Soutien financier à l'Ukraine : Orban contre l'UE ?

  • last year
Alors que le Conseil européen doit se réunir jeudi et vendredi à Bruxelles afin de prendre une décision concernant une aide financière de 50 milliards d'euros à l'Ukraine, ainsi que sa demande d'adhésion à l'Union européenne, Viktor Orban a déjà annoncé qu'il opposerait son veto à ces propositions.
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00:00 While the European Council must meet on Thursday and Friday in Brussels to make a decision
00:05 on a 50 billion euro financial aid to Ukraine, as well as its request for adhesion to the
00:10 European Union, Viktor Orban has already announced that he would oppose his veto to his proposals.
00:15 This position is both political and economic.
00:18 Viktor Orban has decided to play the trouble makers at the next European Council.
00:24 While the representatives of the 27 Member States must meet on December 14 and 15 in
00:30 Brussels to make a decision on a 50 billion euro financial aid to Ukraine, as well as
00:34 its request for adhesion to the European Union, the Hungarian Prime Minister has warned that
00:38 he would oppose it in both cases.
00:39 A veto that threatens the support of Europeans in Kiev, since the decision requires the unanimity
00:46 of the Member States.
00:47 Ukraine is in trouble, it is under Russian invasion, and we have decided to support it.
00:52 It is therefore legitimate that the entire European Council sends good signals to Ukraine,
00:58 however, there are other types of signals to send than the opening of negotiations for
01:03 adhesion to the European Union.
01:05 "I am here to raise our level of cooperation, but this does not mean adhesion,"
01:10 the Hungarian Prime Minister said in an interview with Le Point magazine published on Friday.
01:14 A few days before the European Council, these statements do not foretell any good for Kiev,
01:21 especially since Western support for Ukraine is beginning to wane, according to a report
01:25 from the Kiel Institute, newly hired aid is down 90% over the period from October
01:31 2023 compared to the same period last year.
01:34 On the other hand, Kiev faces a shortage of ammunition after the failure of its counteroffensive
01:40 this summer.
01:41 It is a negotiation strategy.
01:43 To avoid any blockade of European aid to Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron invited Viktor Orban
01:49 to the Elysée on Thursday, December 7, to try to inflate his position.
01:53 Emmanuel Macron maintains good relations with Viktor Orban.
01:58 "The latter severely criticizes the European Commission, but not directly France,"
02:04 explains Jacques Rupnik, Director of Research and Merits at the International Research Center,
02:09 SERI, Sciences Po Paris.
02:11 Less than 24 hours later, the ministers of finance of the EU approved the transfer to
02:16 Hungary of € 920 million out of the € 10.4 billion planned as part of a revision
02:21 of its post-COVID-19 recovery plan.
02:24 The remaining 9 billion remain subject to reforms to fight corruption and conflicts
02:30 of interest, improve the independence of justice, freedom of expression and academic freedom,
02:36 the protection of rights of minorities and migrants.
02:38 The amount of this aid is not negligible when we know that it represents almost 5% of the
02:44 Hungarian GDP in 2022 and that inflation has just fallen below 10%.
02:49 With more than € 6 billion in annual subsidies received since 2018, Hungary is the first
02:55 beneficiary of the European Cohesion Fund, which aims to compensate for the delay in development
03:00 between EU countries.
03:01 Last August, the Hungarian liberal HVG ebdomader asked himself whether Budapest could survive
03:07 without its funds.
