10 Downing Street in London witnessed an unusual incident unfolding during a diplomatic meeting between United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Dutch Premier Mark Rutte. In a bizarre turn of events, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak found himself locked out of 10 Downing Street during a meeting with the outgoing Dutch leader, Mark Rutte. The two leaders, who were discussing issues such as 'the scourge of illegal migration' and the UK's Rwanda policy, were caught on camera as they struggled to open the entrance door. After a moment of confusion, the door was eventually opened from the inside.
#RishiSunak #10DowningStreet #MarkRutte
#RishiSunak #10DowningStreet #MarkRutte
00:00 10 Downing Street in London witnessed an unusual incident unfolding during a diplomatic meeting
00:08 between United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Dutch Premier Mark Rutte.
00:13 In a bizarre turn of events, PM Rishi Sunak found himself locked out of 10 Downing Street
00:18 during a meeting with the outgoing Dutch leader Mark Rutte.
00:21 The two leaders, who were discussing issues such as the scourge of illegal migration and
00:26 the UK's Rwanda policy, were caught on camera as they struggled to open the entrance door.
00:31 After a moment of confusion, the door was eventually opened from the inside.
00:35 This incident marks the last diplomatic meeting between Rishi Sunak and Mark Rutte, as the
00:39 four-time Dutch Prime Minister recently announced his decision to quit politics.
00:44 Rutte's coalition government collapsed earlier this year due to a disagreement over immigration,
00:49 ultimately leading Geert Wilders, securing victory in the Dutch general election.
00:53 A spokesperson from 10 Downing Street stated that the leaders discussed a range of geopolitical
00:58 issues, including the situation in the Middle East.
01:01 The two leaders expressed regret at the breakdown of the pause in fighting to release hostages
01:05 in Gaza and agreed that it was vital that more aid was able to get into the region,
01:10 including by exploring new routes.
01:12 Meanwhile, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was under pressure to explain a controversial
01:15 decision involving a payment of £240 million, equivalent to $300 million, to Rwanda as part
01:23 of a blocked asylum plan.
01:24 The funds were intended for a deal struck in April 2022, where migrants reaching Britain
01:29 via English Channel would be sent to Rwanda for asylum processing.
01:33 However, the plan faced illegal challenges, and last month, Britain's Supreme Court
01:38 ruled the policy as illegal, stating that Rwanda is not a safe country for refugees.
01:43 As the world watches these developments, the diplomatic landscape undergoes shifts and
01:47 leaders grapple with pressing issues on multiple fronts.
01:50 [MUSIC]