• 2 years ago
Papá en Apuros Capítulo 32 Completo HD
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00:47 [Phone ringing]
00:49 [Phone ringing]
00:53 Hello, Emilia. What happened?
00:56 Hello, Martin. Martin, where are you?
00:59 What happened? Tell me.
01:00 Natalia fainted.
01:01 What?
01:02 Yes, I think it is not necessary to do an ultrasound
01:05 because my baby is still very small and could be the age of...
01:09 Do not worry. Let's check to see if the baby is okay.
01:11 [Music]
01:14 [Music]
01:16 There it is.
01:18 It looks perfect.
01:21 So, is everything okay?
01:23 Yes.
01:24 No, I have nothing to do today.
01:26 That's true.
01:28 But it is also true that these children are very important for your life.
01:31 Regardless of Mr. Martin.
01:33 They are important to you.
01:34 Yes. Yes. I think I feel identified with them.
01:38 It is super strong to grow up without a mother.
01:41 And without a father too.
01:42 Yes, obviously. I would not be anything without my father.
01:44 But those children are alone.
01:47 They need a mother.
01:49 Julita, I'm sorry to tell you this, but Mr. Martin's girlfriend is pregnant.
01:54 They are going to get married and she will be the mother.
01:56 Yes. You are right.
02:00 I'm going to go around the page.
02:04 I already decided.
02:05 Why don't you invite me to an ice cream?
02:09 I feel like going around.
02:11 Let's go.
02:12 Let's go.
02:13 Hello.
02:16 Sorry, I came because I found out what happened.
02:19 Barbie, you didn't answer my phone and I wanted to know how your mom was.
02:22 Oh, thank you for coming, Esteban. You are so cute.
02:25 You don't know how bad I've been to her.
02:27 What happened to my mom was horrible.
02:29 It's like she happened to me.
02:30 And well, this has literally been one of the worst things that has happened to me.
02:33 And how is she? Is she better?
02:35 She is still in observation.
02:36 Oh, Stephanie, thank you for coming again.
02:39 We should be friends again.
02:41 Don't you want to stay a little while and we order something to eat?
02:44 No, I don't really feel very comfortable.
02:47 But if you want, I can accompany you to your house.
02:49 Oh no, no. I can't go to my house because I stay up all night.
03:08 Stephanie, but I said yes.
03:09 Look, we can order sushi, your favorite.
03:11 Can you lend me your cell phone to order?
03:12 It's the number that's here, right?
03:15 Yes.
03:16 I didn't know you liked sushi.
03:19 Is there a special, Este?
03:20 No.
03:22 I don't like it anymore.
03:23 The truth is that the tastes change and I don't like makis anymore.
03:28 Well, I just wanted to know if everything was better.
03:31 So I better go.
03:33 Stephanie, Stephanie, no, no, no, don't go, please.
03:37 Cristobal, I came to see Barbara.
03:39 But I see that she is very well accompanied.
03:42 So I have nothing to do here.
03:43 Leave her, Cristobal.
03:45 If she wants to go, you don't have to insist.
03:47 But don't you want to stay a while?
03:50 You never answered me what I asked you if you still like me.
03:54 Cristobal, please.
03:56 You and I, everything is very complicated.
03:59 I already want to move on.
04:01 But you're not going to admit that you still like me?
04:06 Look.
04:07 It's true.
04:09 I still think about you.
04:11 But I don't want to go back.
04:14 You and I already tried and it didn't work.
04:16 It's better if I go.
04:18 Bye.
04:21 Oh, Cris, how beautiful Stephanie came and worried about me.
04:29 Like you.
04:31 I swear that I don't care about all the terrible things that have happened to me because everything led me to be with you.
04:35 [Music]
04:48 The flower is here.
04:51 I wonder if there is a very, very pretty girl nearby who wants to accompany me.
04:58 Yes, but go to bed and cover your eyes.
05:01 Yeah, let's see. I'm already here. Eyes covered.
05:06 But you don't see.
05:10 I don't see, I don't see anything, I promise you.
05:12 There are holes out there.
05:13 No, there is nothing.
05:14 How old am I here?
