Insentif Pajak Tingkatkan Investasi IKN

  • last year
Otorita Ibu Kota Nusantara (OIKN) memastikan, bahwa pihaknya terus mendorong kemudahan bagi investor, dalam menanamkan modal di IKN. Dengan berbagai insentif pajak yang dijanjikan segera terbit, OIKN memastikan, akan menambah groundbreaking proyek investasi di IKN senilai Rp10 triliun dalam waktu dekat.


00:00 Meanwhile, the IKN's authority has assured that it will continue to promote ease for investors in planting capital in the IKN.
00:08 With various tax incentives that are expected to be immediately released,
00:12 the IKN authority said it will add a ground-breaking investment project in the IKN of Rp10 trillion in the near future.
00:22 The authority said it will immediately do a ground-breaking private investment, stage 3, which is planned to be held in mid-December 2023.
00:31 Deputy Minister of Planting and Investment of the IKN Authority, Agung Wijaksono,
00:35 explained that the investment value projected from the ground-breaking IKN is Rp10 trillion.
00:42 Agung explained that the investor who will build the Ibu Kota Nusantara project is still from Indonesia.
00:49 With this plan, Agung is optimistic that the IKN project will not only rely on funds from the country,
00:54 but also ensure that the country will provide benefits for investors in the form of various tax incentives
00:59 that will provide certainty for investment in the IKN.
01:03 "From the value committed to the investment of various investors, it also reached Rp35 trillion today.
01:10 So ladies and gentlemen, please give a round of applause."
01:15 "So it's true, the government and the people are the same, at least at this stage.
01:21 Later, the public will have to give more.
01:23 But at this stage, it's the same, Rp35 trillion, Rp35 trillion.
01:28 Even the target is, in the middle of this month, the President is going to Dubai.
01:35 God willing, after he returns, hopefully there will be a certainty in the schedule and so on.
01:41 We want to do ground-breaking again, maybe the target is Rp10 trillion again."
01:45 So far, the IKN authority has recorded the private investment value that has entered the IKN
01:49 reaching Rp35 trillion, or equivalent to the APBN spending in the IKN project at the end of 2023.
01:56 With an additional investment of Rp10 trillion, it is expected that the private investment value will increase
02:01 and push the development of the IKN according to the expectations of many parties.
02:04 From Jakarta Arhar, Jopat, Muadhai Extreme.
02:07 Thank you for watching.
02:09 [Music]
