Dyche on their clash with up and down Chelsea (Full Presser)

  • last year
Everton boss Sean Dyche on their clash with up and down Chelsea team
00:00 Without the points deduction, Sean, you'd be ahead of Chelsea, so you'd be 10th, so it seems like they're definitely there to be gutted.
00:10 Yeah, thanks for reminding me, that's pleasing. At the end of the day, look, it is what it is, the realities are there, well, the current realities,
00:18 but I do understand your point, I think they're a very strong outfit, I know they've been a bit up and down, new manager, finding his group and all that sort of stuff,
00:25 I was at Old Trafford, they've still got quality, they've still got pace, they've still got a depth of experience in football, so we've got to be ready.
00:34 Back to the point of asking about the points tally, then yeah, when I took over I think it was 15 points from 20 games,
00:43 or reversed that and got 20 points from 15, well, sorry, would have had 20 points from 15 games, that's quite a big swing, as you know,
00:50 and it shows there's growth in the side, and that's all I spoke about at the beginning of the season, when people asked me about the expectation,
00:56 was to do better, and I think there's clear signs of that, so that's important.
01:01 Games are coming thick and fast, as we know, how do you keep up that momentum now?
01:06 Well, it certainly helps when the standards are high in the training ground, which I think we've got there, I think the culture and environment they're working in is very good,
01:14 and I think they're delivering, I spoke to them this week about it actually, the drive and determination to train properly every day, I think that's growing all the time,
01:23 and then giving performances, delivering performances, and of course when you're winning, that winning mentality, it's a home game,
01:30 good side, we know that, and a big club, but it's a home game, we're a big club ourselves, our fans are going to be right up for it, obviously,
01:37 so all them things help with that bit of energy and that extra energy that you sometimes need as a footballer and as a team,
01:42 so we'll certainly be coming back to Goodison in good shape, ready for the next challenge.
01:48 And I think there were moments in the Newcastle game where players with that experience certainly used it, Chelsea have a lot of quite inexperienced players,
01:55 so is that another thing to exploit?
01:58 Well, they might have some inexperience in the Premier League, but they've also got some experience in other leagues,
02:03 and they've got players who have been bought in for a lot of money, and usually there's a reason why that is,
02:09 so I'm certainly not overthinking it, I know there's a bit of noise about the ups and downs of their performances,
02:14 but I saw them and I think they're still a good outfit, so we've got to be ready, without a doubt.
02:18 Sean, Dwight McNeil scored two huge goals in a week for Everton, he's been very good since you came to the club,
02:25 what is it about your relationship that helps to bring the best out of him?
02:29 You'd have to ask him, I think the simplicity of reminding him what he's good at, believing in him, which I do,
02:37 I gave him his debut obviously, and I think he's a very good player, and I've always spoken about how he puts a lot of weight on himself,
02:44 and I said you've got to relax, you've got to release it, go and enjoy your performances, go and play with a smile,
02:48 as many managers used to say when I was a younger guy, and I think he's one of them, when he plays with a smile he runs hard for the team,
02:56 it starts to come together, and I think he's done that ever since I've been here, and I've been very pleased for him,
03:00 I'm very pleased for us, because he's getting the rewards for that, and a fine finish, he's got power, we know that,
03:05 but two very good goals.
03:07 What have you made of Chelsea so far, they've spent a lot of money but it's not guaranteed them success?
03:17 Well it's not always that situation, a new manager goes in, a manager I definitely respect, and his staff,
03:24 it seems to me he's making changes, he's finding different ways to work with the players, and sometimes that takes time,
03:30 it did at Tottenham when he was there, I'm sure he's doing his own work with the players to get them into the rhythm that he wants,
03:36 and the way of playing that he wants, we'll have to see when we come across it on Sunday, but they've got very good players still,
03:44 and I saw them at Old Trafford, and they regathered themselves I thought, after a quiet first half they regathered themselves
03:50 second half and they looked like an outfit, so you don't, I don't think you spend all that money with a good manager who's knowledgeable
03:59 and don't get some kind of outcome, so we've got to make sure that we're ready for our performances, I think we have been doing,
04:04 I think we did tonight against another good side, there's no two ways about it, they've proved that, Newcastle,
04:09 so I think the focus has to be on us, and that's what we're looking to build here, we want the focus on us,
04:15 I always say of course modern, we all do the analytics, we all do the reports, we all look at the opposition,
04:20 every player knows nowadays, but it's about us, and I think it's more about what we're doing and how we're stepping into these games.
04:28 Would you have liked the amount of funds he's had to spend?
04:33 It's all conjectured, no point, I know it wasn't going to be that, you know when I took the job I certainly was under no illusion
04:40 that there was going to be massive amounts of money, I knew we were going to have to balance it and find ways of working in the market,
04:46 that's the reality of Everton Football Club, let's see what the future brings.
04:51 Do you think that performance tonight is the catalyst for the change in form at home?
04:58 Well I think performance wise, I've said before this game, I think performances have been strong,
05:03 I think the performance against Man United was very strong, proper head scratcher to lose that 3-0 I felt,
05:09 so it's not about the performance, it's about scoring goals and stopping them going to that end,
05:13 and that's the basics that have to be done and I think we did that tonight.
05:17 Will James Garner and Amadou be back?
05:22 Well Jimmy I hope because it's a sickness bug and you never know but they can pass very quickly as we all know,
05:27 we've all had one 24 hours, there are some longer ones, we hope it's a 24 hour situation,
05:32 so he'd have time to get food back in himself and feel stronger again.
05:36 Amadou we're hoping to be around it, possibly in the squad, we'll just have to wait and see how the next couple of days training goes,
05:43 so yeah there's them two and then we'll check on Seamus over tomorrow.
05:49 Any further questions?
05:52 No?
05:54 Thanks everyone, cheers.