05:16 I don't know.
05:17 How old am I here?
05:18 I don't know.
05:19 But you're half.
05:21 Let me know, let me know.
05:22 Yeah.
05:23 Look.
05:24 And that little drawing so beautiful.
05:30 Let's see, come. Tell me who they are.
05:32 The girl is me, obvious.
05:36 Yeah, and the boy?
05:37 The boy is my little brother.
05:40 My mom told me that I have to love him and I'm making an effort to love him.
05:46 Thank you, beautiful.
05:48 But Natalia no. Only my little brother.
05:54 [Music]
06:13 Hello old man.
06:15 What are you doing awake?
06:17 Oh, I was bored watching a movie.
06:19 Oh, you would have accompanied us. We ate an ice cream and we watched a movie.
06:22 Hey, thank you very much. You are the best.
06:24 You're welcome. We need to move the skeleton. Shall we dance?
06:27 No, I'm dead. What I do want is a coffee. Do you want a coffee?
06:30 Well, well.
06:31 Yes? Yes?
06:32 I'm going for a coffee.
06:33 Thanks.
06:34 Tell me, Matias. What's going on with my daughter?
06:38 Nothing, Ramon. For now, just friends.
06:41 And you? How did it go with my mom?
06:44 Well, I told her everything. I gave her a laugh in my face.
06:48 I don't know why I listened to you. I had to go crazy.
06:51 Ramon, but step by step it was. You went ahead.
06:54 You had to invite her out, then some flowers, then the restaurant.
06:58 Little by little, my mom looks at you with other eyes.
07:00 But it's okay. Calm down. Nothing happens.
07:03 Hey, and you? Are those her hands?
07:07 Oh, yes. Sorry. I went to see Barbara.
07:10 Juli, it seems that your mother is better.
07:12 Did something happen to Miss Natalia?
07:14 No, nothing. She fainted and everyone was worried because she is pregnant.
07:18 But she is better.
07:19 And the children? How are they?
07:21 Fine, fine. Well, I'm going upstairs. I'm exhausted.
07:24 Why didn't Mr. Martin call me? Why didn't he call me to help him?
07:28 Oh, I had him in silence.
07:30 Dad, Mr. Martin came to pick you up.
07:32 He called you several times and when he got there, they told him about Miss Natalia.
07:35 Well, if you need help with the children, you can count on me.
07:39 No, no, no, Matias. Thank you.
07:40 Mr. Martin can take care of himself. And if he needs help, I'm the one who's going to go.
07:45 I'm the one who works with him.
07:48 Here, everyone continues with their lives ahead.
07:51 And so that we don't get it wrong, let's never mix things up again.
07:56 I hope my mom is sleeping well.
08:03 Your mom is sleeping very well, friend. Don't worry.
08:06 Do you want me to tell you something to cheer you up?
08:08 Jonathan answered the anonymous message.
08:10 Interesting. And what did he say?
08:13 He said he wanted to meet me.
08:14 Well, not me. Tati.
08:18 But you know you can't get together with him yet, right?
08:20 Oh, obviously not. I know.
08:22 Because Jonathan can't know that I'm the secret admirer.
08:25 I mean, it's not that I'm the secret admirer.
08:28 I mean, I am, but I'm not.
08:30 I mean, he can't know that I'm Tati.
08:33 Oh, yeah.
08:35 No, Luna. First he has to fall in love with Tati.
08:38 Oh, but not with Luna.
08:40 Oh, yes. I mean, with you.
08:42 First he has to fall in love with that admirer.
08:44 And then when he realizes that it's you, he's going to go crazy and kiss you.
08:48 A kiss?
08:49 Oh, well, whatever you want.
08:51 You can hug each other, I don't know, shake hands, whatever you want.
08:54 But you have to keep sending him messages until you conquer him.
08:57 Do you understand?
08:58 You have to send him provocative messages so that he turns you red.
09:02 Oh, let's see.
09:03 Oh, no, no, no. I don't know.
09:07 You do it. I don't know how to provoke anything and I just get red.
09:11 Oh, yeah, yeah.
