• 2 years ago


00:00:00 Serious
00:00:02 I'm 16
00:00:04 I brought the gift for you
00:00:06 Wait here
00:00:08 What is it?
00:00:10 Where is it?
00:00:12 This is the gift
00:00:14 Wait a minute
00:00:18 This is the gift
00:00:20 You?
00:00:22 This is my gift
00:00:24 Wear green shirt and go to Jakarta
00:00:28 You're the only one I love
00:00:30 I don't want to be a busybody
00:00:34 I have someone to take care of
00:00:36 Buy sambal for Kemang
00:00:40 Why are you so far away?
00:00:44 It's far from here
00:00:48 But if we talk about far away, we'll see the first guest
00:00:52 Please help me
00:00:54 Is Duda here?
00:00:56 He has a kid
00:00:58 He's looking for Duda
00:01:00 He's far from here
00:01:02 Because he's an athlete
00:01:04 Now he's an artist
00:01:06 This is the opposite of our friend Kerendelano
00:01:08 He was an artist
00:01:10 Now he's an athlete
00:01:12 That's why he never shoot
00:01:14 He's a soccer athlete
00:01:16 You don't know?
00:01:18 He's a soccer player
00:01:20 Please welcome Rifqi Al-Hafsi
00:01:24 Rifqi Al-Hafsi
00:01:26 Good morning Rifqi Al-Hafsi
00:01:40 Good morning
00:01:42 Welcome to Bagi Bagi Ambien
00:01:44 We're four
00:01:46 Who's four?
00:01:48 We're three
00:01:50 We're three
00:01:52 We're three
00:01:54 Rifqi
00:01:56 Rifqi is right
00:01:58 Rifqi is a baller
00:02:00 He said Rifqi is an athlete
00:02:02 Yes, I played in Indonesia League of Soccer
00:02:04 For four seasons
00:02:06 So you're not an artist anymore?
00:02:08 No, I mean
00:02:10 I was last in 2015
00:02:12 Now he's a driver
00:02:14 He's an actor
00:02:16 We want to show you
00:02:18 This is Rifqi Al-Hafsi
00:02:20 He's an actor
00:02:22 He often be a gangster
00:02:24 This is perfect
00:02:28 A gangster husband and a gangster wife
00:02:30 Actually he's not a gangster
00:02:32 Why?
00:02:34 Welcome to Ambien
00:02:44 You must know him
00:02:46 He's a former soccer player
00:02:48 Now he's a successful entertainer
00:02:50 He's known by the people
00:02:52 Because he often played a gangster husband
00:02:54 In some of his movies
00:02:56 Let me show you
00:02:58 Don't interrupt the conversation
00:03:00 Or maybe you don't want to join the pregnancy program?
00:03:04 Yes?
00:03:06 What do you mean?
00:03:08 You're avoiding me
00:03:10 You should say it clearly
00:03:12 You want me to join the pregnancy program
00:03:14 Why am I so angry?
00:03:16 But
00:03:18 But
00:03:20 But
00:03:22 But
00:03:24 But
00:03:26 But
00:03:28 There must be a difficult journey
00:03:30 Behind the success
00:03:32 What is Rifqi's struggle
00:03:34 To return to the world of entertainment?
00:03:36 You guys
00:03:38 Let's ask
00:03:40 In the morning
00:03:42 So you can be excited
00:03:44 So now I like it there
00:03:46 Free me
00:03:50 Rifqi Alam
00:03:52 Why did you decide to become a soccer player?
00:03:54 Why did you decide to become a soccer player?
00:03:56 Why?
00:03:58 I've always wanted to be a soccer player
00:04:00 Why?
00:04:02 But I can't
00:04:04 Why?
00:04:06 It's okay, I think it's cool
00:04:08 But you never practice soccer
00:04:10 How can I practice?
00:04:12 I'm just kidding
00:04:14 Just kidding
00:04:16 How?
00:04:18 Rifqi, why did you decide to become a soccer player?
00:04:20 Actually, I used to
00:04:22 Join the soccer club
00:04:24 I've always wanted to be a soccer player
00:04:26 But on the way
00:04:28 I was offered
00:04:30 To cast for some commercials
00:04:32 At the beginning
00:04:34 I was still 17 or 18
00:04:36 Until I joined
00:04:38 Because I didn't get a soccer club
00:04:40 So I was a shooting agent
00:04:42 At the beginning
00:04:44 I was a shooting agent
00:04:46 For 2 or 3 years
00:04:48 Then I got a club, Liga Indonesia
00:04:50 At Persiba Balikpapan
00:04:52 In 2008
00:04:54 2008-2009
00:04:56 Because
00:04:58 I wanted to do something
00:05:00 I left
00:05:02 The entertainment I've been doing
00:05:04 For 3 years
00:05:06 I was a shooting agent for Primus, Anja
00:05:08 Sinetron
00:05:10 I left it
00:05:12 Because I decided to be a soccer player
00:05:14 I joined the SSB and others
00:05:16 So I was a soccer agent
00:05:18 For 5 seasons, 5 years
00:05:20 There were 4 clubs
00:05:22 Persiba Balikpapan
00:05:24 Persika Bobogor
00:05:26 PSIM Jogja and Sriwijaya FC Palembang
00:05:28 So for 5 years, I moved clubs
00:05:32 In Indonesia, the contract
00:05:34 For a player is
00:05:36 1 year
00:05:38 Whether it's extended or not, we move the club
00:05:40 The last time I played soccer
00:05:44 In the professional league was in 2014
00:05:46 Why I decided to quit
00:05:48 Because at that time
00:05:50 There was
00:05:52 A dispute?
00:05:56 Why a dispute?
00:05:58 There was a dualism in Liga Indonesia
00:06:00 And some players didn't get their salary
00:06:02 At that time, you didn't get your salary?
00:06:04 Why didn't you call me?
00:06:06 You're a bad person
00:06:10 He's getting angry
00:06:12 You didn't get your salary?
00:06:14 But now you got it, right?
00:06:16 No, it's not over yet
00:06:18 Until now?
00:06:20 How many months?
00:06:22 2 digits, 1 digit
00:06:24 So 5 months, total 10 months
00:06:26 The rest of 5 months
00:06:28 When we finish, we only get 1 salary
00:06:30 And we consider it as a bonus
00:06:32 So, you got 4 months?
00:06:34 Yes
00:06:36 What's the nominal amount?
00:06:38 2 cars, 3 cars, 4 cars
00:06:40 No, the nominal amount is
00:06:42 Around 90-100 million
00:06:44 But it's not bad
00:06:46 At the time of
00:06:48 The agreement
00:06:50 There's a contract
00:06:52 But they said
00:06:54 The club can't pay the salary
00:06:56 So, they only pay 1 month
00:06:58 There's a statement like that?
00:07:00 They can't do it
00:07:02 But I still demand the right
00:07:04 Because it's in accordance with the contract
00:07:06 Yes, in accordance with the contract
00:07:08 Until it can't be settled
00:07:10 And our PSSI was blacklisted by FIFA
00:07:12 Because of many cases like that
00:07:14 For 2 years, Indonesia League was suspended
00:07:18 Poor you, it means the football players
00:07:20 But now, thank God
00:07:22 Indonesian football players are good
00:07:24 PSSI, let's go back!
00:07:26 Let's go back!
00:07:28 Do you still want to be an artist?
00:07:30 Or just an artist?
00:07:32 I think I should
00:07:34 Stop playing football
00:07:36 So, you stop playing football
00:07:38 And become an artist?
00:07:40 I mean, I want to try to work in the entertainment world
00:07:42 Why? Is it more profitable?
00:07:44 Is the money bigger?
00:07:46 More promising?
00:07:50 The responsibility is bigger
00:07:52 Because we're tired
00:07:54 Every morning and evening, we have to practice
00:07:56 Why? Do you want to eat padang?
00:07:58 So, you practice physical training, not football?
00:08:02 Not yet, we're in a competition
00:08:04 To get a place to play
00:08:06 Entertainment is more important
00:08:08 Yes, entertainment
00:08:10 We can create, like me
00:08:12 I make a content, shooting
00:08:14 It's far from your family
00:08:16 If the club is in the area, you have to move
00:08:18 It's far from your family
00:08:20 That's right, that's why me and Keren
00:08:22 Stop playing football, we're in a competition
00:08:24 I'm a master
00:08:26 He's a master
00:08:28 We want to show you
00:08:30 This is Ripky Alhamsi
00:08:32 He's an athlete
00:08:34 And he's a great actor
00:08:36 Invite your wife and kids to fight
00:08:38 Ripky Alhamsi
00:08:40 I'm a wife and my kids go everywhere
00:08:42 Riding a motorcycle
00:08:44 Riding a motorcycle, but the fight is from zero
00:08:46 How?
00:08:48 You can't copy that
00:08:50 So, when I decided
00:08:52 To stop playing football
00:08:54 I needed time to go back to the entertainment world
00:08:56 And I started everything
00:08:58 Because I didn't get paid
00:09:00 So I have to survive
00:09:02 I sold my car
00:09:04 I only have a motorcycle
00:09:06 To make a living
00:09:08 How many kids do you have?
00:09:10 Two
00:09:12 So, we're four
00:09:14 I remember riding a motorcycle
00:09:16 The kids were still small
00:09:18 They asked, why did we stop?
00:09:20 Why didn't we use a car?
00:09:22 Because we didn't have a car
00:09:24 It was raining
00:09:26 We had to stop
00:09:28 That's what I felt
00:09:30 How can I survive?
00:09:32 I need a car
00:09:34 So, that one sentence
00:09:36 Made me feel so sad
00:09:38 Poor you
00:09:40 If you met me
00:09:42 I helped you
00:09:44 I sang
00:09:46 I went out of town
00:09:48 I got money to buy a car
00:09:50 King, you're still choosing
00:09:52 Why did you become a bachelor?
00:09:54 But, I'm curious
00:09:58 When the kids said that
00:10:00 What was your thought?
00:10:02 I tried my best
00:10:04 How can I
00:10:06 Try to have a car
00:10:08 From there, I started to do screen test
00:10:10 I went to the police station
00:10:12 Casting again
00:10:14 You played a movie with me
00:10:16 Is it finished?
00:10:18 Yes
00:10:20 We're doing a stripping
00:10:22 Alhamdulillah
00:10:24 Now, you're back
00:10:26 You're a famous actress
00:10:28 You often played a fierce husband
00:10:30 But, what did you do
00:10:34 When you decided to return to the entertainment world
00:10:36 From Nostal
00:10:38 What did you do?
00:10:40 Did you support her?
00:10:42 She supported me
00:10:44 She supported me
00:10:46 Whatever it is
00:10:48 She supported me
00:10:50 We'll show you this one
00:10:52 Successful husband
00:10:54 To his wife
00:10:56 Riffki Alhapsi
00:10:58 Scared to return to the entertainment world
00:11:00 But, her face is not fierce
00:11:02 Her face is not antagonistic
00:11:04 All of them are like that
00:11:06 How about your face?
