Activists form blockade outside Dorset defence factory in protest against sending arms to Israel

  • last year
Hundreds protested outside a Dorset defence factory against arms being sent to Israel.Source: PA
00:00 Stop bombing children!
00:03 Stop bombing hospitals!
00:06 Stop bombing Gaza!
00:10 So we're basically shutting down a weapons factory.
00:12 This factory directly supplies parts that go into the fighter jets
00:16 that Israel is using to kill Palestinians in Gaza and in the West Bank.
00:21 This is how the UK is complicit.
00:23 One of the many ways that the UK is allowing this to happen.
00:26 And so we're physically stopping workers coming in and out,
00:29 stopping deliveries coming in and out of the factory
00:31 and we're shutting down their work for the day
00:32 and drawing attention to what they're doing
00:34 to the local people and to the press like yourselves.
00:36 I speak on behalf of health workers
00:38 to say we're tired of mourning the death of people in Israel and Palestine
00:44 and we're moved to not only try and treat the disease
00:49 but understand the underlying cause.
00:54 The UK is currently complicit in the bombardment of Gaza
00:58 by the Israeli army.
00:59 And in fact this is one of four arms factories
01:02 that we're shutting down today
01:04 that produce the fighter jets that are used in these bombings.
01:08 We've seen hospitals being bombed,
01:10 we've seen schools being bombed,
01:12 we've seen churches and mosques being bombed.
01:14 I'm sure I speak on behalf of many of the public in this country
01:18 that our representatives don't represent us
01:21 and so we're taking matters into our own hands.
01:23 Peacefully I'm so privileged to be part of this group of over a thousand workers
01:29 who are shutting down arms factories.