09:12 Jonathan, listen to me a lot. They're calling you.
09:33 The Latin Bombing is calling you.
09:36 Perruncho.
09:37 Hey, hey, hey, hold on. Who is Tati? I want to talk to you.
09:41 How many times have I told you not to grab my cell phone, Perruncho?
09:43 Sorry, Bebucho. I was there. The cell phone was calling you.
09:45 The voice was passing through.
09:47 How important is Tati?
09:48 No, no, it's not important.
09:49 I mean, yes, it is, but it's not that it is.
09:53 Do you understand me?
09:55 No.
09:56 I'm going to explain it to you well.
09:58 She sends me messages all day.
10:00 I think it's bipolar because...
10:04 Perruncho, she sends me hot messages.
10:08 Hot? Let's see.
10:10 Look, there it is.
10:13 I think of you in marine bermuda and I love it.
10:17 Do you think it's hot?
10:18 How can it not be hot? Perruncho, it's hot.
10:20 That's hot.
10:21 It's not just bermuda.
10:22 It's hot.
10:23 It's not hot at all.
10:24 Your friend is good at it and she writes to me all day.
10:26 She writes to me, she writes to me. I don't know her.
10:27 How are you going to know her?
10:28 Exactly. I'm starting to worry.
10:30 But if she has you in mind...
10:31 It's just that she's a secret admirer.
10:34 Oh, Bebucho, what do you mean secret admirer?
10:36 You're 12 years old.
10:37 Are you with those stupid things?
10:39 No, no, no, no, no, no.
10:40 It's not for you to make fun of.
10:41 I'm not like you.
10:42 I'm calmer.
10:43 But you don't have to make fun of yourself either.
10:45 Brother, you're already very old.
10:47 Look for a woman like God commands, damn it.
10:49 Brother, I've only had one girlfriend.
10:53 I don't even know if I want to have one again.
10:57 But this Tati has me hooked.
11:02 Worried too.
11:03 And I would like to meet her.
11:06 [Music]
11:12 [Music stops]
11:13 [Music]
11:27 [Music]
11:30 Is everything okay?
11:56 [Music]
11:59 Yes, everything is fine.
12:05 I'm glad.
12:08 Thank you for worrying.
12:12 [Music]
12:24 [Music]
12:27 [Music]
12:30 Who are you talking about?
12:32 Hello.
12:38 You are a very special woman.
12:44 I think ...
12:45 Special?
12:46 What am I special about?
12:50 I don't know.
12:51 But I look at you and I'm sure you're the person who can help me get my children through.
12:57 [Music]
13:00 I need you, Julieta.
13:02 [Music]
13:05 Dad?
13:12 And this beautiful princess has come to sleep with me?
13:18 No.
13:19 I know you're sad and that's why I came to accompany you.
13:22 But just for a while.
13:23 Are you going to give me a hug?
13:25 Yes.
13:26 I love you very much.
13:28 Me too.
13:29 [Music]
13:33 Have a beautiful week, my Jonathan, Kareteen, Pompin, with a lot of swing.
13:49 And any abuse of that innumerable, let me know.
13:53 I'm going to bed.
13:54 Don't worry, mom, I'm already big and I'll fix it myself.
13:57 So cute and so tender, my baby.
14:00 Where did this one go?
14:01 Well, mom, I'm going to the academy too.
14:03 Oh, honey, come on.
14:04 I love you.
14:05 And I love you. Take care.
14:06 Oh, and this table, how delicious.
14:12 Please let me serve you, Vicky.
14:14 Oh, thank you.
14:15 How cute.
14:16 Do you give me juice?
14:17 For you.
14:18 This.
14:19 My bread.
14:20 Yes, yes.
14:21 I saw them when I went to buy the bread for breakfast and I remembered that they are your favorites.
14:25 Yes.
14:26 This gentleman didn't let me do anything.
14:28 It seems that he wants to make fun of someone.
14:29 Yes, well, no, that seems.
14:30 Don't exaggerate either.
14:33 It's just a little detail between friends, nothing more.
14:35 Yes, it's true.
14:36 Thank you very much.
14:38 The flowers are beautiful.
