How retailers are faring amid the holiday shopping season

  • last year
Jim Taylor, the CEO of Brixmor Property Group, joined TheStreet to discuss how retailers are gearing up for the holiday shopping season.
00:00 - Bricksmore has property that is home
00:01 to a lot of big name retailers.
00:03 We're talking TJ Maxx, Burlington, Kohl's,
00:05 just to name a few.
00:06 Jim, how are these retailers best preparing
00:09 for the heart of the holiday shopping season?
00:11 What are you seeing?
00:12 - Well, we're seeing great traffic into our centers
00:15 and the retailers, like those that you mentioned
00:17 and many others, I think are very pleased
00:20 with the strength of the consumer
00:21 and importantly, how the store serves the consumer.
00:25 You know, we're a retail landlord
00:27 with about 360 properties across the US,
00:31 tenanted by great retailers like TJ,
00:34 like Publix, like Kroger, Burlington, and many others.
00:38 And, you know, the retailers themselves are finding
00:41 that the stores are a great way to connect with
00:43 and serve the consumer.
00:45 So as they go into the holiday season,
00:47 I think they're seeing great traffic.
00:49 Obviously, Black Friday was strong,
00:51 but we're seeing overall strength in traffic
00:53 even past Black Friday.
00:55 - How are you seeing the companies position themselves,
00:58 maybe a little bit different for this year's holiday season
01:01 than maybe what we've seen in the past, I wonder?
01:03 - Well, I think they've gotten a handle on the inventory,
01:06 right, and you've seen many retailers come out
01:09 and drive profitability from an inventory perspective
01:12 by reducing what they have in the store.
01:15 I think they're improving the overall mix
01:18 and offering to the consumer
01:20 and really giving the consumer multiple reasons
01:23 to come into the store.
01:25 And again, I think that that's been part of the success
01:29 that's driving these retailers.
01:31 Now, one thing to appreciate is that these retailers
01:35 also look out and see potential weakness in the consumer.
01:39 And so they're positioning for that, to remain competitive,
01:42 to remain a compelling value proposition
01:44 as many of our retailers are,
01:47 and again, to give the consumer a reason
01:49 to come into the store.
01:51 We're a retail landlord, as I like to say.
01:53 We're not directly in the retail business.
01:56 We lease properties that retailers wanna be at.
02:00 And I think that's important to appreciate,
02:02 and the retailers themselves understand that as well
02:05 as it relates to our business,
02:07 because they're committing to stores
02:09 well into 25 and beyond.
02:11 So whatever retail or consumer softness we may see
02:16 over the coming periods,
02:17 I think the retailers are well-positioned for it.
02:20 Their balance sheets are stronger.
02:22 They've come through the pandemic better.
02:24 So I think we're well-positioned for whatever lies ahead.
02:29 - We.
