• last year
Gillie Da King | Million Dollaz Worth of Game
00:00 tuned into me me me me me me million dollars worth of game listen man this is
00:03 the Gillian Wallow knockout party is going down with live in the ring is
00:06 gonna be a lot of blood on the canvas tonight listen man I wish you would have
00:09 been here listen this is going down man what is your predictions I already told
00:13 you this is mine I'm putting out the goofy get knocked out
00:16 there is DK get knocked out 25 cent get knocked out Molly get knocked out okay I
00:23 got DK winning I got goofies winning I got Molly winning I got 25 cent getting
00:32 knocked out by Jojo from the real drink I know okay come on Jojo can't come on
00:37 he's banned from Philly he's banned from Philly so I got a walk him down beating
00:42 Tim Doe from Jersey what about white dolemite is he's getting knocked out no
00:47 I got white dolemite standing tall that boy looked at dangerous day he was
00:51 fighting I'm just saying they look dangerous but but what I seen white
00:54 dolemite fighting on his Instagram what I mean it was he boxing somebody they
01:00 had on gloves he was they was they was tearing it up a little bit so I know he
01:03 could least owe his hands so uh what about me ball what's going on took you a
01:11 little time why why me I came in strong yesterday and me ball pony yeah yeah
01:16 she's a little big I don't know a bit bigger but I don't know me ball could
01:20 pull it off okay we got to get me ball to pull this off she got to do our job
01:24 man it's going down man Gillian Wallow knockout party man this is just the one
01:27 of many man we're gonna bring you was many more next year make sure if you out
01:31 there you sign enough for next year is going down we wait we might had a sign
01:34 up right after this right because soon as you see all these knockouts I got a
01:37 prediction out of 19 fights KFC 19 20 some five thing is gonna be at least
01:41 like anywhere from 7 to 12 knockouts I think I think about that number it's
01:47 good too now you don't mean my prediction come from me just being a
01:50 trainer me doing my thing I'm just about a you ain't no trainer I just want to
01:54 say this from here on out after y'all see tonight just call me DK JR baby yeah
01:58 that's Don King jr. Don King jr. only in America baby I mean feel what I'm saying
02:03 that's all I want to tell you I mean you know it you know they call me wild
02:06 Haman you some say Wow Wow Wow Haman you don't say that's gonna be my name after
02:11 this all you fighters y'all come over here
02:13 million dollars with a game man we you know we're gonna be like well PBC
02:17 premier box we won't be be gonna be the biggest in the game baby absolutely
02:20 compete with the biggest you know we're gonna be with the biggest and the baddest
02:23 in the game yes we not playing no games but my name is Wow Haman now it's got
02:27 you and I ain't spelling it like w-a-l I'm trying like Wow like w-i-l-d Wow
02:33 Haman you see I'm saying that's my name baby be in the game we get in the fight
02:37 is the best they called you the jail while waving no they know I'm saying
02:41 this hell of a name that's a big name not me I promote I mean I get these dudes
02:44 the big the big paydays absolutely the guy he get y'all the big payday making
02:48 sure y'all cool taking it to the next level man is going down but first and
02:51 foremost before we before we you know cuz we ready run around we make sure
02:55 y'all what's going on right before we run around show you what's going on I
02:57 want to thank everybody who bought the pay-per-view everybody that's everybody
03:00 everybody that bought a ticket everybody that came out the with us and support
03:04 because y'all family all of them all the staff members ever they put this
03:09 together everybody that worked behind the scenes everybody that reposted this
03:13 everybody absolutely this is the beginning of something major which I
03:17 share everybody that liked but we're gonna be more fighters more fighters more
03:23 rain girls right the coming I'm telling we gonna throw the biggest fights in the
03:26 world right and that's what it's really about so I just want to thank everybody
03:29 for supporting and thank everybody who didn't support because if you didn't
03:32 support then now you got a chance to see what was going on you got a chance to
03:35 see what you missed yeah you know what you get a chance to double down on it
03:39 the second one and try to come back and be graded later and another thing we
03:43 got to focus on I think we might could do a mixed martial arts because you know
03:46 that's my thing octagon type thing like type type of ring like you know I mean
03:49 cuz I mean we're gonna keep it right in here man right in here yeah man we ready