14:40 I'm going to take them to work, okay?
14:41 Yes, yes.
14:42 Oh, I love that a man is like that, with little details.
14:45 The woman you choose will be very happy.
14:49 There are no men like your father anymore.
14:51 He is a gentleman, this gentleman.
14:52 An example of a man.
14:53 A model to follow and a crack.
14:55 The best of all, my father.
14:57 Don't exaggerate, don't exaggerate.
14:59 It was just a little detail.
15:01 No, but really, that's not a lie.
15:03 You are a nice man and my best friend.
15:06 Well, I have to go to work, so see you, kisses for everyone.
15:11 Have a nice day.
15:12 I'm going with you because it seems that I'm left over here.
15:15 I see that you are leaving.
15:16 Kisses to you, right?
15:17 See you, Ramoncito.
15:18 Bye, mommy.
15:19 Take care, please.
15:20 You too.
15:21 Oh, you're cool.
15:23 Friend, how good that you did not go to the house of the commander.
15:41 Yes, that's what I have to do.
15:44 Keep distance.
15:45 Yes.
15:46 Pretend that Mr. Martin and I never happened.
15:48 That it was a terrible dream.
15:50 A nightmare that I woke up and ...
15:52 I already forgot about him.
15:54 Yes, of course, if you notice.
15:56 No, yes, I mean it.
15:57 Yes, I also mean it.
15:59 Look, with telling me that you forgot about him, no one believes you.
16:02 You have to say that to your heart and repeat it over and over again.
16:05 Not to me, huh?
16:06 It's for trust.
16:07 Uh-huh.
16:08 But you will see that I will forget about him.
16:09 About the children, no.
16:11 I will not forget about them.
16:13 But Mr. Martin, I give you my word that I am trying.
16:16 Yes, keep trying, really.
16:18 Meanwhile, I'm here to give you strength and make you remember some things.
16:23 What things?
16:25 Things, I don't know, things that help you not forget the commander.
16:27 For example, I'm going to tell you now.
16:29 Pay attention.
16:31 One, the handsome husband has another woman.
16:33 Two, the handsome husband is going to marry that other woman.
16:35 Three, the handsome husband is going to have a son with that other woman.
16:39 I repeat it.
16:40 No, no, no.
16:41 Sure?
16:42 I'm not very efficient.
16:43 This is a bad thing, I know.
16:44 Vicky, looking for you I found the source of happiness.
16:54 The scene that I don't want to stop living with you.
16:56 Looking for you I managed to have what I can't buy.
16:59 Looking for you, Vicky, will you forgive me?
17:00 Do you think that like a dry flower and a little song I'm going to forgive you?
17:06 No, sir.
17:07 You have to do more merit.
17:08 Well, ask me what you want.
17:09 I shave, I shave my beard, I shave what you want.
17:12 No, I have to tell you what you have to do.
17:13 You have to think of yourself.
17:15 And these flowers?
17:17 They are tulips, my favorites.
17:20 Ramón gave them to me.
17:21 Did you see?
17:23 Did you see that he was behind you?
17:24 He cheated on me.
17:26 He saw me fall and now he's with you.
17:27 Of course.
17:28 How do you like to invent, right?
17:30 Ramón is my friend and he gave me the flowers because he saw me so sad.
17:34 He knows me.
17:36 He is my friend and he knows my tastes.
17:38 Not like another who with a song there all written down and that wants to forgive him.
17:42 What have you believed?
17:43 Tell Ramón that he will have won this battle, but the war has just begun.
17:49 I'm going to fight for you, Vicky.
17:51 And I'm going to win you back because I love you.
17:53 And with those tulips I'm going to clean my shoes.
17:57 I'm going to clean my shoes.
17:58 But, Marmara, can you show me what you're writing?
18:19 Wait, I'm finishing.
18:25 I'm done.
18:27 But, Marmara, how are you going to write that?
18:30 No, no. Trust me.
18:32 Don't you think it's a too provocative message?
18:34 Do you want Jonathan to notice you?
18:36 Yes.
18:37 Do you want to make your girlfriend again?
18:39 Yes.
