Le controversé projet de loi immigration arrive à l'Assemblée nationale

  • last year
Le très controversé projet de loi immigration, emblématique des difficultés d'un gouvernement sans majorité absolue, arrive lundi dans l'hémicycle de l'Assemblée nationale.
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00:00 The highly controversial immigration law project, emblematic of the difficulties of a government
00:04 without an absolute majority, arrives on Monday in the National Assembly's hemicycle.
00:08 But it is immediately threatened by a motion of rejection that could interrupt its examination.
00:13 After months of upheaval, the highly controversial immigration law project arrives on Monday,
00:19 December 11, to be debated in the National Assembly's hemicycle.
00:22 But it is immediately threatened by a motion of rejection that could interrupt its examination.
00:27 At 4 p.m., the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, who strongly committed himself
00:32 to this landmark law project of Emmanuel Macron's second quinquennat, will defend
00:36 this text, which, according to its formula, facilitates the expulsion of those who behave
00:41 badly and the integration of those who behave well.
00:43 But in the wake of this, the bill will be subjected to a first crash test, the vote
00:48 of a motion of pre-rejection submitted by the environmentalists.
00:51 If the left, right and National Assembly (NRA) block around this motion, it could
00:58 be adopted and immediately interrupt the examination of the bill and the more than 2,600 amendments
01:02 that must be discussed over two weeks, weekend included.
01:05 The parliamentary shuttle should then continue on the basis of the Senate text, much more
01:11 to the right than the one rewritten by the deputies in commission.
01:13 It would be a play, which the NRA and the NRA intend to maintain the suspense, almost
01:19 until the opening of the session.
01:20 More opponents than majorities at the Assembly.
01:24 There are arguments for and arguments against.
01:27 The argument against is that obviously we want to debate because Mr. Darmanin says
01:31 everything is the opposite.
01:32 The for is that we are opposed frontally to this law which creates a new line of immigration
01:38 with the regularization facilitated by workers in jobs in tension, restoration,
01:42 BTP, etc., to sum up Dimanche Marine Le Pen, strong of a group of 88 deputies.
01:49 For the NRA boss Eric Ciotti, the adoption of this motion would result in debating again
01:54 on the Senate text, the only one that suits him.
01:56 But some NRA deputies are reluctant, in particular among the 17 signatories out of 62 who said
02:03 they were ready at the end of November in a tribune to discuss with the government.
02:06 Arithmetically, there are more opponents than majorities, since we have a relative majority
02:12 to recognized Dimanche Gérald Darmanin.
02:14 But it would be surprising, on a text that interests everyone, that the deputies who
02:19 represent the French do not want to discuss, has he relativized?
02:23 A way to take the opinion as a witness and put pressure on the NRA.
02:28 If the NRA tomorrow does not vote the text, which allows to expel 4,000 foreign delinquents
02:33 per year, what will they say to their voters, to the former Gérald Darmanin who calls Eric
02:37 Ciotti to find a compromise on a text supported by 80% of the French.
02:41 Gérald Darmanin, on this point in agreement with Elisabeth Borne, does not want to resort
02:47 to 49.3, unlike the Law on Retirees.
02:50 Darmanin wants to extend the hand to the Republican Party.
02:54 At this end, the Minister of the Interior intends to extend the hand to the NRA on the crime of
02:59 irregular stay or the framing of regularizations.
03:01 He will be able to rely on the presidential camp on the deputies of the horizon party
03:06 of Edouard Philippe, who proposed on Sunday to limit possible irregularization by quotas.
03:11 But this extended hand on one side of the chessboard may irritate the left wing of Macron, who
03:16 also has its red lines, reminded on Sunday in the echoes of his spokesman, the president
03:20 of the commission of the laws Sacha Houlier.
03:22 "It would be irresponsible to go beyond our political DNA, the adoption of the text
03:27 cannot be done at the expense of a division of the majority," he warned, recalling his
03:31 opposition to the crime of irregular stay.
03:33 Sacha Houlier also launched a call to the left that has never obtained so much progress
03:38 on regularizations or the end of the presence of minors in detention centers.
03:42 This seems, however, excluded.
03:44 On the contrary, while the NUP has imploded following Jean-Luc Mélenchon's refusal to
03:49 qualify the Hamas as a terrorist, deputies and the FI, communist, socialist and environmentalist
03:54 want to show that they can find themselves on a common cause.
03:57 With AFP.