00:11:08 How about your face?
00:11:10 Close up
00:11:12 The point is, his wife didn't return
00:11:14 She's always at her neighbor's house
00:11:16 His wife didn't return
00:11:18 She's always angry
00:11:20 His wife didn't return
00:11:22 Her face is like that
00:11:24 I'll go to the police station
00:11:26 Let's go
00:11:28 She didn't return
00:11:32 Action
00:11:36 How many times I've told you
00:11:38 Why didn't you return?
00:11:40 Your wife
00:11:42 I want to go home
00:11:44 Give me enough money
00:11:46 You always talk about money
00:11:48 But, you never listen to me
00:11:50 I'm tired
00:11:54 I'm tired of living a hard life
00:11:56 I want to be happy like my other friends
00:11:58 I understand your feeling
00:12:02 But, I don't want your parents to be involved in this
00:12:04 Enough
00:12:06 Excuse me, sir
00:12:08 I'm tired
00:12:10 If I'm like that,
00:12:12 I'll be the one who's in trouble
00:12:14 Yes
00:12:16 Wow
00:12:18 But,
00:12:20 You got a tough opponent
00:12:22 Yes
00:12:24 It's good
00:12:26 You got a tough husband
00:12:28 Let's make this a series
00:12:30 It's funny
00:12:32 But, if it's a series
00:12:34 If you're at home, your wife protest
00:12:36 If you're at home, you'll be like that
00:12:38 I was like that when I was in a movie
00:12:40 Where did you act in a movie?
00:12:42 What movie?
00:12:44 The one in the grave
00:12:46 You don't believe me?
00:12:48 I'm telling you
00:12:50 Someone offered me to act in a movie
00:12:52 Someone offered me through DM
00:12:54 I opened it
00:12:56 But, it was a lie
00:12:58 I was happy
00:13:02 I told my friends that I was offered a movie
00:13:04 Are you tired of being an antagonist?
00:13:06 I'm tired
00:13:10 Because, I need energy
00:13:12 I need
00:13:14 Effort
00:13:16 Emotion
00:13:18 Sometimes, the dialogue is long
00:13:20 I can't be decisive
00:13:22 You need to memorize it
00:13:24 When I'm in the frame, I need to be someone else
00:13:26 Who's the main character?
00:13:28 I need to know more about the character
00:13:30 How's the character?
00:13:32 For example, Broken Home
00:13:34 He was a bad guy
00:13:36 He didn't care about his wife
00:13:38 He was a bad guy
00:13:40 Until he got karma
00:13:42 But, you can't choose the character
00:13:44 But, if you're asked
00:13:46 If you're comfortable
00:13:48 You can't choose
00:13:50 You can do everything
00:13:52 But, where's the comfort?
00:13:54 If you can choose
00:13:56 I prefer the main character
00:13:58 I prefer the main character
00:14:00 Because, he's a good guy
00:14:02 He's calm
00:14:04 He loves the people
00:14:06 But, if you're an antagonist
00:14:08 You need to be
00:14:10 You need to be tensed
00:14:12 You need to be emotional
00:14:14 If you're an antagonist
00:14:16 You're a bad husband
00:14:18 You're an outsider
00:14:20 You're a bully
00:14:22 You're a bully
00:14:24 That's very common
00:14:26 So, where's the bad guy?
00:14:28 We have an off-air
00:14:30 Invitation
00:14:32 Exhibition
00:14:34 Sometimes, we have an exhibition in the city
00:14:36 You're a bad guy
00:14:38 You're a bad husband
00:14:40 You're a bad husband
00:14:42 That's good
00:14:44 That means, the character is successful
00:14:46 The audience
00:14:48 When he's in the city
00:14:50 He's shouted
00:14:52 He's shouted
00:14:54 That's it
00:14:56 That's the bad guy
00:14:58 When I'm in the city
00:15:00 He's handsome, but he's a bad guy
00:15:02 That means
00:15:06 He's a bad husband
00:15:08 He's a bad husband
00:15:10 He's a bad husband
00:15:12 He's a bad husband
00:15:14 We want to show you
00:15:16 This is Rimpi Alhamz
00:15:18 Who often make a content with his wife
00:15:20 What's a bad guy?
00:15:22 I'm not the same. I found a stranger calling out my name. I have a feeling you would be
00:15:40 proud. And he's gonna leave me now. But he's not you. He's not you. He will never be you.
00:16:01 Oh
00:16:03 Oh
00:16:05 Oh
00:16:07 Hey, how are you? Saki? Bang? Jangan di waka push this much some boonya llama di waka doctor. Jangan bow a katakommas
00:16:14 Believe in do a program boy. Oh, yeah, I can eat a mouse and bang bang read up
00:16:21 Oh
00:16:23 Yeah
00:16:25 Oh
00:16:27 Yeah
00:16:29 The video is a bit of a review. I'll be keeping contact. I'll be good. Oh, uh, I'll go some my street. I don't think I'm over all those catalytic post
00:16:37 Apa video video get to God get any similar a bag and a netizen you got?
00:16:40 Is there a photo or an echo? We said he belong to my dear. I think I did a lady send me a man happy to do this. I'll tell you. I'll go bingo
00:16:49 Look, I'll see. He knew a new tune. I'm gonna stand in your cooking video
00:16:54 Yeah, I'm just a cat. I want a woman. I'm young. I'm young. I'm a young person. I ran yet to haku it'll be something he bored again. I'll write a key to me
00:17:02 But it has a brand that is in key time. I'm so kind and I'll have a hall. I'll yell at you and me more
00:17:07 I have to pick it up. I'm a mystery to you. Do you think in continue?
00:17:10 That'll be in begin content. I do not I do to young content are the gun young cocoa mass it to a cool ID. This at the
00:17:16 Sadhu da era cool ID undone even running
00:17:19 Dima kasar darima kasar it to non-jump. Mm-hmm. This ain't Kang Wajo. No, but then watch you not Russia. I'm Punia in the young woman
00:17:27 You need to come as so I'm cooking Kieran begin content is it to them and I'm gonna end or so I do to into bikini in contend on mass
00:17:34 I'll play a call. I believe must get to get a baby. I say yeah, yeah, I'm cooking Kiran and to begin
00:17:40 History to see my color because he do it at all must look at your symbol
00:17:44 Asania
00:17:46 Is the first because she must have a good idea. I'm gonna make one jam. I'm equal. I say, yeah, cool
00:17:52 Yeah, I'm gonna wear a bed a summer. Come on. I think must be a mass. I mean
00:17:57 I'm sitting on my heart. I'm a mass harta copy. Mass joke. Mass. Yeah, I'm a mass Rian Ibrahim
00:18:07 Coco, maybe Tom was a young man. I'm a netizen. Yeah, but content content company to the history
00:18:14 Here's a little of a man but I mean to Bali did you come out in your lap? I got there Bali. Come on, but by yeah
00:18:20 young fun and pass a gender if you are happy oh
00:18:23 That's it. Yeah
00:18:26 Comment on the good job. Hey, but I look up a man total baggage in contend. Yeah, but I'm an Indian man
00:18:33 Jemma's I can do a neck muka antagonistic and the bang man about
00:18:43 I was about to mark this in the sample. But I can't go to the casino. Marry me
00:18:48 Kiara
00:18:53 It'll give my nut to the company I did in it is it yeah, I could you got a little power see my chocolate banana netizen
00:19:03 You think I'm gonna Emma who pain in society and I got a bit of a slum aini memeran can't open antagonist
00:19:09 The FTV to come to the string bonget get along with me. Jahat. Did he open in the social media to a co-branding?
00:19:16 Yeah, comedy. I think we're banding terbali swami takut is three
00:19:20 comedy and a good way to a car. I'll come running Katie did Salas at the station TV truth. Young in a panama antagonist to the Biasa
00:19:29 Did you make a kayak me?
00:19:33 Masa Swami Makanya Swami Swami Takut is three can aslinya the TV doangan galak. Did you get a little busy? I knew you?
00:19:40 Come on, I'm a CC. Lion. You can take a pass. He'll be a CC. Lion. There's already a lot see I turned out a collection young guy my mind my see my
00:19:48 Line, I'm gonna be Jahat
00:19:53 Ricky a lot of you know how we collect the motor and
00:19:57 It's about a mocha scene it's a deep I get back to my head like a beauty treatment in the joke Johnny. Yeah, we're young job next photo
00:20:04 Yeah, I'm a little bit of a new album. He got a young man. I think I want to talk about more than a kidney. I was Nikki
00:20:11 my motor I need a
00:20:14 Mario a tennis
00:20:22 Ricky, yeah, but I'm not a smoker. I'm a my my my good ski my motor some women I'm a motor people young Saturdays Vespa
00:20:29 So boy, yeah, oh, so money. I'm a kid. Yeah, I'm a suka Vespa
00:20:32 Karna Vespa a turtama young classic. Yeah, that's my classic. I'm turning out a no hanya juman what a lot of transportation. I've been invested
00:20:40 Can I get my team night? I'll be there. My mom young to a to a invest as a boy kid. I do it with my mom. I invest as
00:20:48 a
00:20:50 Investor see that. Oh, yeah, you're doing to a kid. I'm a good dog
00:20:55 Ricky berati color. Come on, Scott motor Vespa to come on the summer. Oh, boy. So, Kaku para pakae dulu
00:21:04 Pernachobain motor mo gaye juga. Cuman color. Deja karta ini
00:21:09 It'll match a trust panas. Yeah, I can be a local. Yeah, I need an
00:21:14 Easy simple. Yeah, I'll and I'll am Kota macha macha. It's gonna make a lot of fun. That's one of a pop up
00:21:19 I'm not a masala. Chloe knee. We're actually at the ator. Yeah, I got young. I'm a mind and a big old rift. Yeah, I see
00:21:24 Harder collection motorist. We've got a chance to pay for the one in garages and you taru pia
00:21:30 So much in classic so much in a loop do a better program. I thought I would only a problem in water water
00:21:37 - You're an old man, you must be a bit old. - I never do.
00:21:43 - No. - Who's bike is this?
00:21:46 - I don't know. - You never know.
00:21:48 This is a combination of national movement of Asu people.
00:21:51 Buy a bike.
00:21:56 I don't understand, where is the direction?
00:21:59 - I don't understand the direction. - I'm sorry, Ricky.
00:22:02 How much is the most expensive bike you have?
00:22:07 - How much can you buy? - Around Rp. 95.000-Rp. 100.000.
00:22:12 But your wife never complain, right?
00:22:14 You have 5 bikes and you buy the most expensive one.
00:22:17 At first, she complained.
00:22:19 But when I sold them and I got 30-40% profit,
00:22:23 she agreed.
00:22:25 - So it's an investment? - Yes.