18:40 Then wake up and do as I say.
18:42 Don't tell me it wasn't a good idea to get a cell phone prepared to write a message to Jonathan.
18:46 Is it him?
18:51 [Music]
18:56 What did you put on him?
18:58 What did you put on him?
18:59 I put...
19:01 Thank you.
19:04 What? How are you going to thank him?
19:06 She's telling you she wants to be Caramelo to melt in your mouth.
19:10 Shut up, shut up, shut up.
19:11 Don't go on, don't go on.
19:13 I don't know. What do you want me to put on him?
19:14 What do you want me to put on him? I don't know.
19:16 Something like...
19:17 No, no, no, no, no.
19:18 Don't tell me.
19:19 I feel very uncomfortable with all this.
19:21 I feel like I'm being unfaithful to Luna.
19:24 What?
19:26 Wasn't it supposed that you and Luna had nothing?
19:28 No, we have nothing.
19:29 Well, yes, yes.
19:32 We are friends and I always have her in my heart.
19:35 So you have nothing then?
19:38 Let's see, cadets.
19:40 What's going on here?
19:41 Cadet Seminary, Cadet Tangoa.
19:45 Proceed to run to the esplanade.
19:46 Understood?
19:47 Understood, sir.
19:48 Cadet Quiroz, you stay.
19:50 We need to talk.
19:52 I'm upset with you, cadet.
19:56 No.
19:57 It's not that I'm upset, I'm...
19:59 I'm disappointed.
20:02 Because you hid relevant information about your mother.
20:05 Why didn't you tell me that your mother likes tulips?
20:10 Because I didn't know, sir.
20:12 Oh, you didn't know.
20:14 We're in trouble, cadet.
20:17 That's why we are as we are.
20:19 First, he lies to me.
20:21 Second, he doesn't want to give me back the book I gave him.
20:26 And third, he does nothing to get his sister to give me back the scooter.
20:30 I have no choice but to punish him.
20:33 Sir, sir.
20:34 I've been doing everything I can to help him.
20:36 Yes, but it has been of no use.
20:38 I'm very sorry, cadet.
20:45 Now, if you did something for me, then I could forget the punishment.
20:50 How do you want me to help you, sir?
20:53 See, now we're talking the same language.
20:56 Now.
20:57 Don't worry.
20:59 Don't call me.
21:01 I'll call you.
21:02 Everything is ready.
21:09 I need you to sign here to give the high.
21:12 - Everything is fine. - How nice.
21:14 Yes, but you still have to rest because you are delicate.
21:17 Try to be calm.
21:19 Take care of yourself, take care of yourself a lot.
21:22 And that you have a lot at home.
21:24 Thank you, doctor. Excuse me.
21:25 Thank you.
21:26 Martin, I was thinking that ...
21:31 I don't know, I could go to Chaclacayo.
21:34 I have an aunt there who could take care of me.
21:37 I can't think of anything else and I think the field would look good.
21:41 Do you want to go to Chaclacayo?
21:44 What is it? It's the only relative I have nearby.
21:46 She has a simple little house, but she loves me a lot.
21:50 I can't think of anyone else and I don't think it's fair for Barbarita to have to take care of me.
21:55 I don't know what to do.
21:57 You can think of someone who could take care of me.
22:00 Courtesy of the house, the best ceviche in the port.
22:09 Miss, I would give you your chela, but you are working.
22:11 How delicious! Thank you very much, Martin.
22:14 Hey, excuse me a moment.
22:16 What happened?
22:17 What's up?
22:22 A whatsapp from Marina with a sad face.
22:24 I don't know if to answer her with a message or call her by phone.
22:28 Julie, look, your problem is with the commander, not with the chibolos.
22:35 Answer him.
22:37 She loves you and that affection is not lost overnight.
22:41 What's up? Why are you looking at me like that?
22:43 I'm surprised to hear you.
22:45 I love that you are so generous.
22:48 Go ahead, call her.
22:51 Hello, beautiful.
22:59 If I had to call you, because I couldn't wait for your call.
23:03 And what can we do with that little pen?
23:09 I know, I have an idea.