03:54 take y'all around run y'all around let y'all see what's going on throw some
03:58 people around you know me probably some interviews some of the fighters you know
04:01 me we got some world-class champions here show you the belts I don't know we're
04:07 gonna be giving out some belts tonight but I got my mind on who we giving the
04:10 belts out to it's gonna be a lot of money we go get about the do ever when I
04:14 got my we're giving the bells out to whoever win yes man and it's just like
04:21 that right this episode of me and I was worth a game is brought to you by body
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05:47 game is bought to you by new Amsterdam vodka now um life ain't going your way
05:52 shot a new Amsterdam vodka oh you was at Gilly and wallow kills and you got
05:57 knocked out today shot a new Amsterdam vodka mm-hmm is the still five times is
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06:27 shout out to my wife the new Amsterdam Queen be at the crib cocktailing it up
06:33 with the girlfriends yeah I mean getting ready for me to come home yeah I mean
06:37 and and crack the crab legs you know what I'm saying so shout out to new
06:42 Amsterdam vodka the official vodka bars to sports me out about your local liquor
06:45 store get you some did you sound show starts right now you're at the four
06:49 local land for the Gilly and wallow kale party coming to you live from Wilmington
06:55 Delaware yeah yeah yeah that's all I want to see it's really going down I'm
07:03 from the jungle I'm really built I'm a fucking lion bro this is the four local
07:17 fight this is the youngest guy on the car this is the 18 year old correct yeah
07:21 yeah I come to your city take your head off I can't make your city take your
07:26 head off I'm coming to your city I'm coming oh you think boys are gonna
07:31 settle this shit tomorrow night let's get you guys right here drop some mics
07:34 get a little face off hey yo turn me up man you're up welcome down
07:40 sub-chain welcome back I came from Jersey just to walk it down boy that
07:46 black guy you sweat that black out of the top of your head you like a bitchy
07:50 mother you finish it like a tech tech to wrestling look at mother winslow come up
07:57 on strong face look in all I gotta say is Delaware how we doing
08:03 whoo allow me to introduce myself I'll do it for you I'm the man of the hour
08:09 too sweet to be sour the man's regret and the woman's pet tomorrow night we're
08:14 getting put to sleep my friend Jersey style damn bro so it's his fight is not
08:21 here his fighter doesn't seem like he showed up yet the left-hand bandit the
08:24 other white kid was 185 right right and this guy's 175 I think we can get this
08:29 fight together you want to take this all 173 175 I think we might have a fight I
08:35 mean I I mean I'm not excited about fighting this mother but still
08:42 yeah it's like stop for your ass you already know night night night night
08:48 let's get the face off no no hands no hands no hands let's get the face off we
08:54 got sugar-free hands right here versus light feet right here to fly right here
09:00 yeah in order to beat the man you gotta beat a man oh no no no no you gotta be
09:08 we gotta save some shit you want some talk
09:14 this one I predict this you you you know you know you a little fella little
09:26 fella little fella I'm a beat I'm a beat the brakes off I'm gonna beat the brakes
09:31 off you son I'm gonna beat the brakes off your son
09:33 save the for local Bruce Lee Royce so the answer question this is going to be
09:38 the 20th fight of the night right here Jamal versus Elijah Jesus Christ I'm
09:45 hungry I'm taking everything I'm taking everything I'm taking everything all
09:49 right boys you're gonna break it up right now we're gonna break it up this
09:52 is Cleveland right here and they've been having a beef oh no hold on girls hold
09:58 on ladies with 24 hours away true story so she end up sucking somebody she was
10:15 dealing with he never went back and this is what the beef is about anytime is it
10:21 involved this is not no plan around you say it all live you was going him up
10:29 yeah he said oh no he said I wasn't gonna show up he said you were gonna
10:33 show up you're here I don't know how y'all doing in Delaware but from Jersey
10:36 we knock my now we like them bigger let's go let's go I do a lot of walking
10:42 don't let it fit trust me we here let me ask you this are you gonna meet me in
10:53 the middle of the ring I'm gonna just look at all around that break I don't
10:58 give a what you do I'm gonna knock your mohawk to the left what you talking about
11:01 I'm here
11:04 you think I'm gonna beat you tomorrow it's gonna be something tomorrow it's
11:17 gonna be something tomorrow ladies are bringing the energy we'll get in the