00:22:27 I don't collect all of them.
00:22:31 Sometimes, I have a friend who likes a bike,
00:22:35 and he said, "I'll buy this one."
00:22:38 - I have a new bike. - Which one?
00:22:40 - The motorbike. - Oh, the motorbike.
00:22:42 But a classic bike like that is not a luxury, right?
00:22:44 I mean, is the engine still good?
00:22:46 Because now, there are more spare parts.
00:22:49 There are more mechanics.
00:22:51 It was hard before because there were no mechanics and spare parts.
00:22:54 Now, there are so many spare parts.
00:22:56 If there are spare parts, I'll sell all of them.
00:22:59 - Who will you sell all of them to? - Four.
00:23:02 You're not like that.
00:23:04 You have one ex, two ex, three ex, and a candidate.
00:23:07 - You still have one. - What?
00:23:09 - I'm sorry. I'm not like that. - You have four.
00:23:11 - Why do you have four? - I like my son, Gabriel.
00:23:14 - But... - Why, Gabriel?
00:23:16 Gabriel is so big.
00:23:18 - You have four. - Why do you have four?
00:23:22 But for Rifki Alhamsi,
00:23:24 now that you're a driver in the entertainment world,
00:23:27 you're an actor. We pray for you.
00:23:29 - Amen. - May you have more blessings.
00:23:31 Not only more collections,
00:23:33 but also more blessings.
00:23:35 - More children. - Amen.
00:23:37 Amen.
00:23:38 Everything can be accepted.
00:23:40 But for those who are out there,
00:23:42 if you want something to be accepted,
00:23:44 we have to have strong minds.
00:23:46 What we believe in, we have to believe in it.
00:23:48 And we try. But talking about mind,
00:23:50 we will present a mentalist duo.
00:23:52 This is a couple who can talk to animals.
00:23:57 They can talk to animals.
00:24:00 - What animals? - Cats and chickens.
00:24:02 There are many cats and chickens in Jakarta.
00:24:04 We will present them.
00:24:06 Romy Raffael and Uri Raffael.
00:24:09 Hello.
00:24:12 Hello.
00:24:13 We're all here to say thank you.
00:24:30 Thank you.
00:24:31 Thank you for coming here.
00:24:34 We can talk to animals as an animal communicator.
00:24:38 Whatever they want to talk to animals,
00:24:40 they can do it in Pagi Pagi Ambiar.
00:24:42 Thank you.
00:24:44 (Pagi Pagi Ambiar)
00:24:46 (Pagi Pagi Ambiar)
00:24:48 (Pagi Pagi Ambiar)
00:24:50 (Pagi Pagi Ambiar)
00:24:52 (Pagi Pagi Ambiar)
00:24:54 (Pagi Pagi Ambiar)
00:24:56 (Pagi Pagi Ambiar)
00:24:58 (Pagi Pagi Ambiar)
00:25:00 (Pagi Pagi Ambiar)
00:25:02 (Pagi Pagi Ambiar)
00:25:04 It's complicated and hard to do shopping.
00:25:07 Use Probaby cleanser powder.
00:25:09 Just take a shower, pour, shake, and wash.
00:25:12 Only 40 rupiahs per wash.
00:25:14 Easy to bring, easy to pay.
00:25:17 Only 6,900 rupiahs at Alphamart.
00:25:19 Pagi, wake up.
00:25:21 There's something that can make them wake up.
00:25:24 Nutella.
00:25:25 With hazelnut and chocolate.
00:25:28 Unique and delicious.
00:25:30 Perfect for bread.
00:25:32 Nutella. Start your day with happiness.
00:25:34 It's beautiful.
00:25:36 Must be extra bestie.
00:25:37 It's also extra gorgeous.
00:25:39 Don't be confused.
00:25:40 There's Extra Volume Salsa with Active Infusion.
00:25:43 Make your hair five times stronger, stay healthy, and extra shiny.
00:25:46 Extra Volume Salsa, extra shiny, extra fabulous.
00:25:49 Enjoy the delicious taste of the tea.
00:25:52 The thirst is gone.
00:25:54 What else to eat spicy?
00:25:57 The freshness makes you feel fresh.
00:25:59 Only tea Pucuk Harum from Pucuk Tea Pilihan.
00:26:02 Tea Pucuk Harum.
00:26:04 It's complicated and hard to do shopping.
00:26:07 Use Probaby cleanser powder.
00:26:09 Just use TKC.
00:26:10 Pour, shake, wash.
00:26:12 Only 40 pieces, wash once.
00:26:14 Easy to bring, easy to pay.
00:26:17 Only 6,900 at Alphamart.
00:26:19 Hey, don't forget.
00:26:24 Friday, 15th December 2023.
00:26:27 Watch Festa Ulang Tahun Transmedia 22.
00:26:30 Power up!
00:26:32 Pollution and blue light make your skin dull.
00:26:37 World Ultimate Bright Solution.
00:26:39 Double Serum Vitamin C and Niacinamide.
00:26:41 Brighten and prevent hyperpigmentation.
00:26:43 Moisturizer, serum key nutrition.
00:26:46 Ultimate Bright Skin Now.
00:26:48 Galon Le Mineral 100% Free of PPA.
00:26:52 Safe for children and family.
00:26:54 Galon Free PPA, clear and transparent.
00:26:57 Signed by the icon on the third corner, number one.
00:27:00 Galon Le Mineral.
00:27:02 For the health of the family.
00:27:04 Clean, no wrinkles, no acne.
00:27:08 You need Fix Formula 4 Bat.
00:27:10 Lightly warm the face.
00:27:12 Clear, no wrinkles, no acne.
00:27:15 Fix Formula 4 Bat.
00:27:17 Four steps, relax.
00:27:19 Want to be as cute as them?
00:27:23 Support the free lunch and milk program.
00:27:27 For Indonesian children, with PAN.
00:27:31 PAN.
00:27:34 Stay healthy.
00:27:40 Make sure purity accompanies you.
00:27:44 Drink one can of Bear Brand every day.
00:27:47 Bear Brand, feel the purity.
00:27:49 This year's Hot Transmedia is guaranteed to be even more magnificent.
00:27:56 Why?
00:27:57 Yes, of course, because there is me who is more beautiful for all of you.
00:28:00 Let's celebrate Transmedia's birthday together.
00:28:04 Le Mineral is really different.
00:28:07 Smoother, fresher.
00:28:08 Le Mineral is different.
00:28:10 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body.
00:28:14 And also make the water taste fresher.
00:28:17 And lighter.
00:28:18 Le Mineral.
00:28:19 Are you sure you've washed your face?
00:28:21 Use the number one water mist from Garnier.
00:28:24 With a mist like a magnet,
00:28:26 99% makeup, even the dirt that is not visible, is removed.
00:28:30 Stay soft without feeling drawn.
00:28:32 Use the water mist from Garnier.
00:28:34 Still chubby.
00:28:36 What should I do?
00:28:37 Use the new Pantene.
00:28:39 Formula with micro-pro-vitamin that absorbs.
00:28:41 Stronger hair from the inside.
00:28:43 Up to 10 times stronger.
00:28:45 Against chubby.
00:28:47 New Pantene.
00:28:49 New Citra Body Serum.
00:28:52 Natural fermented rice with niacinamide and hyaluronic acid.
00:28:56 Brightening.
00:28:59 For a glowing skin.
00:29:02 Citra Body Serum.
00:29:03 As effective as facial treatment.
00:29:04 Are you sure you've washed your face?
00:29:06 Use the number one water mist from Garnier.
00:29:09 With a mist like a magnet,
00:29:11 99% makeup, even the dirt that is not visible, is removed.
00:29:15 Stay soft without feeling drawn.
00:29:17 Use the water mist from Garnier.
00:29:20 Attention!
00:29:21 Buy Better, can be free, better again.
00:29:24 Yay, I got better again.
00:29:28 I want to exchange.
00:29:29 I want to exchange.
00:29:30 Who can get it?
00:29:32 Make a purchase, can be free, better again.
00:29:34 Ketchup Sedap Kedelai Hitam Special 200 ml,
00:29:37 price down to 8,500.
00:29:40 There is a return, more economical.
00:29:42 Ketchup Sedap Kedelai Hitam Special 200 ml,
00:29:45 price down to 8,500.
00:29:47 Enough for cooking for a week.
00:29:49 The weather makes me sick.
00:29:52 Be grateful.
00:29:53 Viruses everywhere.
00:29:54 Be grateful.
00:29:55 Give milk 7 dates.
00:29:57 The goodness of sterile milk and dates,
00:29:59 become one.
00:30:00 Give sterile milk 7 dates.
00:30:02 God willing, double the benefits.
00:30:04 I used detergent powder before.
00:30:07 So even though the clothes are clean,
00:30:08 but my hands are rough.
00:30:09 No, I don't want it.
00:30:10 Detergent is made from plants,
00:30:12 then international certification.
00:30:14 Clean, fragrant,
00:30:16 and still soft.
00:30:17 Just move to Gentle J.
00:30:19 I think all mineral water is the same.
00:30:21 Mineral milk is different.
00:30:23 Mineral milk is different.
00:30:25 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals,
00:30:28 which is important for the body,
00:30:29 and also makes the water taste fresher.
00:30:32 The freshness.
00:30:33 Mineral milk.
00:30:34 Hey, don't forget.
00:30:39 Friday, December 15, 2023.
00:30:42 Watch the Transmedia 22 birthday party.
00:30:45 Power up!
00:30:46 Stay in good condition.
00:30:55 Make sure purity accompanies you.
00:30:58 Drink one can of Bear Brand every day.
00:31:01 Bear Brand.
00:31:02 Taste its purity.
00:31:04 Not tasty.
00:31:06 Yes, like there is a sweet taste.
00:31:09 Mineral milk is different.
00:31:11 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals,
00:31:14 which is important for the body,
00:31:16 and also makes the water taste fresher.
00:31:18 Mineral milk.
00:31:19 Wow, it's so cool.
00:31:22 It's so hot, but you still look cool.
00:31:24 I drink it with a cool taste.
00:31:26 The coolness makes it fun.
00:31:27 Just juice with a cool taste.
00:31:29 The granules dissolve immediately.
00:31:31 The sweet taste of the coolness is soft in the mouth.
00:31:34 So good.
00:31:35 The coolness is so cool.
00:31:37 Taste the coolness of the coolness.
00:31:43 Just juice with a cool taste.
00:31:45 The coolness is so cool.
00:31:47 The coolness makes it fun.
00:31:48 From Wingsful.
00:31:49 Indomie Hai Babis, which is hot.
00:31:52 The hot soup on the side is literally viral.
00:31:55 Crunchy, wide, chewy.
00:31:58 The hot, crispy, and crispy.
00:32:00 Indomie Hot Jeletot, which is hot.
00:32:03 The hot is viral.
00:32:04 Something sweet to chill with friends.
