• 2 years ago
This is the funny moment an injured pigeon, which was nursed back to health, refused to be released into the wild - and flew straight back home.

Brad Brazeau, 28, and Kayla Brazeau, 31, rescued the injured bird after it was shot in the leg with an airsoft pellet.

The couple took the bird in and cared for it until it was ready to fly away on its own.

But to the couple's surprise, when they tried to release it, the bird refused to leave and flew straight back home.

Brad, a concrete worker, and Kayla, a landscaper, found the injured pigeon on October 5.

The couple, who live in Post Falls, Idaho, USA, said: "She had plucked out all the feathers around the airsoft pellet so it looks really bad.

"She will have a limp for the rest of her life sadly."

Brad and Kayla fed the bird, which they named Meg, and gave her and a warm place to rest.

After about a month, Meg had recovered and the couple decided to free her.

But Meg had other plans.

When they tried to release her, she flew in the opposite direction and walked home.

Now, Meg the pigeon lives with the couple.

She has taken a shine her new parents and their pet dogs. She even gets lonely when they're not around.

Kayla said: "Now she just hangs out around our house. She loves our dogs. She plays with stuff animals and loves shiny things.

"She will even chase dog toys such as balls. She follows me around the house. I don't think she likes to be alone."


00:00 (thud)
00:01 Uh...
00:05 (laughing)
