What does it mean to be Palestinian today, and what will it mean tomorrow?
What does it mean to live in an occupied territory, where someone else has decided you should live in an Apartheid regime and you may be annihilated by bombs?
Palestinians have been experiencing a perpetual journey, towards a homeland that nowadays belongs more to memory than to reality.
This meeting is our attempt to address all the sensitive topics related to the difficult situation in Palestine.
We have talked, in an open and intimate conversation, to Palestinian artists: sons, daughters, and grandchildren of the Diaspora, Cultural workers and artists, journalists, activists, and common citizens who cannot remain silent, during a second Nakba, when a part of humanity is dying in silence.
We have heard different voices to raise awareness and to take action, together.
AREA aims to facilitate an open discussion about rural, remote, peri-urban areas “in Europe and far beyond”, by engaging in the conversation communities and their players in all continents across the World.
We are interested in every kind of action that promotes well-being through Arts and Culture initiatives.
Since 2020, we have organized meetings with artists, researchers, and cultural workers who are engaged in an international environment, between Europe and Africa, Asia, Australia, and all continents, facilitating and promoting a confrontation about the common issues of our work and practice, but also understanding which are the different challenges of each context.
We believe that our initiative could help to build a constructive dialogue of mutual learning and confrontation.
Code per Curiosi is a new non-profit organization founded by the performing arts creative producer, together with professionals and experts in the artistic and non-artistic sector, professionals active in the field of education, the International Civil Service, in LGBTQ + activism, NGO, and in all those sectors in which the best of civil society intervenes.
The purpose of the Association is to create an artistic-cultural center in an area that is still strongly rural but with great human and environmental potential, taking place in the area of the Apuan Alps.
By facilitating the encounter between local, Italian, and international artists, and the encounter between the “foreigners” and the resident community, we want to give rise to human and cultural regeneration. Some of the founding members of Code per Curiosi also participated in the foundation of A.R.E.A., an acronym that stands for Arts in Rural European Areas, a new European network, based in Denmark.
What does it mean to live in an occupied territory, where someone else has decided you should live in an Apartheid regime and you may be annihilated by bombs?
Palestinians have been experiencing a perpetual journey, towards a homeland that nowadays belongs more to memory than to reality.
This meeting is our attempt to address all the sensitive topics related to the difficult situation in Palestine.
We have talked, in an open and intimate conversation, to Palestinian artists: sons, daughters, and grandchildren of the Diaspora, Cultural workers and artists, journalists, activists, and common citizens who cannot remain silent, during a second Nakba, when a part of humanity is dying in silence.
We have heard different voices to raise awareness and to take action, together.
AREA aims to facilitate an open discussion about rural, remote, peri-urban areas “in Europe and far beyond”, by engaging in the conversation communities and their players in all continents across the World.
We are interested in every kind of action that promotes well-being through Arts and Culture initiatives.
Since 2020, we have organized meetings with artists, researchers, and cultural workers who are engaged in an international environment, between Europe and Africa, Asia, Australia, and all continents, facilitating and promoting a confrontation about the common issues of our work and practice, but also understanding which are the different challenges of each context.
We believe that our initiative could help to build a constructive dialogue of mutual learning and confrontation.
Code per Curiosi is a new non-profit organization founded by the performing arts creative producer, together with professionals and experts in the artistic and non-artistic sector, professionals active in the field of education, the International Civil Service, in LGBTQ + activism, NGO, and in all those sectors in which the best of civil society intervenes.
The purpose of the Association is to create an artistic-cultural center in an area that is still strongly rural but with great human and environmental potential, taking place in the area of the Apuan Alps.
By facilitating the encounter between local, Italian, and international artists, and the encounter between the “foreigners” and the resident community, we want to give rise to human and cultural regeneration. Some of the founding members of Code per Curiosi also participated in the foundation of A.R.E.A., an acronym that stands for Arts in Rural European Areas, a new European network, based in Denmark.