00:32:06 Fresh and natural dessert selection.
00:32:08 Spray cologne and body wash.
00:32:09 Pink cupcake smells so sweet and cheerful.
00:32:11 The foam is so fluffy and fresh.
00:32:14 Indulge yourself with fresh and natural dessert collection.
00:32:17 Be sweet, be you.
00:32:18 Wingscare.
00:32:19 Meria Bareng Mega 2023 is here with the winners.
00:32:23 Bank Mega invites the winners to Hong Kong and Macau.
00:32:27 I was so surprised.
00:32:29 Because I've never won in my life.
00:32:31 Surprise.
00:32:32 It's my first time going to Hong Kong and Macau.
00:32:35 I can have a holiday together.
00:32:36 It feels like a honeymoon again.
00:32:38 So save at Bank Mega.
00:32:40 Get the prizes around the world.
00:32:42 Choose your destination.
00:32:44 Only Bank Mega can make you smile.
00:32:47 Don't forget to watch me, Tiara Andini,
00:32:55 on Hotransmedia 22 Power Up,
00:32:58 Friday, 15th December.
00:33:00 Galon Le Mineral, 100% free of BPA.
00:33:07 Safe for children and family.
00:33:09 The color of the galon is transparent.
00:33:12 It's the first 3-way icon.
00:33:15 Galon Le Mineral, for your family's health.
00:33:19 New Soft Sauce Set.
00:33:21 Buy 3 get 1 free.
00:33:23 Soft in the hand.
00:33:25 Tested by dermatologist.
00:33:26 Proved.
00:33:27 The flowers dipped in the Soft Sauce are still fresh.
00:33:29 Soft Sauce makes your hands so soft.
00:33:32 Buy 3 get 1 free.
00:33:34 Wingscare.
00:33:35 I think all mineral water is the same.
00:33:37 Le Mineral is different.
00:33:38 Every drop contains balanced essential minerals,
00:33:41 which are important for the body.
00:33:43 And also makes the water taste fresher.
00:33:45 So fresh.
00:33:46 Le Mineral.
00:33:47 Adek.
00:33:49 Good.
00:33:52 For whom?
00:33:53 For my mom.
00:33:55 Let's drink milk first.
00:33:56 Great, Bebelak.
00:33:57 Contains Phosgos, which is high in glycine,
00:33:59 and AAA with higher DHA.
00:34:01 Support good entertainment,
00:34:03 creative mind and big heart.
00:34:05 Happy birthday.
00:34:06 Hey, I don't have a birthday.
00:34:08 Why do you have to wait for your birthday?
00:34:10 Pan, give me a present anytime.
00:34:13 Bebelak, the beginning of all wonders.
00:34:16 I want to encourage them to support the free lunch and milk program
00:34:24 for Indonesian children with Pan.
00:34:28 Prabowo Gibran.
00:34:30 Pan.
00:34:32 Prabowo Gibran.
00:34:33 Priyazan.
00:34:34 I believe in wisdom and natural miracles.
00:34:38 I come from the chosen mountains,
00:34:41 not a place that is easily polluted.
00:34:43 I was swept away by layers of rock without any recycling.
00:34:48 I contain natural minerals without any harmful additives.
00:34:53 So I feel cold without being cooled.
00:34:59 Explain, if the water is not pure,
00:35:02 aqua is 100% pure.
00:35:04 Happy birthday, Ambiar.
00:35:16 Happy birthday, Ambiar.
00:35:21 Happy birthday, Ambiar.
00:35:23 We have good news from the big family.
00:35:25 This morning, Ambiar, our family, our team, Nanan, alias Nandira,
00:35:29 who likes to give us money,
00:35:31 was finally given a baby.
00:35:35 Today is Nanan's birthday.
00:35:37 Nanan, happy birthday.
00:35:40 You're the best.
00:35:41 We're so happy.
00:35:42 That's what's in your stomach all this time.
00:35:44 Who's that? Why are you two together?
00:35:47 That's her husband.
00:35:48 Who do you think?
00:35:51 Nanan, this is a post from Iban Gunawan.
00:35:53 "Igun, post from a mother who gave birth to a baby."
00:35:56 Nanan and also Abbi's father.
00:35:58 They've been having a baby since they got married.
00:36:01 From the moment they got married until they got pregnant.
00:36:05 They're happy.
00:36:07 Thank God, Nanan.
00:36:08 We'll invite the baby here when it's a week old.
00:36:10 Nanan, happy birthday.
00:36:14 The baby is healthy.
00:36:15 Nanan is healthy.
00:36:16 Happy birthday to Nanan, Abbi, and also our family.
00:36:18 We're happy.
00:36:19 The baby is healthy.
00:36:21 As usual, our guests...
00:36:26 are a duo of mentalist.
00:36:28 They'll play something here.
00:36:31 But first, we'll show you...
00:36:33 what's in a person.
00:36:35 Romy Raffael.
00:36:37 Ladies and gentlemen.
00:36:47 Who doesn't know the Indonesian duo of mentalist?
00:36:51 Romy Raffael and Uri Raffael.
00:36:54 The couple...
00:36:56 has no advantage anymore.
00:36:58 In various kinds of experiment and intuition.
00:37:01 Recently, Romy Raffael and Uri Raffael...
00:37:05 are active in making content through their YouTube channel.
00:37:08 They can even communicate with animals.
00:37:11 Oh, my God.
00:37:13 Let's see.
00:37:15 Now, please close your eyes.
00:37:18 Feel that you can communicate with the fox.
00:37:21 Oh, yes.
00:37:22 Then, ask the question...
00:37:24 that bothers your mind lately.
00:37:28 The answer is...
00:37:37 according to my feeling and intuition,
00:37:42 you should prepare both of them.
00:37:46 Because here...
00:37:49 it's related to money and business.
00:37:53 And before leaving the old business,
00:37:57 you should prepare the new business.
00:38:01 So, if you focus on both of them,
00:38:04 they can work.
00:38:06 So, you'll have more advantages.
00:38:09 You'll have more profits.
00:38:11 Without leaving the old job or profession.
00:38:15 And so, you'll have more and better business.
00:38:18 Is that right?
00:38:20 That's right.
00:38:21 That's right?
00:38:22 That's right.
00:38:23 That's what I feel.
00:38:25 Wow. Amazing.
00:38:26 Right?
00:38:27 Yes, right.
00:38:28 How come?
00:38:33 Are you curious?
00:38:35 Is there any intuition of your friend with pets at home?
00:38:39 Let's ask in Pagi-pagi Ambiar.
00:38:42 Ge-ger...
00:38:44 Romy, Rafael, and Uri.
00:38:49 Rafael is now an animal communicator.
00:38:52 But, for all of you,
00:38:53 maybe some of you believe it or not.
00:38:55 But, for me, I believe it.
00:38:56 Because I have some cats that I've talked with.
00:38:59 And it's true...
00:39:00 what the animal communicator said.
00:39:03 That's the fact.
00:39:05 But, I want to ask.
00:39:07 Can we talk to animals?
00:39:10 For example, can we talk to a rat?
00:39:12 But, I want to revise it first.
00:39:16 Not to be an animal communicator now.
00:39:18 Not really.
00:39:19 Because, humans are living creatures.
00:39:21 They can't not communicate.
00:39:23 Even when they're silent, it's a form of communication.
00:39:26 Animals, plants, especially humans.
00:39:29 Because, even when we're silent, we're communicating something.
00:39:32 That's right.
00:39:33 So, with all animals, any species can do it?
00:39:35 Anything.
00:39:36 So, the stronger our connection with the animal,
00:39:39 the stronger the communication.
00:39:41 Can we talk to an anaconda?
00:39:42 If it's strong, yes.
00:39:44 It depends on the intuition.
00:39:46 If it's strong, yes.
00:39:47 If an anaconda is strong, is our candidate strong?
00:39:49 If it's an anaconda, it's done before we talk.
00:39:55 Where did you learn to sharpen your intuition...
00:40:00 so that you can talk...
00:40:02 to know the heart of the animal?
00:40:04 First, you have to like the animal.
00:40:06 We're both cat lovers.
00:40:09 Like a cat.
00:40:10 Some people are dog lovers.
00:40:12 Some people are cat lovers.
00:40:13 Some people like reptiles.
00:40:14 First, you have to like the animal.
00:40:16 Second, you have to find a compatible animal.
00:40:19 I have six cats.
00:40:20 We have six cats.
00:40:21 All kinds of cats.
00:40:22 But, there's one that connects with me.
00:40:24 Like that.
00:40:26 What's the example?
00:40:27 The intuition that he conveys to the anaconda or the anaconda.
00:40:32 My wife told me that.
00:40:33 Because of my experience with the tortoise.
00:40:35 We had a tortoise.
00:40:36 Oh, a tortoise.
00:40:37 It's a female, right?
00:40:38 Yes.
00:40:39 How did you talk to it?
00:40:40 From this size to the size of a helmet.
00:40:42 Oh, this is a turtle.
00:40:43 From this small to this big, to the size of a helmet.
00:40:46 And it died.
00:40:47 My wife is the one who connects.
00:40:49 How did you connect?
00:40:50 What did you talk about?
00:40:51 Connecting is through energy.
00:40:54 So, it's like instinct.
00:40:57 Turtles are not like cats.
00:41:00 For example, cats are meowing.
00:41:03 Turtles don't have a voice.
00:41:05 But, there's a voice.
00:41:07 Suddenly, there's a voice.
00:41:10 Like, "Nyiing".
00:41:12 Oh, the turtle's voice is like that?
00:41:14 Yes.
00:41:15 It's a sign that it's sick.
00:41:17 It's sick because of the anaconda.
00:41:19 Even though we're busy.
00:41:20 We feed it.
00:41:23 We feed it to the housekeeper.
00:41:27 To feed it.
00:41:29 Suddenly, when we're busy,
00:41:31 there's a connection.
00:41:32 The turtle is sick.
00:41:35 You often hear this sound.
00:41:38 Yes.
00:41:39 But, the housekeeper said,
00:41:42 "No, it doesn't make a sound. It's making a sound."
00:41:44 Then, we contacted the doctor.
00:41:46 The doctor said, "Yes, it's infected by a cockroach."
00:41:48 So, animals can be infected by cockroaches?
00:41:52 Yes.
00:41:53 Animals can be infected by cockroaches?
00:41:54 No.
00:41:55 It's not a cockroach.
00:41:56 It's sick.
00:41:57 In my house,
00:41:59 "Nyiing".
00:42:00 The token is gone.
00:42:01 Dewi is good.
00:42:06 She's an animal communicator.
00:42:08 The last one is the cat.
00:42:10 The cat asked for a motorcycle.
00:42:11 The cat bought it.
00:42:12 The cat asked for a motorcycle.
00:42:18 The cat bought it.
00:42:19 That's why.
00:42:20 She likes to pretend.
00:42:25 What do you remember the most?
