one year and a half, take him away from Brussels
05:17 and bring him to Madrid to make the film.
05:20 So I take this advantage to express thank you, Benoit,
05:24 for coming to Madrid to help me to make this film.
05:27 - Thank you, Pablo.
05:28 Have a nice journey back home, and see you soon.
05:33 - Thank you, Fabrice. See you soon. Bye.
05:35 ♪ ♪ ♪
05:38 ♪ ♪ ♪
05:39 - Notre cacahuété, notre exotique,
05:41 notre féministe ou notre endiablée,
05:44 dans les salles cette semaine, le tempo de la partition
05:47 s'annonce plus allégro que modérato.
05:50 - Mr. Wanker, I can see you're a man of great ingenuity.
05:52 - What are you doing?
05:54 - I'm making chocolate, of course.
05:56 - How do you like it? Dark, white, nutty?
05:58 - Absolutely insane.
06:00 - Many people have come here to sell chocolate.
06:02 They've all been crushed by the chocolate cartel.
06:07 You can't get a shop without selling chocolate,
06:10 and you can't sell chocolate without a shop.
06:13 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:15 - No daydreaming.
06:17 - What are we going to do, Willy?
06:18 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:21 - On connaissait le chocolat qui fait grossir,
06:23 mais connaissez-vous le chocolat qui fait voler?
06:25 Avec le fabuleux Willy Wonka, incarné par Timothée Chalamet,
06:28 ce rêve pourrait devenir réalité.
06:30 Bienvenue dans le préquel fondant
06:32 de "Charlie et la chocolaterie", un avant-goût de Noël.
06:36 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:40 - Nastrovje!
06:41 - Nastrovje!
06:43 - Dis-moi, qu'est-ce que tu t'es préparé pour?
06:45 Je veux que tu expliques ce que c'est
06:47 pour un projet d'art que tu es en train de faire.
06:49 - Ce n'est pas un projet.
06:50 C'est une continuation.
06:52 C'est quelque chose qui a commencé quand j'ai été née.
06:55 Et ça continue.
06:57 Beaucoup me disent que je dois laisser faire ça,
06:59 parce que je ne peux pas voir la différence
07:01 entre mon identité et mon travail.
07:03 - Il aura fallu 13 années de tournage
07:05 pour que la réalisatrice Léa Globe
07:07 puisse tirer le portrait d'Apollonia Sokol,
07:09 une artiste-peintre engagée.
07:11 Un documentaire multiprimé
07:13 qui fait aussi écho au parcours d'Oksana Chako,
07:16 l'une des fondatrices des Femmen.
07:18 ♪ ♪ ♪
07:22 ♪ ♪ ♪
07:25 - Eccolo!
07:27 Giuseppe Mislicici.
07:29 - Mislicici.
07:30 - Un musiciste très doté.
07:32 - Votre musique est tellement belle.
07:34 - Mon père ne voulait pas que je devienne musicien.
07:37 Il a besoin de signer une écriture,
07:39 sinon, c'est la fin.
07:41 - Parfois, il vaut mieux commettre de petits erreurs,
07:44 mais laisser parler les sentiments.
07:46 ♪ ♪ ♪
07:48 - Et si la vraie vedette, c'était la musique?
07:50 Dans ce biopic magistral,
07:52 le réalisateur Petr Vaklav
07:54 retrace la vie chahutée de Josef Mislicic,
07:57 un compositeur de génie
07:59 envoûté par la Venise libertine du 18e siècle.
08:02 ♪ ♪ ♪
08:05 (crissement de pneus)
08:08 - Juliette! Juliette!
08:10 - Non!
08:11 - L'aventure, c'est comme le vélo.
08:13 Ça ne s'oublie jamais.
08:15 N'attendez plus et envolez-vous
08:16 au royaume des courants d'air de Benoît Chieux.
08:19 Récompensé cette année par le prix du public
08:21 au Festival du film d'animation d'Annecy.
08:23 - Chut! Écoutez!
08:26 ♪ ♪ ♪
08:29 ♪ ♪ ♪
08:33 - C'est pas moi que vous voulez sauver,
08:35 mais Constance Bonacieux.
08:37 - Où est-elle?
08:38 ♪ ♪ ♪
08:40 - Je sais que c'est vous qui l'avez enlevée.
08:42 - Que dommage que vous ne vouliez travailler pour moi.
08:44 ♪ ♪ ♪
08:46 - Que chaque hérétique du royaume sache
08:48 ce qu'il en coûte de défier le roi.
08:50 - Pousqueters!
08:52 ♪ ♪ ♪
08:54 Vous êtes soldats pour mourir?
08:55 ♪ ♪ ♪
08:57 Je vous emmène là-haut, mais...
08:58 - Un pour tous, tous pour un.
09:00 Et vive le volet 2 des célèbres aventures
09:02 imaginées par Alexandre Dumas-Père.
09:04 - C'est lui, le traître.
09:05 - Je ne suis pas l'homme que vous croyez.
09:07 - Après D'Artagnan, voici Milady.
09:09 Et comme on ne change pas un trio qui gagne,
09:11 on retrouvera avec bonheur nos trois mousquetaires de renom.
09:14 Vincent Cassel, Pio Marmaille et Romain Duris.
09:16 - Un seul geste et je vous tue!
09:17 - Si vous me tuez, vous ne serez jamais où, Constance.
09:20 ♪ ♪ ♪
09:22 ♪ ♪ ♪
09:24 ♪ ♪ ♪
09:27 [Musique]