11:25 ring I'm just gonna handle my business that's it you put them saying Jersey all
11:28 day here he's a great actor maybe I'll look at that resume don't do that don't
11:32 do that I swear you make the best Hollywood you make the best kid I do how
11:37 long can we met 2018 mutual respect was at the gay club right
11:42 guys let's get a face off and I was used I knock your ass out I'll make sure
12:06 let's give it up for these fighters I shop it's going down the ball
12:12 I don't think it for the battle of Jersey I don't think you're gonna do it
12:18 though I think he's scared I think he's scared of me so that might be the next
12:23 fight if he went if he don't go to sleep I gotta go to sleep he gonna be a Jersey
12:27 meme if you go see believe it hold on we got vanilla gorilla right here vanilla
12:30 gorilla that's good that's good how do you see it going down tonight vanilla
12:34 it's not going three rounds either I'm getting knocked out he's getting knocked
12:36 out that's it
12:39 is there any fear there for you anyone who says they're not scared so you're
12:47 scared level show between 100 100
12:52 you know it's weak spots in I think he's sleeping on me for sure you're going in
13:02 there for the first round knockout second round knockout where whoever I
13:04 can find it but you're looking for the knockout for sure
13:09 wish you the best man
13:13 there you go this is a lie you fight Molly Kobe how is this going down you
13:21 gonna knock you out Molly how is this going down he gonna knock you out
13:26 you won't care when the young how is he going down knock him out what round you
13:32 knock me out now cuz I'm betting on you second round what time in the second
13:35 round I'm 13 seconds how many seconds I don't matter
13:39 hold up now hold up now hold up hold up yeah you up this mall you're gonna
13:45 stay back now
13:47 Oh
13:49 Oh
13:51 Oh
13:53 Oh
13:55 Oh
13:57 Oh
13:59 Oh
14:01 Oh
14:03 Oh
14:05 Oh
14:07 Oh
14:09 Oh
14:11 I can't really get you on the comedy show night and I'm gonna set you tonight
14:30 I'm gonna set you okay don't go to sleep mom
14:39 listen man it's a big chance that he's getting knocked out tonight I said he's
14:43 getting money on just pray for me man like oh so so what are you game plan
14:47 what you gonna do I'm gonna get knocked out the no no what is your personal game
14:51 plan my game plan is to go in there and just try my best you know I'm just a
14:58 humble servant of the Lord and what moves did you learn
15:03 Oh God box who you training with training in shout out coach Adam he right
15:08 there actually actually hold on what coach Adam at right now don't even know
15:11 where it's cool yo coke yo coke what did he treat you
15:13 yo what did he teach you help
15:17 it told me a lot man you know say he told me how to you know stay humble you
15:22 know Santa's always you know get the win did you go for the knockout so now you
15:25 know you always told me how to just get to the win that's it it's all it took
15:28 listen man I got him going sleep in the second round I believe you 13 seconds in
15:35 second round wallow is always right yeah I must whatever you say this is your
15:40 bet whatever you say in the 13 13 seconds in the second round leave it
15:44 out you're gonna be body shot I'm so scared yeah it's gonna be body work I
15:51 might have shit it on myself like I'm so sorry I know you see the box so guys
16:03 healthcare hero here these can be real quick one for you guys 30 seconds in
16:07 jab jab uppercut jab jab uppercut and then we walking out to ring girls by my
16:12 side it's gonna be a movie by the pay-per-view baby
16:15 it's not y'all in the building I don't know what's gonna happen
16:18 unpredictable but just know I'm gonna do my big one for sure stay tuned
16:22 what's up everybody it's Johnny lightning work body work the head
16:26 hopefully get the knockout my name Dan my fight and tie the king I'm gonna knock
16:31 him out in the second round it's gonna be over after that
16:33 Lucin and is here for that MVJ we'll see depends on him you know how long I'm
16:39 gonna let him survive this round but I'm gonna let him go to distance you know
16:44 I'm gonna let him have some fun the takeover really you already know how
16:47 Philly get really get active you're even know right see yo you already know as
16:53 many as I was worth a game Jojo it's going down about to start soon if you
16:58 haven't got your tickets you can still get your tickets if you at home and you
17:02 don't feel like coming watch it on pay-per-view we go crazy
17:06 what's up everybody happy holidays perfect for the holiday sprite winter
17:11 spice cranberry I'm telling you listen man this right here she's this I'm
17:16 telling this is just perfect I'm so perfect for that great tasting I'm
17:20 talking about the new winter spice cranberry watch this perfect man come