00:42:27 Other than turtles,
00:42:28 what other animals have you talked to Uri Atonomi?
00:42:30 If it's higher, it's my wife.
00:42:33 What is it, Uri?
00:42:35 When we're in the forest,
00:42:36 do you remember?
00:42:37 When we stayed in a resort in Bogor,
00:42:39 there were forests in front and behind.
00:42:41 Yes.
00:42:42 My wife was disturbed.
00:42:44 I didn't hear anything.
00:42:46 So, animals can communicate.
00:42:48 And, the communication is like...
00:42:50 I think,
00:42:52 it's like a sound of a planet.
00:42:55 Like a sound of a forest?
00:42:58 Yes.
00:42:59 There's a sound of a frog.
00:43:00 There are many things.
00:43:01 I heard it a lot.
00:43:03 Maybe my intuition is sharpened by my husband.
00:43:07 So, it's very clear.
00:43:09 Oh, your intuition is sharpened.
00:43:11 We want to see.
00:43:12 There's a comment from Netizen about animal communicator.
00:43:15 Do you think animals try to communicate with us?
00:43:20 What do we have to learn?
00:43:22 We want to learn too.
00:43:24 What's the purpose of animal hypnotist?
00:43:26 We don't understand the communication with us.
00:43:29 Actually, if we ask the purpose,
00:43:35 we can find out what they want.
00:43:37 Or why they change.
00:43:40 Believe it or not, but I believe it.
00:43:43 Because they have soul.
00:43:45 Maybe they don't talk like us, Rian, Dewi, and...
00:43:48 Right.
00:43:50 They communicate with their mind.
00:43:54 With their sense of smell, body language, and voice.
00:43:59 But, do you ask for help from anyone?
00:44:02 Like, "Why do you come to me?"
00:44:04 I only like animals.
00:44:08 If I don't like animals, like a tortoise,
00:44:11 I don't have any voice.
00:44:13 But, my wife can hear it very well.
00:44:15 I have to connect with animals.
00:44:16 So, there's an emotional relationship if you like animals.
00:44:18 First, I have to like animals.
00:44:20 When I was in a pet exhibition,
00:44:24 there were reptiles, snakes, hamsters, and so on.
00:44:27 You played with cats.
00:44:28 Coincidentally, there was an animal.
00:44:30 I connected with it.
00:44:31 Can I ask the owner?
00:44:32 The owner held the animal.
00:44:34 He must have a secret that only you know.
00:44:37 Try it.
00:44:38 He connected to the animal.
00:44:40 He connected to the chicken, the cat.
00:44:43 Then, I held the cat.
00:44:45 I matched the vibration.
00:44:47 It's like I'm looking for a wifi signal and bluetooth.
00:44:49 Then, I just have to say it.
00:44:51 When there are cats,
00:44:54 if you're passing by,
00:44:55 if you want to walk,
00:44:56 you can see the cats.
00:44:57 There's a cat passing by.
00:45:00 Sometimes, when a cat barks,
00:45:02 I'll be here.
00:45:05 I'll go straight to the front.
00:45:06 I won't flush.
00:45:07 If it's wrong, don't flush.
00:45:08 I'll sniff it.
00:45:09 They'll say, "You like animals, you can flush it."
00:45:13 "You can't do that. It's cruel."
00:45:16 If you're not allowed to go to the toilet,
00:45:18 you have to pay for it.
00:45:19 That's the rule.
00:45:21 They're so nationalistic.
00:45:24 I'm also saying that they're bad parents.
00:45:26 But, for you,
00:45:27 this couple is a duomentalist.
00:45:30 They don't just know about playing,
00:45:33 about reading someone's mind,
00:45:35 about talking to someone's mind.
00:45:37 But, they also see some psychological events.
00:45:41 We'll see it later.
00:45:43 Being in a loss,
00:45:46 the most important thing is,
00:45:48 it's very meaningful.
00:45:49 Like, the loss of someone you love,
00:45:52 or a career that's gone,
00:45:54 or a property.
00:45:55 Or, when you have to face a bitter reality in your life.
00:46:01 FOMO or fear of missing out,
00:46:03 is a feeling that makes us feel like we're missing out.
00:46:06 And FOMO will trigger a sense of anxiety
00:46:09 and compulsive behavior in our mind.
00:46:12 This fear of missing out,
00:46:14 or FOMO,
00:46:16 will trigger a feeling that
00:46:18 other people are happier than us.
00:46:22 There are many psychological factors
00:46:24 that can make someone be bad,
00:46:27 or even be mean to others.
00:46:29 Even to people they don't know.
00:46:32 The first one is the internal factor.
00:46:34 This factor is based on their own self.
00:46:37 When their mental condition is unstable,
00:46:40 there's a mental disorder or a personality disorder that prevails.
00:46:44 And this factor often determines
00:46:47 whether someone can be mean to others or not.
00:46:51 So, we're discussing from the psychological side.
00:46:55 But, the question is,
00:46:56 does Romy Raphael or Udi Raphael
00:46:58 learn scientifically for example, psychology?
00:47:03 I've learned seriously about hypnotherapy
00:47:07 and neurolinguistic programming.
00:47:09 Oh, NLP.
00:47:10 Yes.
00:47:11 Up to the master level, hypnotherapy too.
00:47:14 But, actually, the learning process is endless.
00:47:16 If you want to follow it, it will continue to develop.
00:47:19 So, it's like a mango.
00:47:21 If you don't pick it, it's green.
00:47:23 Then it's ripe.
00:47:24 If you don't pick it, it's rotten.
00:47:27 It will fall.
00:47:28 So, if I say I'm ripe,
00:47:31 it will be rotten.
00:47:33 So, it's better to keep learning.
00:47:36 That's what I think.
00:47:37 If we're together, it's better.
00:47:38 Oh, you learn too.
00:47:39 Because the learning process is endless.
00:47:40 Especially if the neurolinguistic program, NLP,
00:47:43 can see if someone is lying or not.
00:47:45 From the back of the eye to the right, to the left.
00:47:47 Or, it creates a story to answer the question.
00:47:50 Yes, that's right.
00:47:51 Learn a little.
00:47:52 If we look at it like this,
00:47:54 if there's a guest star talking,
00:47:56 it means we know if we're communicating about that guest star.
00:47:59 It's easy. It's easy to see through the eyes.
00:48:01 If he's like this,
00:48:02 "Oh, it's a guest star."
00:48:03 We'll show you an article.
00:48:09 Please, take it from the psychological side.
00:48:12 What do you think of Romy Raphael?
00:48:14 Gita Debora is accused of cheating on the concert tickets.
00:48:19 Here's her modus.
00:48:20 She's a buyer of 5.1 billion.
00:48:24 She's still young.
00:48:26 She's 20 years old.
00:48:27 She's 20 years old and she's smart enough to cheat.
00:48:29 Okay, what do you think of Romy Raphael?
00:48:32 What can we see from the psychological side?
00:48:34 From which side, Rian?
00:48:36 You have to ask specifically.
00:48:38 So the answer won't be...
00:48:39 From the photo there,
00:48:41 but it's not a video. It's a photo.
00:48:43 From the perpetrator or the victim's side?
00:48:47 From the perpetrator's side.
00:48:48 From the perpetrator's side,
00:48:49 money only increases anything that's in someone's heart.
00:48:54 So, money, popularity.
00:48:55 If the result is good,
00:48:57 the more popular, the more money, the better.
00:48:59 That's it.
00:49:00 So, money only increases.
00:49:02 But with her age, she's so young, so smart,
00:49:05 taking such a big risk,
00:49:07 with such a big nominal amount of money,
00:49:11 what does she look like? She's still young.
00:49:13 As I said, it's not the money's fault.
00:49:16 It's not the money's fault.
00:49:17 Maybe the value that was once installed from her family.
00:49:21 Maybe from the intercourse.
00:49:24 Maybe from all kinds of things,
00:49:25 it eventually formed a motive,
00:49:27 and that's what happened.
00:49:29 Because money only increases.
00:49:31 Okay. So, the reason is from her background.
00:49:34 Right.
00:49:35 Including environmental factors,
00:49:37 lifestyle, and all kinds of things.
00:49:39 Yes. Like the umrah ticket.
00:49:41 Right?
00:49:42 All kinds of things.
00:49:43 All kinds of things.
00:49:44 It didn't happen.
00:49:45 The money was just taken.
00:49:47 So, it's not the industry.
00:49:49 It's not the money.
00:49:50 But again, it's the nature of the perpetrator.
00:49:53 One more thing.
00:49:54 There's a natural phenomenon that's viral on social media.
00:49:56 Our friend's phenomenon is that he often has surgery.
00:49:58 What do you think about that?
00:49:59 Natural phenomenon.
00:50:02 He often has surgery.
00:50:04 Okay. For the interview, we'll challenge him to perform.
00:50:07 For Tampi, as a mentalist,
00:50:10 he'll play with our mind.
00:50:11 Okay. My wife is a mind player.
00:50:13 Riki.
00:50:14 Riki, please.
00:50:16 How do we train our intuition?
00:50:19 I'll train my hosts,
00:50:22 Rian, Dewi, and King Nasser,
00:50:25 to use their intuition.
00:50:27 At home, when we're training,
00:50:29 one of them is using a pen.
00:50:31 No.
00:50:34 No.
00:50:35 No.
00:50:36 No.
00:50:37 Not like that.
00:50:39 This is for Rian.
00:50:41 Yes.
00:50:42 This is for Tampi.
00:50:44 You can bring the bag.
00:50:47 This is for King Nasser.
00:50:49 Yes. Okay.
00:50:50 For those of you at home,
00:50:52 I'll also interact with you to test your intuition.
00:50:54 You don't know how you know.
00:50:57 Later, you, Rian Ibrah, Dewi Persih, and King Nasser,
00:51:01 will think...
00:51:03 Riki.
00:51:04 Riki.
00:51:05 But, I'll confirm it first.
00:51:06 I don't ask for Riki's fake.
00:51:08 I don't set it up. I don't request it.
00:51:09 Right? / Right.
00:51:10 Okay.
00:51:11 For those of you at home, how do you do it?
00:51:13 You DM me.
00:51:15 Success or failure, it's okay.
00:51:17 If you DM me, I'll give you a giveaway.
00:51:20 Audio hypnotherapy workbook...
00:51:23 to improve your intuition.
00:51:25 I want it.
00:51:26 You, including the hosts,
00:51:28 read Riki's mind here.
00:51:30 You don't know how you know.
00:51:32 Later, you'll get information.
00:51:33 Now, my wife,
00:51:37 as usual,
00:51:39 this is closed.
00:51:41 Because to improve other senses,
00:51:44 the dominant sense must be lowered.
00:51:46 So, the vision must be closed.
00:51:48 You, stand here.
00:51:50 Yes. Okay.
00:51:51 Are you done, Riku?