23:10 What do you think if I go to your house in the afternoon?
23:13 Hey, don't be scandalous.
23:16 Yeah, yeah, okay.
23:20 A little kiss.
23:21 See you later.
23:23 You see.
23:26 Oh, Mati.
23:30 Thank you for being so understanding.
23:32 Yes, I have always been understanding, right?
23:34 When not.
23:35 I'm taking you, I'll go with you.
23:38 I'm going to the bathroom.
23:39 At the seminar house, if you take ceviche.
23:41 Please.
23:42 We'll eat it on the way.
23:43 Yes, let's go.
23:44 Oh, Pedro, nothing to see.
23:59 How are we going to get out if I haven't even finished reading the week?
24:02 Well, then I'll help you and we'll go out.
24:04 No, no, seriously, I'd rather it be another day.
24:07 Well, then it can be tomorrow.
24:08 No, tomorrow I have a commitment with a friend.
24:11 I see.
24:12 And the day after tomorrow?
24:13 I have a test.
24:15 Yes, sorry.
24:16 Okay.
24:17 Tefi.
24:20 Why don't you want to go out with me?
24:23 Oh, Pedro, I feel uncomfortable.
24:27 I feel that every time we are together, you get excited with me.
24:30 And I don't want to do that to you, I don't want to cheat on you.
24:32 Because you know that I can't correspond to you as you would like.
24:36 Is it because I seem very insistent?
24:38 No, no, it's not your fault.
24:40 It's my business.
24:41 What I feel, nothing more.
24:42 What do you feel?
24:44 Let's see, with all the Christobal and Barbara issue,
24:48 that she lied to me, that she laughed at me,
24:50 I'm angry and I don't want to feel that I'm using you to take revenge on him
24:54 or to throw away all that anger, right?
24:55 It's not fair.
24:56 I'm still in love with Christobal, Pedro.
24:59 Yes, yes, yes, I know you're still in love with Christobal.
25:02 But I'm not going to give up.
25:04 I want you to give me the opportunity to fall in love with me.
25:07 And that you realize that that sailor doesn't deserve you.
25:09 And that the person who can make you happy,
25:11 you already have here present.
25:14 Oh, I love it when you come.
25:21 And I like you too, although I don't know you.
25:24 Hey, come here, I'm going to kiss you.
25:26 Don't be exaggerated, as if you had never seen Julieta.
25:29 Thank you, Ramón.
25:30 And you guys are back?
25:31 I thought you were done.
25:34 Oh, please, leave Julieta alone.
25:36 What do you care if one goes out with someone?
25:38 Hey, you guys are a mess, right?
25:39 Where do you get that from?
25:40 We are friends.
25:42 But friends with a lot of advantage.
25:43 Matías.
25:44 Oh, well.
25:45 And this?
25:46 That's a gift I brought you to spend the bad times.
25:51 Oh, like a simple game,
25:53 it made us forget the bad times.
25:55 How cute and naive you are, cutie.
25:57 I'm moved to hear you.
25:59 Well, while the lady is moved, we are playing, right?
26:02 Yes.
26:03 Hold everything.
26:04 That's it.
26:05 And those suitcases?
26:09 Oh, they are mine and my mom's.
26:11 And why do you bring them?
26:13 Well, because the doctor said that Natalia has to rest,
26:16 and that's why ...
26:17 No!
26:18 Yes.
26:20 And that's why I offered her to stay with us for a few days at the house.
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29:35 Oh, hello Cristobal.
29:40 What I am Ramón, I'm going to ask you to please change the sheets.
29:44 I say it because, well, I'm very allergic.
29:47 - Now I change them. - Thank you.
29:50 Well, we'll let you know if anything.
29:52 Of course, Miss Natalia. Excuse me.
29:54 [Screams]
29:59 Oh, it's very expensive!
30:01 We did it!
30:03 Oh, so much happiness.
30:05 Oh, how are you, baby?
30:08 Emilia. Tell me, pretty Emilia.
30:10 Oh, what happens is that I am happy because my little sister,
30:13 or my little brother, is going to have the care I need.
30:15 And tell me, how many days is this drama going to last?