17:26 on great for your holidays you're gonna be getting together something new I'm
17:29 talking about this listen this winter spiced cranberry I'm talking about it
17:33 spiced this right here breakdance right let me get one more I got mine you
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18:01 waiting for come on we waiting for you go get yours we got ours
18:07 this episode of million dollars where the game is brought to you by tableau TV
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19:02 in your home go to tableau TV to learn right now tableau TV right right let's
19:08 go to DK let's take it to DK what's good man I'm ringside with a hand so I wanted
19:15 no one from y'all you definitely won this I see why they call you handsome
19:19 cuz you got hands man that's how you do it man you'll say did you train for this
19:22 battle I did I trained a long time first of all I want to thank our United States
19:26 law enforcement United States military yeah Zack Mata and Bradley cafe try out
19:31 boxing and most importantly the Jersey fucking sure that's right yeah
19:35 Jersey's in the building back to you Jim interview the losers it was crazy now we
19:40 need both of them we need both of them we got we got the health hero and we got
19:47 el cario listen I was an amazing fight it was amazing so um hold on this is a
19:54 brought to you by this is brought to you by 3G and a code is relaxed 30 make sure
20:00 I do your thing so you got your ass what but you did your thing though you got
20:05 your ass I'm not gonna lie man but you definitely did you think did you train
20:08 for this
20:11 way too hard in the first round
20:17 well you did good man you know I'm saying uh just keep doing your thing
20:25 bro you're a health care worker right okay I will just keep doing your thing
20:29 bro and we got the winner man step over here bro listen man you really did your
20:35 thing you really turned this whole thing around in a second round and we really
20:39 like that man how did you feel when you turned it around I mean this was gonna
20:43 be the outcome since the beginning I just had to let it I had to feel out the
20:46 first round well a breathe breathe don't don't pass out breathe see how they're
20:51 gonna go you know but like I said I wasn't here to talk I came to fight I
20:55 let my hands do the talking for me and I think it just spoke for itself any
21:01 shoutouts to anybody out there shout out to anybody out shout out MVJ they
21:05 believed in me they helped me work I was working real hard for this
21:09 restraining in and out and out of the gym let's get it man you'll give each
21:13 other a hug
21:18 thousand pounds all right we're getting on to our fourth round that's the four
21:23 local fourth match all right guys I'm live I'm here with actually I'm gonna
21:27 talk with the loser first let me know what was going through your mind as you
21:31 were hitting that fucking canvas well first five seconds that finally landed a
21:37 good shot in the first few seconds I landed a good shot on juice and after
21:40 that you had all the morale man you had you took full morale swing and I was
21:46 trying but good job so I appreciate the hustle now the front runner in the
21:51 clubhouse for the four low ko of the night we still got some shit to look at
21:56 is gotta be this gentleman right here juice how you feeling after that big ko
22:00 I feel amazing I so low and I look like an agent all right this is the Gillian
22:08 Wallow knockout party for a reason but the fuck's gonna get knocked out all
22:12 night back to you boys Jersey in the building stand up Oh Jersey in the
22:19 building in the building oh this is for you this is for you you definitely did
22:24 your thing bro hey tiny tiny let me holla at you let me
22:27 honest oh you was blocking the punches with your face man what's going on with
22:32 that how you doing with that man I got a tough chin yes he do I told you I did
22:37 what I knew how to do but I still feel like you showed a lot of heart in there
22:41 man you know I'm saying make sure you keep at it bro okay
22:46 authentic ace yes guys we're here on the three chiefs road yes 30% off the rest
22:56 of the day use code relax 30 right until midnight we're here with the cram man
23:01 who had a it was a knockout but it wasn't a knockout but it was a knockout
23:05 but not a knockout but he's a about here now I mean what's happening right now
23:09 backstage is they just had to bring in extra stretchers we have bodies on
23:13 stretchers over here someone was just brought out in a stretcher your opponent
23:17 is on the ground what what did it take to have such thunderous power in those
23:21 punches honestly he was underestimating the entire fight the entire fight week
23:25 he was just talking mad stuff man I just had to get him out of there man he was
