Cadel Howie - Royal Bikes NRS team

  • last year
Rising cyclist Cadel Howie speaks about being a member of the new Royal Bikes National Road Series team.
00:00 I'm joined by young cyclist Kadel Howie who's a member of the new NRS team for Royal Bikes.
00:05 Kadel, are you excited to be a part of this team?
00:07 Yeah, it should be really good.
00:09 A lot of good riders and good people just to get along with.
00:12 So, strong team and good vibes.
00:14 And you'll be familiar with a lot of the riders, with a lot of them being from around this area?
00:18 Yeah, so it's mainly made up of local riders.
00:20 There's a few that moved away but are coming back to join us, which is really good.
00:24 And yeah, we'll make for a good year.
00:26 And yeah, you said it's a pretty strong side. What are the expectations or goals at this stage for the year ahead?
00:32 Not really, but yeah, we've got a lot of strong riders and we will most likely get good results throughout the year, hopefully.
00:39 And yeah, it must be nice to be part of a team that's based so close to home for you, living at Killarney or near Killarney?
00:45 Yeah, so yeah, it's just nice. You know, all the locals will back up the team and all the local cyclists are getting behind it as well, which is nice to see.
00:53 And your first official race as an NRS team, I believe, is the Warnie. So that'll be a pretty good experience, a local race.
00:59 Yeah, so Warnie will be a good experience as a team.
01:02 A lot of the boys will do nationals, but that's not an NRS race.
01:05 So hopefully they go out that and then yeah, full gas for the Warnie.
01:09 Sounds good. Thanks for the chat, Gadel.
01:11 Thank you.
