• 2 years ago
A fragile woman was stuck in a relationship so toxic that her mean and scary husband would force her to take ice-cold showers to repent for her "sins." However, one day, the couple's new neighbor, who turned out to be a knight in shining armor (or police uniform), noticed something was wrong after the cold showers flooded his ceiling. The story took a surprising twist after the woman decided to bake the neighbor a pie with a secret plea for help inside! Was he able to find the hidden message, or did the husband’s anger reach new heights?

This was another episode that featured another aspect of spousal abuse. What was so special is that the great Filip Walcerz played a complex abuser. He played a very stern and controlling, psychologically strong individual. The control was just from his strength of character. Yet, this character had a fatal flaw, he had a heart condition. This role was written for Filip. I could not see anyone else playing this powerful dramatic role. When Jerome Washington, the police officer, showed up in the story, I knew Filip's character was in trouble. Jerome is one of the two actors that has killed another character in cold blood on the screen on DramatizeMe. The ending is dark, but for those that believe in capital justice, this episode is for you and should leave you well sated and satisfied. Thank you DramatizeMe for this episode that has made it on to 3 of my playlists. Well Done!
Great video I hate cold showers and I hate abusers even more I love how that cop was able to pick up on her body language and tried to help but a divorce or a restraining order won't help you if your spouse is violent but he got his Just Desserts she literally scared him to death PS I used the Veda hair oil you advertised earlier I have male pattern baldness and it's making my hair grow back faster than ever someday I'll have a full head of hair I've used other products but this one works the best thank you for recommending it
This is why I love your videos... You don't hold back to coddle the snowflakes and you make your stories real and realistic... I assumed it would end with the pretty bow like others where he confessed all his abuse of her and finds out he was recorded and has to face the legal system etc... And I'm so glad that it didn't. This ending was so much better because it is so much more believable and realistic/more likely to actually happen! As a survivor of DV, nothing entertains me more than videos that show abusers getting what they deserve! Thank you Dramatizeme team!!!
Oh my what an episode didn't see that coming but the way he was abusing his wife was very sad sad no one should be in any relationship like that
Rick deserved it so much. Shannon should not have put up with that psychopath for so long at the first instance though. He was no less than a nightmare of a husband ✏️