30:18 Because we would love to know how long we are going to have the blessing of having them at home.
30:24 I don't know, the truth is that the doctor told me that
30:28 these weeks are very important, right?
30:31 And I have to rest.
30:33 Of course.
30:34 And above all, a lot of tranquility, baby.
30:37 Emilia, because if you pressure her, it will be worse.
30:40 Well, we'll have to wait.
30:42 But I'm going to ask you to do your part,
30:44 because it won't be easy to have them here.
30:47 And I'm not going to accept that Martin is going to have another son, you and me.
30:51 But hey, we'll have to try, right?
30:55 Thank you very much.
30:57 Well, as soon as you feel better, that's it, from Patitas to your house.
31:01 I hope so.
31:10 I hope this is not an excuse to definitely settle in this house, right?
31:15 Because that's it.
31:16 That's it, I warn you, I'm not going to allow it.
31:20 [Music]
31:24 [Music]
31:27 [Music]
31:31 [Music]
31:35 Do you know what would happen if your lovers saw you train?
31:39 Do you know what would happen?
31:41 Negative, sir.
31:43 You would be single.
31:45 They would be the first to offer you a curse word, a sweet word.
31:51 Or tulips.
31:53 Let go.
31:56 Permission to withdraw, sir.
32:01 Who gave you permission to speak, cadet?
32:03 I have no excuse, sir.
32:05 Cadet Quiroz, come here.
32:09 Cadet, I know I'm not a saint of your devotion.
32:16 But your mother is the best thing that has happened to me.
32:20 It is the sun that illuminates my path.
32:23 The star that guides this ship called love.
32:27 It is the one that fills my heart.
32:30 And what do you want me to do, sir?
32:33 Throw flowers at me.
32:35 Throw flowers at me.
32:37 Tell him I'm the best officer in the school.
32:40 That I'm the most handsome, the coolest, the best.
32:43 And tell him that tulips are horrible.
32:45 That they are ugly.
32:47 Now, if he doesn't want to help me, do you know what's going to happen?
32:52 That the wrath of God will take over me.
32:56 And then I'm going to destroy him.
32:58 And the training will be relentless.
33:02 Excuse me, sir, but that has a name.
33:06 And it's called blackmail, sir.
33:09 Repeat that horrible word, cadet.
33:13 Blackmail.
33:16 I am an honest, honest, and impeccable man.
33:20 Understood?
33:21 Understood, sir.
33:23 Go with your section.
33:25 Say I'm the best.
33:27 Say I'm the best.
33:29 The lieutenant is the best.
33:32 The lieutenant is the best.
33:35 Like he wanted to be me.
33:38 Like he wanted to be me.
33:40 At ease! Long live!
33:43 The lieutenant is the best.
33:46 Like he wanted to be me.
33:49 The lieutenant is the best.
33:52 Mommy, I'm sorry, but it's very difficult for me to love my new little brother.
33:57 And on top of that, my dad had to bring Natalia home.
34:02 Yes, Mom, Natalia is going to stay in Cristóbal's room.
34:06 And Vasco and Luna say that we will never be able to get her out of the house.
34:10 And I don't want another mom.
34:12 Marina?
34:14 Do you think if we both talk to your mommy?
34:17 You can't talk to my mom.
34:19 Only me.
34:20 Well, but maybe you can help me talk to her.
34:23 No, I don't want to.
34:25 Sweetie, we are a family that loves each other very much.
34:31 You are my life.
34:33 If you love our family so much, why do you do things to destroy it?
34:39 No, don't say that, honey. I don't think it's fair.
34:42 I love our family and I always protect it.
34:44 Why do you say I'm doing things to break our family?
34:48 Dad, why do you get Natalia and Bárbara involved? They are weird.
34:51 I'm sure that if you get to know them...
34:53 Dad, I don't want to know them. They are not mine.
34:55 Let's see, Vasco. I understand that everything that is happening is not easy.
34:59 But you could make an effort.
35:01 Yes, I can try to make an effort to be more kind.
35:06 But one very different thing is that I am cordial and polite and all those things.
35:10 And another thing is that you come and install them in the house.