00:51:53 Yes. Okay.
00:51:54 Can you give a round of applause for my wife, Rafa?
00:51:56 One step forward.
00:51:58 Okay. Hold Riki's pillow.
00:52:01 People come and go in our life.
00:52:05 Some are impressive.
00:52:07 Some are not.
00:52:08 But, both of them give us a lesson.
00:52:10 Right, Riki?
00:52:11 I'm sure Riki has someone...
00:52:14 who he focuses on,
00:52:16 who gives a valuable lesson.
00:52:18 There must be someone.
00:52:20 And I don't know who that is.
00:52:22 Right?
00:52:23 No one knows.
00:52:24 No one wrote it on social media.
00:52:25 Right?
00:52:26 No.
00:52:27 This is what my wife uses...
00:52:29 to make someone's subconscious bigger.
00:52:31 So, Riki, hold this.
00:52:33 Both hands.
00:52:34 Both hands.
00:52:35 Okay. Both hands.
00:52:36 Focus that person here.
00:52:38 Pdwi, hold my wife's pillow here.
00:52:40 Rian Ibrah, hold Pdwi's pillow.
00:52:42 King Nasir, hold Rian's pillow.
00:52:44 Yes.
00:52:45 Okay.
00:52:46 Don't touch me.
00:52:47 Don't touch me.
00:52:49 Now, hold the pillow in your left hand.
00:52:52 So, Dewi, Rian Ibrah, King Nasir,
00:52:55 look at the pillow.
00:52:57 My wife is the target here.
00:53:00 Think of that person.
00:53:02 Look at the letters.
00:53:04 Focus on the gender first.
00:53:06 Now, Dewi, Rian Ibrah, King Nasir,
00:53:09 ask them in your heart.
00:53:11 The letters are like this.
00:53:13 "Oh, my subconscious,
00:53:15 tell me if the person that Riki thinks is a man or a woman."
00:53:19 If it's a man, move it to the right.
00:53:21 If it's a woman, move it back and forth.
00:53:24 Now, go ahead.
00:53:25 Ask the pillow.
00:53:27 "Is the person that Riki thinks is a man or a woman?"
00:53:31 He's a man.
00:53:33 Okay.
00:53:35 He's a man.
00:53:36 I'll ask King Nasir first.
00:53:37 "Is the person that Riki thinks is a man or a woman?"
00:53:39 It's a woman.
00:53:46 I think it's a man.
00:53:47 Move it back and forth.
00:53:48 Okay.
00:53:49 Rian Ibrah, is it a man or a woman?
00:53:51 It's a woman.
00:53:52 Move it back and forth.
00:53:53 It's a woman.
00:53:55 Dewi?
00:53:56 It's a man.
00:53:58 It's a man.
00:53:59 Okay.
00:54:00 I'll ask the person that Riki thinks is a man or a woman.
00:54:04 It's a woman.
00:54:06 It's a woman.
00:54:07 It's a woman.
00:54:08 You're both right.
00:54:09 Dewi, it's okay.
00:54:10 It's not always successful.
00:54:11 You're the one who always succeed at home.
00:54:12 You should send your response to my DM.
00:54:15 Okay. Next.
00:54:16 Look at my name.
00:54:17 I'll start from the alphabet.
00:54:18 Because the name can be a name if there's A, I, U, E, O.
00:54:22 Okay.
00:54:23 Ask your subconscious.
00:54:24 My subconscious is shown by the pillow.
00:54:28 Is there any letter A, I, U, or O?
00:54:33 Every time you ask for the letter A, I, U, E, O,
00:54:36 you'll see which one is the moving pillow.
00:54:38 If there's A, is it moving fast?
00:54:41 If there's I, is it moving fast?
00:54:43 If there's U, and so on.
00:54:44 Riki, focus.
00:54:50 The name is this person.
00:54:51 King Nasir.
00:54:53 Which one is it? A, I, U, or O?
00:54:56 I think it's A.
00:55:01 There's A. Ibrah, what do you think?
00:55:03 There's A, according to Dewi.
00:55:04 A. Let's just follow Dewi.
00:55:05 There's A.
00:55:06 Okay.
00:55:07 You can succeed or fail.
00:55:08 If you're at home,
00:55:09 is there any letter A, I, U, or O?
00:55:12 All of them here, all of you, said there's A.
00:55:16 Riki, is it right or wrong?
00:55:18 Wrong.
00:55:20 Wrong? Okay. It's okay.
00:55:21 Okay. Uri, come to Riki's mind.
00:55:23 Guess the alphabet first, Uri.
00:55:29 Obviously, there's no A, Uri.
00:55:31 What do you think the alphabet is?
00:55:33 There's I.
00:55:35 I think there's I. That's right.
00:55:37 Okay.
00:55:38 Now, look at that person again.
00:55:40 This person.
00:55:42 Okay, this person.
00:55:44 Uri, describe this person first.
00:55:46 If you've done it, whisper it to me.
00:55:50 I've done it.
00:55:53 You've done it? Okay.
00:55:54 Dewi, Rian, King Nasir,
00:55:56 the first one is for you,
00:55:57 as a souvenir for your home training.
00:55:59 Thank you.
00:56:00 Now, Uri, step back.
00:56:02 Whisper it to me.
00:56:04 The name you've thought of.
00:56:07 Okay. According to my wife.
00:56:11 According to my wife.
00:56:12 If you're at home,
00:56:13 there's a woman with the letter I.
00:56:15 According to you, who?
00:56:16 DM it to me.
00:56:17 Now, it's almost 9.30.
00:56:19 9.25.
00:56:21 So, if you DM at 9.45,
00:56:22 it means you're cheating.
00:56:23 DM to me.
00:56:24 Who is the woman that Riki thinks of?
00:56:26 Riki, this is according to my wife.
00:56:28 Uri, you can open your eyes.
00:56:30 I'm writing the answer.
00:56:32 This is from my wife.
00:56:34 You three have guessed that there's an A.
00:56:37 But, there's none.
00:56:38 But, this is a woman.
00:56:39 It's true.
00:56:40 It's true.
00:56:41 Nasir, it's true.
00:56:42 Tete, it's okay. It's wrong.
00:56:43 Okay.
00:56:44 Where do you want to go?
00:56:45 Okay.
00:56:46 You're not in the right place.
00:56:49 It's true.
00:56:50 Uri, this side.
00:56:51 Earlier, you were focused here.
00:56:53 And this is a woman.
00:56:54 It's true.
00:56:55 There's an I.
00:56:56 It's true.
00:56:57 Okay.
00:56:58 The right answer is Rian and Nasir.
00:57:01 Okay.
00:57:02 According to my wife, there's no A.
00:57:03 There's an I.
00:57:04 Who do you think of?
00:57:06 The name of this person.
00:57:07 Say it.
00:57:08 The name?
00:57:09 Yes.
00:57:10 Vicky.
00:57:11 What's her name?
00:57:12 V-I...
00:57:13 It's not Fanta, right?
00:57:14 It's Victoria.
00:57:15 Victoria.
00:57:16 V-I-C-K-Y.
00:57:17 This is what Uri got.
00:57:18 Show it to Uri.
00:57:19 Oh, my God.
00:57:21 Oh, my God.
00:57:22 It's so weird.
00:57:29 The question is, who is she?
00:57:31 Is this a man?
00:57:32 This is a woman, right?
00:57:33 Yes.
00:57:34 Is this a man or a woman?
00:57:35 A woman.
00:57:36 Who is she?
00:57:37 Vicky.
00:57:38 It can be a man, right?
00:57:39 Yes.
00:57:40 But Rian and Nasir got a woman.
00:57:41 That's why when I was like this, I was confused.
00:57:43 Is this a man or a woman?
00:57:44 I couldn't tell.
00:57:45 It's true, Vicky.
00:57:47 Wow.
00:57:48 You're amazing.
00:57:49 You can read.
00:57:50 Tell them the story.
00:57:51 Who is she?
00:57:52 What's her story?
00:57:53 We'll tell you later.
00:57:54 But for you, Ambiar, remember.
00:57:55 Look at this pendulum.
00:57:56 Don't go anywhere.
00:57:57 We'll be back in a moment.
00:57:58 We'll be back in the morning, Ambiar.
00:57:59 Wow.
00:58:01 Okay.
00:58:02 Okay.
