Already late to save the planet? || Acharya Prashant, with Ms Gauri Maulekhi (2023)

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Full Video: The One Most Important thing about life || Acharya Prashant, with Ms. Gauri Maulekhi (2023)


Video Information: 04.04.23, with Ahimsa Fellows (Online-talk), Greater Noida

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Music Credits: Milind Date
00:00 Are we too late to save the planet, Acharya ji?
00:06 I mean, is it really too late?
00:10 Sometimes I feel like saying yes, it is already too late.
00:16 Probably that is the fact as well.
00:23 But that does not matter.
00:26 You see, it might not be too late, it might already be too late, how does it matter?
00:31 One has to just keep fighting on.
00:37 Not for those who are gone, not for the future, but for the present possibility that there
00:50 is something precious, lovely, worthwhile that can probably be redeemed.
01:00 And one will not be able to forgive herself if one doesn't give it all one has.
01:09 You see, I don't know about the future of the planet.
01:16 So the more I go into the science of it, the more it starts looking quite certain that
01:30 this unfortunate and monstrous species of ours isn't going to last another hundred
01:40 years.
01:42 In fact, within the next decade or two, we'll start seeing very, very obvious signs of the
01:55 approaching end.
01:57 All that is going to happen in our lifetime.
02:00 But anyway, when a hundred years is too distant a future, I do not know what would happen.
02:06 How much time do we have to live as individuals?
02:09 I suppose at most I have a few decades.
02:15 The fellows are probably younger, they'll have a spare decade or two compared to me.
02:23 We don't have too much time, let's fight it out.
02:26 And that's the best use we can put our life to.
02:30 That's how I look at it.
02:33 I don't know what the result of this battle would be, but it's worth fighting.
02:44 Calculations tell me that the odds are not in our favor.
02:53 But in things like these, calculations don't matter that much.
02:59 Even if there is just a 0.1% probability left, one would still give it everything.
03:08 It's like having a loved one in ICU or on ventilator.
03:16 One cannot give up.
03:18 One fights till the last breath.
03:24 So that's what we can do.
03:32 I also know that our individual efforts are probably not going to suffice.
03:38 So one waits for creation to throw up something quite unexpected.
03:51 It's not as if we are the sole guardians responsible for the entire creation.
04:04 Things happen and strange things happen.
04:07 They say truth is stranger than fiction.
04:14 Even COVID had the potential to teach us so much about the fragility of our ecosystems,
04:23 about the impermanence of all that we have, and about the helplessness of all man-made
04:32 support systems.
04:36 So we never know what's in store.
04:42 And when an opportunity might present itself.
04:46 So let's just keep doing the maximum and the best we can.
04:51 And even if nothing comes out of it, it would at least be a life well spent.
04:59 We can die in peace.
05:00 Yeah, you're absolutely right.
05:17 It's uncanny how our thoughts completely align.
05:19 I also feel that it's to be fought because it's a battle worth fighting.
05:27 And it's something that would, you know, joy or not, but it at least does not give us the
05:35 guilt at the end of the day of having done nothing.
05:38 So while we see too much, it's just whatever little bit that we can spend our time doing
05:47 to make things better.
05:50 Thank you so much for your answer.