35:12 You went too far, Dad.
35:14 Honey, I know it's not easy for you or your brothers.
35:17 But think that they are alone.
35:20 Let's see, Lunita. You have always been very generous.
35:25 If you make an effort to receive them here, I will thank you a lot.
35:28 I don't know if I can.
35:30 It will be just for a few days. I promise you.
35:34 "I'm sorry, I'm not going to be able to help you."
35:37 If you don't help Buchistapa with your mom, she will kill us all.
35:50 Then introduce her to your mom so she falls in love.
35:52 It's better to give her the number of your secret diner so she can send her a message.
35:56 It's not funny, huh? No, no, no. It's not funny.
36:00 I received another message from Tatiana saying that I forgot Luna because she is a pava.
36:04 Do you realize my secret admirer knows Luna?
36:06 Do you let that girl screw up my sister?
36:08 I don't think she's screwing up.
36:10 Luna is cute, but your sister is a little pava.
36:14 What?
36:17 I don't like Tatiana talking about Luna like that. Luna is my friend.
36:19 Very well.
36:20 I'm not going to answer any more messages, huh?
36:21 Much better. You don't answer it because you're also a pava.
36:24 Oh, now being loyal is being pava.
36:26 No, I'm very uncomfortable with all this.
36:29 I haven't told Luna about Tatiana's messages.
36:32 Who's messages? Tatiana. Tatiana, the tracer.
36:37 I have to call her and tell her everything.
36:39 Hold on, hold on. You want to call Luna, who is your friend,
36:42 and tell her that there is a woman with whom you are sending burning messages
36:45 and that she says she is a pava?
36:47 No, no, no, no, no way. You're not going to do that.
36:49 You're going to make her feel bad for the purest.
36:51 Don't tell her anything. Did you hear me?
36:53 [Music]
37:00 [Music]
37:05 Barbie, what are you doing with my clothes?
37:07 Oh, I need space for mine.
37:09 The closet we have in the room is huge.
37:12 But how much space do you need?
37:14 If you're only going to stay for a few days.
37:15 Or a few months.
37:16 My children are hurt. It's hard for them, Jorge.
37:19 But little by little they have to accept the situation.
37:21 Do you need anything else? Because I'm preparing dinner for tonight.
37:24 No, I'm fine. Thank you very much.
37:26 Although something light would be good for me.
37:28 I don't know, a sweet.
37:30 Mmm, how delicious.
37:32 And could you also bring me some toast with bread?
37:35 Could you make me a juice?
37:37 Natural fruit. What's in the kitchen, yes?
37:40 Oh, now we're going to live like the queens we are.
37:43 Oh, finally.
37:45 Lin, lin.
37:47 Oh, mom. Isn't she pretty?
37:50 Yes, but stop looking at her like a fool.
37:53 Oh, mom.
37:54 I assure you that now, in less than you imagine, we will be together again.
37:58 And now forever.
37:59 I've stopped thinking nonsense and I already have the feet that have put on the ground.
38:03 And Mr. Martin has not called you?
38:05 No, no. What is he going to call me?
38:07 He is your boss, dad. And I'm not going to make more illusions.
38:10 Julieta, she has me and the commander.
38:12 She had no way to get lost, but she got lost anyway.
38:15 It seems that we are fools.
38:17 Oh, sister. It's a matter of opening your eyes.
38:20 And realize who the person who is worth it is.
38:23 If you are lucky, that person will still be there to wait for you.
38:27 Okay.
38:29 They are going to do a project.
38:34 A project that is going to take away my spring, Victoria.
38:37 A project of an amusement park.
38:39 Here, they are going to take away my spring.
38:41 And there, goodbye to the boulevard of arts and goodbye to the bonus for you.
38:45 Besides, I like you.
38:47 You don't even know me.
38:48 Of course I do.
38:49 From the videos you upload to the internet.
38:51 The Z, right?
38:53 I'm Cassandra.
38:56 Maybe we can do something together.
38:58 Seriously?
39:00 I...
39:02 I need you to know that...
39:05 I'm crazy about you.
39:09 (upbeat music)