00:58:03 [Music]
00:58:21 [Commercials]
00:58:49 [Commercials]
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01:08:19 now
01:08:19 Giger Giger Giger
01:08:37 media sosial dibuat heboh dengan kemunculan foto dari akun pageant yang menyebut kevin liana
01:08:45 yang pernah menjalani foto tanpa busana kabar tersebut pun sontak lama diperbincangkan warga net
01:08:55 miss international 2017 itu pun tak tinggal diam ia langsung melaporkan penyebar hoax kepada pihak yang
01:09:03 berwajib
01:09:07 guys berberasin laporan kan aku jadinya jam 1 ya tadi aku nyampe sini tuh jam 1 lebih 15 dan ini berberes
01:09:18 jadi doain ya semoga laporannya bisa diproses dengan waktu dan tempo sehingga jalan
01:09:30 you
01:09:30 haduh duduh kok bisa-bisanya sih jaman now masih ada aja penyebar hoax gak bertanggung jawab
01:09:48 eh kevin ceritain yu di pagi-pagi ambiar
01:09:53 geiger guess you didn't see you're still a traitor
01:10:01 you're a traitor
01:10:03 sudah di bagi-bagi ambiar miss international 2017 kevin liliana selamat pagi kevin
01:10:08 selamat pagi kak
01:10:10 sehat
01:10:12 kami semua disini mengucapkan terima kasih
01:10:14 terima kasih ya sayang
01:10:16 terima kasih atas apa yang terjadi terhadap kamu ya
01:10:18 beberapa waktu yang lalu ada satu akun dimana dia memposting foto ini beritanya juga fotonya hoax
01:10:25 kemudian captionnya juga hoax diposting di media sosial jelas meripikan bagi seorang kevin liliana
01:10:31 boleh diceritain gak sekronologisnya tuh seperti apa supaya sobat ambiar yang mungkin belum mengetahui cerita ini jadi paham apa yang sebenarnya terjadi
01:10:38 oke jadi pada tahun 2017 kan aku berangkat miss international ya dari sunfoot indonesia aku berangkat miss international dan menang 21
01:10:47 dan biasanya kalau ada semua jump agent lah biasanya kalau ada menang tuh mereka extend beberapa hari untuk kegiatan bersama organisasinya
01:10:53 dan waktu itu ada photoshoot dan as we know kalau beauty queen itu selalu ada ke arah swimsuit juga kan
01:10:59 dan waktu itu ada photoshoot dan itu sebetulnya untuk campaign dari sponsor utama yaitu yang punya organisasi itu dia punya kayak beauty clinic and wellness gitu loh
01:11:08 jadi itu photoshoot bukan hanya semata mata swimsuit tapi memang untuk campaign mereka selama setahun ke depan
01:11:13 nah photoshoot itu tuh udah ya 2017 ya rame juga lah ya di indonesia ya budaya kita kan beda gitu ya
01:11:20 jadi ya sempet rame juga pada saat itu tapi ya kalau orang-orangnya udah tau putri dan miss misang gitu ya
01:11:27 rata-rata per pageant pasti paham lah gitu cuman ya mungkin orang-orang yang emang belum pernah paham sebelumnya agak jadi mengandang negatif gitu ya
01:11:35 karena emang berseberangan sama budaya kita nah setelah udah tuh udah jauh kan ya dari 2017 dan 6 tahun lalu
01:11:42 adalah satu akun yang emang tiba-tiba aku juga gak tau sih karena aku udah jarang banget ngontrol gitu ya per pageant
01:11:50 aku kan sekarang udah berkeluarga aku baru punya anak juga masih 6 bulan gitu ya jadi buka instagram tuh ya kalau emang lagi ada waktu kosong aja gitu
01:11:57 tiba-tiba rame sama DM nih banyak banget gitu kenapa gitu pas aku cek ternyata ada satu akun yang ngeup lagi foto itu
01:12:06 katanya tapi jadi aku tuh pas liat tuh fotonya tuh masih buram gitu belum di klik gitu loh kak di request message
01:12:11 dia bilang cuma gini kak foto kamu yang MI rame banget nih aku pikir oh foto swimsuit yaudah lah namanya jejak digital ya gimana lagi
01:12:19 dan aku juga merasa itu adalah part masa lalu aku dan yang gak aku sesali gitu karena part itu juga iya perjalanan yang bikin aku sampai sekarang ya ada seperti itu yang gak papa gitu
01:12:31 dan itu satu hal yang emang gak usah aku tutup-tutupi gitu jadi yaudah lah jejak digital gimana gak bisa diapus
01:12:38 soalnya pas nyampe rumah aku load oh fotonya disalah gunakan
01:12:43 jadi foto ketika setelah menang Miss International 2017 menggunakan swimsuit yang seharusnya dipake untuk kampanye satu klinik kesehatan kecantikan
01:12:52 kemudian disalah gunakan dengan menggunakan caption yang menyerang pribadi kamu ya
01:12:57 iya jadi captionnya itu menggiring gitu loh kalau misalnya orang yang sebelumnya gak tau foto atau video behind the scene si photoshoot itu
01:13:04 pasti ya taunya yaudah apa adanya aku pernah foto tanpa busana gitu dia tulisnya disitu bener-bener seolah-olah aku pernah photoshoot tanpa busana gitu
01:13:12 kan agak itu bukan udah sangat berugikan lah buat aku gitu ya
01:13:17 oke ini satu postingan dari akun tersebut
01:13:21 yang mau liat full foto no sensor tepapang nyata
01:13:26 nah itu yang ada yang ditutupin tuh sebenernya karena troll vulgar sebenernya
01:13:30 sangat disayangkan padahal ini menggunakan swimsuit yang juga memang satu bagian dari aktivitas rangkaian acara dari pageant tersebut ya
01:13:39 dari acara pageant tersebut
01:13:42 ini yang mengupload kok ada @putrisuaralam
01:13:44 akun inilah yang kamu laporkan
01:13:46 iya jadi
01:13:47 nama akunnya Jahara
01:13:48 nama akunnya Jahara
01:13:50 emang Jahara dia
01:13:51 tapi kok itu kok @putrisuaralam
01:13:53 nah ini dia ikut repost gitu di screenshot terus di post jadi dia sebenernya di pihak yang kayak
01:13:59 kayak sini nih yang ngasih tau lah @putrisuaralam
01:14:01 yang ngelapor ke kamu ya
01:14:03 ini ada akun jahat posting seperti ini
01:14:05 oke baik kita juga mau kasih liat mungkin kamu boleh jelaskan yang satu ini apa nih
01:14:10 oh iya jadi si akun Jahara pageant itu sempet juga bikin semacam kayak berita yang belum tentu kebenarannya juga lah ya
01:14:16 jadi dia kayak bikin prasangka ke salah satu portal pageant yang cukup besar lah
01:14:21 DPI Damu ya selamat pagi teman-teman DPI Damu
01:14:23 teman-teman DPI Damu dia bilang kalau misalnya salah satu akunnya itu intinya kayak bikin akun palsu buat
01:14:31 kalau gak salah ya bikin ujaran kebencian juga lah gitu ke salah satu pelaku pageant
01:14:36 kalau gak salah sih seperti itu ya
01:14:37 nah tapi waktu itu dia kapok dan entah dia aktif entah kena suspen apa gimana ilang
01:14:42 jadi ini sebenernya dua kali dia membuat onar gitu ya
01:14:45 harus dikasih jerak sih sebenernya akunnya
01:14:48 kemarin juga aku sempet liat postingan kamu bahwa kamu sempet akhirnya pulang dari kantor polisi ya
01:14:52 jadi kamu laporkan langsung nih akun
01:14:54 iya karena aku sebenernya gak pernah lapor-lapor ya jadi aku gak ngerti
01:14:57 tapi kebetulan rumahku dekat polsek aku datang dulu ke polsek oh harus ke polda oke udah datang ke polda
01:15:01 jadi sementara ini aku sudah kasih laporan itu di hari Selasa kemarin
01:15:05 Selasa siang dan diminta tunggu kurang lebih satu minggu untuk proses penyelidikan
01:15:11 nanti setelah satu minggu aku datang bersama dua saksi temanku yang emang pageant lovers juga
01:15:15 dan mereka juga turut mengikuti banget gitu ya dari awal si jarab agent itu ngepost
01:15:21 jadi nanti aku bersama saksi dorang datang di InsyaAllah Selasa depan
01:15:25 oke Kevin tapi aku sempet liat juga postingan kamu bahwa kamu minta 1x24 jam ya
01:15:30 kalau tidak salah untuk jalur komunikasi kalau misalnya dia punya itikat baik ya
01:15:34 dalam 1x24 jam apakah dia ada sempet kontak kamu?
01:15:37 dia ngontak sih dia bilang gini
01:15:39 tapi sebetulnya permintaan maaf yang aku minta adalah
01:15:42 oke kamu minta maaf dan kamu mengakui kesalahan kamu di depan hal yang umum bahwa kamu telah menebarkan sebuah berita bohong gitu kan sebetulnya
01:15:49 tapi dia cuma kayak berupa foto tadi di capture terus kayak ditutup sticker
01:15:53 bukan orang yang meminta maafnya berupa video
01:15:55 iya tadinya gitu harusnya ya
01:15:57 tapi dia cuma sorry kak saya gak maksud bully saya cuma ngepost iseng aja apa apa sih sebagai sarkas
01:16:06 dia cuma bilang ini ngepost cuma sebagai sarkas katanya jadi saya gak ada maksud bully
01:16:10 dan kakak harus tau nih kalau misalnya pageant lovers lain juga sering ngebully idola saya
01:16:16 nah dia jadi kayak nimpalin semacam curcol gitu kalau idola gue juga dikatain sama handsome bradwo
01:16:22 ya bukan berarti dia bisa nge bully saya dong
01:16:23 ada hubungannya cuma
01:16:25 hubungannya itu pembelaan
01:16:26 jadi bukan itikat baik ya saya takutin dia jadi yaudahlah
01:16:28 ya baik kita juga setuju kalau memang harus dilaporkan bahwa ternyata ini jadi pebelajaran buat siapapun untuk tidak menyerang secara sembarangan
01:16:36 apalagi kalau yang diserang itu adalah satu hal yang tidak benar gitu ya
01:16:40 dan kita juga mau kasih kesempatan buat Kevin silahkan apa yang ingin kamu sampaikan untuk penebar berita bohong atau hoax tersebut
01:16:47 semoga dia nonton ya tapi ini berlaku secara umum sih buat temen-temen pageant lovers kalian itu dinamain pageant lovers ya
01:16:53 karena kalian mencintai semua dunia pageant selaku isinya gitu ya selaku sama pelaku pageantnya ya ya sannya organisasinya
01:17:00 jadi cukuplah menebarkan sayangnya kalian itu sama orang-orang yang emang kalian sayangin gitu
01:17:06 kalau kalian gak suka yaudah gak usah cari masalah gitu ya dan untuk jahara pageant atau temen-temennya nih
01:17:13 karena banyak banget akun palsu yang lagi suka menebar kebencian gitu ya di social media
01:17:17 ketika kalian menjatuhkan satu pelaku pageant yaitu wanita atau laki-laki gitu itu kalian sebenarnya lagi menjatuhkan drajet perempuan tersebut juga
01:17:24 jadi kamu nih jahara pageant ketika kamu ngepost foto itu bukan hanya dengan kata iseng
01:17:29 tapi kamu secara gak langsung menjatuhkan drajet seorang perempuan, drajet seorang beauty queen yang sebetulnya mereka punya kemampuan yang lebih kemampuan
01:17:38 bukan hanya menggunakan swimsuit tapi mereka juga ada tujuan bukan hanya memamerkan tubuh tapi ada tujuan dibalik semua itu
01:17:45 jadi be wise lah dalam menggunakan social media
01:17:48 jangan lupa filosofi jari ketika kita menjelek-jelekkan orang satu jari menunjuk orang lain tapi empat jari menunjuk diri kita sendiri
01:17:54 kita akan kembali saat lagi tetapi pagi-pagi ampe ampe
01:17:56 GG
01:17:58 *musik*
01:18:19 *musik*
01:18:49 *musik*
01:18:59 *musik*
01:19:04 galon le mineral 100% bebas bpa aman untuk anak dan keluarga
01:19:09 ciri galon bebas bpa bening transparan ditanda ikon di segi tiga nomor satu
01:19:15 galon le mineral untuk sehatnya keluarga
01:19:19 ribetan berat bawa banyak belanjaan
01:19:21 pake pro baby powder cleanser tinggal tkc tuang kocok cuci
01:19:27 cuma 40 perak sekali cuci enteng bawanya enteng duitnya
01:19:31 cuma 6.900 di alphamart
01:19:35 dulu aku pikir semua air mineral itu sama ternyata ya le mineral itu beda
01:19:39 luar panas banget abis minum le mineral rasanya smooth banget
01:19:43 ga enak? iya kaya aromas manisnya
01:19:47 le mineral memang berbeda
01:19:49 setiap tetesnya mengandung mineral esensial seimbang yang penting untuk tubuh
01:19:55 dan juga membuat rasa airnya lebih segar
01:19:57 wahh segernya
01:19:59 bikin badan lebih enteng
01:20:01 le mineral kebaikan mineral terlindungi
01:20:03 le mineral terlindungi
01:20:19 ga enak? iya kaya aromas manisnya
01:20:23 le mineral memang berbeda
01:20:25 setiap tetesnya mengandung mineral esensial seimbang yang penting untuk tubuh
01:20:31 dan juga membuat rasa airnya lebih segar
01:20:33 le mineral
01:20:35 lihat laya hangat
01:20:37 kasihan ga bisa main karena masuk angin
01:20:39 fix vapor up dengan minyak eucalyptus, menthol, dan kemper
01:20:43 berikan sensasi hangat, bantu legakan lima gejala masuk angin, dan batut
01:20:47 fix vapor up
01:20:49 ibu saya sering lelah dan pusing
01:20:51 kamu terlihat pucat juga, mungkin itu tanda kamu kekurangan set besi
01:20:57 minum sangobion bila perlu
01:20:59 berikan vitamin dan mineral dengan set besi
01:21:01 membentuk sel darah merah
01:21:03 adiknya hari minggu
01:21:05 rayakan kemeriahan 22 tahun Transmedia
01:21:09 penampilan perdana di televisi nasional
01:21:11 super group korea
01:21:13 super junior lss
01:21:15 bersama Raisa, Judika, Rizky Febian, Ayu Tingting, Dewi Persik, Nasar, Tiara Andini, Wally, Putri Ariyani, serta Nofia Bagnit
01:21:27 22 Power Up, Jumat 15 Desember, mulai jam 7 malam, live di Transmedia
01:21:34 siap untuk tantangan funnish pink baru? yuk kita kotorin
01:21:38 gimana cara bersihinnya?
