• 2 years ago
Local residents of the Tettenhall area of Wolverhampton have raised considerable concerns about new proposals for a one way system. There are numerous safety concerns that residents feel that have not been taken into consideration.


00:00 I'm Councillor Singh, the Councillor representative for the area of Tettnal, Regis and Wolverhampton.
00:06 Today we've seen a remarkable amount of residents come out and actually display their anger
00:12 and the fact that they are not actually happy with these new road proposals that have been
00:17 put in by the Council. I think it's key to understand that we need to have the residents'
00:23 thoughts and their ideas as part of this plan for any plan that decides to go forward. The
00:30 key thing is that no consultation with the residents has taken place and we demand that
00:35 the residents are listened to in relation to all sorts of changes that are being made
00:40 within the Rock Junction. I think what is important is that the Council can stop this
00:45 today and I strongly urge them to put a pause on it, speak to the residents, understand
00:50 their concerns and then come out with further plans as to how they propose to introduce
00:56 any sort of measures within the area. But what is key and important is they listen to
01:01 the residents and they take their thoughts on board.
01:04 Hi I'm Anna Simpson and I'm a resident of Churchill Road in the west part of Wolverhampton.
01:10 I've arranged for residents to come out today really to show their frustrations and objections
01:15 to the proposals to prevent the right turn at the Rock Junction up towards Technal. The
01:23 main implications are it's just going to transfer the congestion to other parts of the city
01:30 which are already badly affected. Residents in this area are particularly concerned because
01:36 we already have a traffic congestion problem. The proposal is to make it one way which is
01:44 potentially going to increase to higher speeds of travelling traffic because nobody is going
01:49 to be anticipating oncoming traffic. At present, Lothians Road is only just wide enough to
01:57 allow for one car and concerns particularly about pedestrians, people pushing at prams
02:07 and wheelchairs, it's going to be incredibly dangerous. And that's the only route from
02:13 Technal to the city where steps aren't involved so it really is a critical access route for
02:19 pedestrians living in this area. There's also concerns over about air quality, the fact
02:24 that cars are going to be in very low gears, accelerating and there's numerous junctions
02:31 which people are going to be stopping at. Already emerging onto the A41 at the level
02:37 of the Clock and Daines Court Road is fraught with issues and we think potentially it's
02:45 going to become more unsafe. This proposal hasn't been put out to consultation even though
02:52 this area fits within the Neighbourhood Plan which has a local legal framework which means
02:59 that any changes including traffic and transport arrangements should be passed through council
03:06 wards before implementation. At the point when correspondence was sent out by the City
03:13 Council, none of the ward councillors had been made aware. Letters to local residents
03:20 have been sent out in a very patchy way. People on Henwood Road which are going to be severely
03:28 impacted have not had any correspondence. So it's deeply concerning. We have just a
03:36 month before this proposal is implemented and for most of this time council offices
03:41 will be closed due to the Christmas period which many people feel is rather circumspect.
