Cop28 Pollution Pods simulate air quality in London, Delhi and Beijing

  • last year
Explore Cop28 Pollution Pods showing different air quality in London, Delhi and Beijing Source: Original
00:00 Hi, I'm Siddhi Mishra.
00:01 I am the Independence Asia Climate Correspondent,
00:03 and I am in Dubai for the United Nations Climate Summit.
00:06 We're checking out what some of the experiences
00:16 they've set up, and one of them are these air pollution pods,
00:20 which are designed to replicate the levels of air pollutions
00:23 in different cities of the world.
00:24 So in this pod, we're in London,
00:26 and London has dangerously high levels of NOx, enduring diesel.
00:31 So what you're smelling is actually meant to simulate the diesel,
00:34 which the London government is now trying to take measures
00:37 to improve the air in the city,
00:38 including by introducing low emission zones.
00:41 But a lot more needs to be done to make it
00:43 incentivising public transport and introducing renewable energy.
00:47 So we are inside the Denny pod, and I can immediately feel the flows.
00:52 I can see the visibility is down.
00:54 You feel the heaviness, and you feel, you can smell the smoke.
00:59 You can smell the transport pollution.
01:01 You can actually also feel the heat
01:04 because they have reproduced the temperatures as well.
01:06 We move towards Beijing now.
01:08 And you can see Beijing also has a very low visibility level
01:18 inside the pod.
01:19 You can see there's visible haze.
01:21 There's temperatures which are closer to Beijing.
01:25 People often, when they enter from London to Delhi,
01:28 they only deeply realise that they are coughing
01:31 and that they are not feeling well.
01:32 And nobody's staying here for long.
01:35 Beijing, the worst.
01:37 The last one that you went, the air had the worst smell on me.
01:40 Delhi was the worst, I think, just because of how hot it was.
01:44 And was it closer to what you've experienced in Delhi?
01:47 Yes.
01:48 And my goodness, it's quite revealing.
01:50 You know, you really feel a sense of, well, quite intimidation
01:54 as you go to New Delhi and Beijing.
01:58 Really is quite thick air, difficult to breathe.
02:01 And then you go through and you go into London,
02:03 and at 20, whatever the number was, it was pretty refreshing.
02:07 So it really made you feel the difference.
02:10 You can come out of those pods and you can get into one of these green ones
02:15 where you get a sense of what the air is supposed to smell like and feel like.
02:20 It is closer to the safe limit of WHO.
02:23 This is an experience that has been designed to raise awareness
02:27 about air pollution and to remind people that it remains
02:30 a very important climate issue as well.