01:21:40 pakai deterjen, tapi harus disikat berkali-kali
01:21:43 warnanya pudar, gimana ya?
01:21:45 deterjen aja emang gak cukup
01:21:47 tambahkan funnish pink baru dengan 3 keunggulan
01:21:49 hilangkan oda membandel tanpa harus repot
01:21:52 aktif lindungi warna, bajunya panjang umur
01:21:57 setiap mencuci, tambahkan funnish pink baru
01:21:59 3 keunggulan, funnish pink baru
01:22:03 wow, keren cuy
01:22:07 minumnya just just cincau
01:22:09 butiran granulanya langsung larut
01:22:11 rasain adem cincaunya
01:22:14 just just rasa cincau
01:22:16 kukil segernya
01:22:17 ademnya bikin seru
01:22:19 aku pikir semua air mineral itu sama
01:22:21 lem mineral itu beda
01:22:23 lem mineral memang berbeda
01:22:25 setiap tetesnya mengandung mineral esensia seimbang
01:22:28 yang penting untuk tubuh
01:22:29 dan juga membuat rasa airnya lebih segar
01:22:31 segernya
01:22:33 lem mineral
01:22:34 kusuk? sempat gak ya?
01:22:35 pakai aja rapi kabi yang luxury collection baru
01:22:38 pakai licin seketika, wanginya mewah
01:22:40 bebas kusuk
01:22:42 wangi lebih lama hingga 7 hari
01:22:44 rapi langsung satser
01:22:46 dengan rapi kabi yang luxury collection baru
01:22:48 wingscare
01:22:49 1, 2, 3
01:22:50 ketumbah kering dan basah
01:22:52 capek sama ketumbah yang bikin drama?
01:22:54 kelirin aja, pake clear serum baru
01:22:56 dengan kekuatan 10 kali super vitamin
01:22:58 sikat habis ketumbah basah dan kering
01:23:00 gak khawatir ketumbah basah dan kering?
01:23:02 mutikan sekarang
01:23:04 aku dulu pake detergent bubuk
01:23:07 jadi walaupun baju bersih tapi tanden aku kasar
01:23:09 enggak, aku gak mau
01:23:10 detergent tuh terbuat dari tumbuhan
01:23:12 terus sertifikasi internasional
01:23:14 cucian bersih, wangi
01:23:16 terus tangan tetap lembut
01:23:17 udah, pindah aja ke detergent
01:23:19 hey, jangan lupa ya
01:23:24 hari jumat tanggal 15 december 2023
01:23:27 tonton festa ulang tahun Transmedia 22
01:23:30 power up!
01:23:32 dulu aku pikir semua air mineral itu sama
01:23:37 ternyata ya lem mineral itu beda
01:23:39 di luar panas banget
01:23:40 iya, abis minum lem mineral rasanya smooth banget
01:23:42 gak enak
01:23:44 iya, kayak aroma semangatnya
01:23:47 lem mineral memang berbeda
01:23:49 setiap tetesnya mengandung mineral esensial seimbang
01:23:53 yang penting untuk tubuh
01:23:55 juga membuat rasa airnya lebih segar
01:23:57 wahh, segernya
01:23:59 bikin badan lebih enteng
01:24:01 lem mineral, kebaikan mineral terlindungi
01:24:04 ya, mau jadi pengguna ruang deh
01:24:07 dia bisa belanja juga
01:24:09 masak aja yuk
01:24:10 dimasak apa ya, bu?
01:24:12 dibangoin aja
01:24:14 hanya dengan sentuhan bau
01:24:18 yang terbuat dari malika dan bahan alami berkualitas
01:24:24 jadikan masakan sedapnya
01:24:26 lebih istimewa
01:24:28 hmm, enak
01:24:31 tambah dong, bu
01:24:32 karena rasa tak pernah bohong
01:24:34 aduh, susah nih
01:24:36 sini, biar ibu tunjukin caranya
01:24:38 biar aku aja
01:24:52 aku ada ide
01:24:53 yuk, ikut aku disini
01:24:55 wah, keren
01:24:56 siap terbang
01:24:58 SG Maxx Squad
01:24:59 dukung generasi maju yang berpikir cepat dan berani
01:25:02 Big Bang Shack It's One Half Challenge
01:25:21 masukkan ke mulut dalam sekali hap
01:25:23 katakan Big Bang Shack It's
01:25:25 coklat dan garamelnya lumer di mulut
01:25:31 Big Bang Shack It's, enak ya?
01:25:33 seseru itu
01:25:34 yakin habis cuci muka udah bersih?
01:25:36 pakai Miss Lure Water nomor 1 dari Garnier
01:25:39 dengan misal seperti magnet
01:25:40 99% makeup
01:25:42 bahkan kotoran yang tak terlihat
01:25:44 tuntas terangkan
01:25:45 tetap lembut tanpa rasa keterik
01:25:47 pakai Miss Lure Water dari Garnier
01:25:49 dulu aku pikir semua air mineral itu sama
01:25:52 ternyata lem mineral itu beda
01:25:54 di luar enak banget
01:25:55 habis minum lem mineral, rasanya smooth banget
01:25:57 enggak enak
01:25:59 iya, kayak aroma semangatnya
01:26:02 lem mineral memang berbeda
01:26:04 setiap tetesnya mengandung mineral esensial seimbang
01:26:08 yang penting untuk tubuh
01:26:09 dan juga membuat rasa airnya lebih segar
01:26:12 wah, segarnya
01:26:14 bikin badan lebih enteng
01:26:16 lem mineral, kebaikan mineral terlindungi
01:26:19 sesuatu yang manis untuk mencintai barang Tuhan
01:26:21 Press & Natural Dessert Collection
01:26:22 spray cologne & body wash
01:26:24 wangi pink cupcake, sangat manis dan menakutkan
01:26:26 busanya, sangat lembut yang fresh
01:26:28 menjaga diri dengan Press & Natural Dessert Collection
01:26:32 Be Sweet, Be You
01:26:33 Wingscare
01:26:34 masak apa aja jadi mantap
01:26:36 karena pakai kecap manis Indo Food
01:26:39 diolah alami 120 hari
01:26:41 bikin kecapnya
01:26:43 muah, manis gurih
01:26:45 makasih, Bu
01:26:46 kecap manis Indo Food
01:26:47 manis gurih
01:26:49 baru, tepung bubur racik
01:26:51 crispy hingga 5 jam
01:26:52 dari tiang ke sore
01:26:55 sampai ayah pulang
01:26:57 masih crispy
01:26:58 karena diracik dari tepung berkualitas dan rempah pilihan
01:27:02 baru, tepung bubur racik
01:27:04 kasih sayang darimu yang semakin menggembir
01:27:07 food transmedia tahun ini dijamin bakalan tambah megah
01:27:10 kenapa?
01:27:11 ya pasti karena ada aku yang tambah cantik buat kalian semua
01:27:15 ayo ting-ting, di ulang tahun transmedia 22 Power Up
01:27:19 [music]
01:27:34 [ad]
01:27:49 aku pikir semua air mineral itu sama
01:27:51 leh mineral itu beda
01:27:53 leh mineral memang berbeda
01:27:55 setiap tetesnya mengandung mineral esensial seimbang
01:27:58 yang penting untuk tubuh
01:27:59 dan juga membuat rasa airnya lebih segar
01:28:02 leh mineral
01:28:04 pengen segemoy mereka
01:28:07 dukung program makan siang dan susu gratis
01:28:11 untuk anak Indonesia bersama PAN
01:28:15 Prabowo Gibran PAN
01:28:18 energi untuk tubuh penting
01:28:20 tapi lebih penting energi untuk otak
01:28:22 saatnya gantikan champion
01:28:24 lebih lengkap dengan susu dan protein telur
01:28:26 ga cuma kasih energi untuk tubuh
01:28:28 tapi juga energi untuk otak
01:28:30 energi untuk tubuh, energi untuk otak
01:28:33 champion
01:28:34 9 dari 10 ibu memilih champion
01:28:36 karena lebih dari sekedar energi
01:28:38 bantu pertumbuhan fisik dan otak anak
01:28:40 lebih lengkap dengan susu dan protein telur
01:28:43 enak
01:28:44 ga cuma fisik, otak juga
01:28:46 energi untuk tubuh, energi untuk otak
01:28:48 champion
01:28:49 galon leh mineral 100% bebas BPA
01:28:52 aman untuk anak dan keluarga
01:28:54 ciri galon bebas BPA, bening transparan
01:28:57 ditandai kondisi ketiga nomor 1
01:28:59 galon leh mineral
01:29:01 untuk sehatnya keluarga
01:29:04 [music]
01:29:13 [music]
01:29:20 terima kasih banyak
01:29:21 semua pintang tamu kita Rifi Alhafsy
01:29:23 terima kasih banyak
01:29:25 terima kasih banyak
01:29:27 terima kasih
01:29:29 semangat ya
01:29:30 semangat selalu menginspirasi
01:29:32 bagi seluruh perempuan di Indonesia
01:29:34 dan buat sempat ambiar
01:29:36 dari seorang Robin dan juga Uri
01:29:38 kita bisa belajar ternyata bisa ngobrol sama hewan
01:29:40 ngomong dari hati ke hati sama hewan
01:29:42 menjadi seorang animal communicator
01:29:44 karena terkadang zaman sekarang
01:29:46 lebih gampang ngomong sama hewan daripada ngomong sama manusia
01:29:48 kita akan kembali lagi sendiri, sampai jumpa