23:29 just talking too much I was let my fight to do the talking yeah the fighting is
23:32 not one at the weigh-in it's one in that ring you've been on your phone a little
23:36 bit what's the internet saying what are the streets saying man they said I put
23:40 belt ass man I whooped his ass man that's it man anytime anytime I got a
23:44 fight coming up anytime I got a pony we go fucking crazy man shut all the
23:48 doubters up man that's it oh hey oh he shut the doubters up and he won a
23:52 little bit of 3t enjoy yourself that's a cram man he'll be coming back
23:57 we're good man I'm on the sideline with ace and uh you really knocked him out
24:04 you really did your thing this is yours um how do you feel right now you home
24:08 right now - good that's what happens when you put them fucking miles in hey
24:13 so mighty to one five follow me hey uh shout out to anybody else out there I
24:19 love y'all how many baby mothers to be announced yo back to you Jim guys we're
24:31 here with sugar-free the crowd just booed you what do you think they were
24:34 booing about I don't know how sad chase him around the ring I wanted to bang in
24:38 the middle came with the action the first thing first
24:41 our glory be the God shout to my mom my grandma family friends everybody cannot
24:45 see me shout to my fallen great Lexi Carly Anthony great I IRA Carly talk to
24:54 my gym MBJ Newark Delaware shot my opponent and his coaches thank y'all
24:58 pray for your peace are you upset that he didn't want to bang in the middle
25:01 yeah kind of he was talking a lot of shit I thought he wanted to be in the
25:04 middle I was trying to take his head off he ain't one that so it is what it is
25:08 so maybe next time you guys could bang in the middle maybe if that's what you
25:12 want I was ready bro he's about to kill me yeah it seemed like a lot of
25:16 choreography a lot of dancing a lot of breaks but he won't come forward so they
25:21 call you sugar-free hands anything sweet about the hands today not the sweet but
25:25 next time they'll bang in the middle back to you guys guys I'm here with a
25:28 my god and you know that there's a new king of the jungle and that's for loco
25:34 jungle juice is the perfect cooler filler for all party animals find your
25:38 for loco flavor at for loco calm or order it right now on go puff but this
25:43 man has definitely earned a little bit of a celebration how does it feel to
25:46 make hay here at Gillian wallows knockout party and I'm just thankful for
25:51 the opportunity man I'm thankful I could showcase my talent and y'all ain't see
25:54 the last of me yeah yeah it seems like you barely broke a sweat out there it's
25:58 not like you're perspiring laying on a stretcher or anything like that how do
26:03 you feel right now I feel good to go three four more five more you know
26:06 that's what happens when you out here you putting this we're working that's
26:09 all and so when you win a fight it seems like it's customary to call someone else
26:14 out or to predict towards the future who'd you like to fight next it's
26:18 whatever it's whatever with whoever you know it's whatever with whoever yeah it's
26:24 whatever with whoever you heard it here first that's the king of the jungle you
26:27 know he's sipping on some jungle juice this man is now free to go celebrate
26:31 there's a ace in this deck right now back to you guys guys I'm here with
26:34 Molly Cobain a lot of emotion on your face right now what's going through your
26:38 head I was digging deep I feel like it was some BS but fuck it it was two great
26:43 warriors out here we fight hard and if I can get back in the ring and do it again
26:48 I will Philly I love y'all my fuck though y'all hey 40 years old you're
26:55 able to do this you're wearing your heart on your sleeve what does it show
26:59 to everybody that you could dig deep and be part of this yo I'll give a fuck how
27:04 they say you are now give a fuck if people say you can't do that shit y'all
27:09 can do that shit y'all real rap y'all fuck it hey Philly I love y'all man my
27:17 bad I love y'all man this whole family's out here with him he's got the speed on
27:24 his back would you ever come back and do another Gillian Watlow knockout party
27:28 you fucking right I would and I'm gonna train harder I'm gonna have more stamina
27:32 and I'm gonna beat the shit out my next opponent I can stamp that on Philly this
27:37 isn't the end of the road back to you guys here right now we are with juice
27:41 Sweeney this is a new star at rough-and-rowdy SoCo we got the SoCo
27:45 sour shots right here one part SoCo one part sour mix Southern Comfort so
27:49 tasteful cheers to you sir so right now we have a brand new star knockout of the
27:55 night what does it feel like to have a punch so pure it feels great I ain't
27:58 gonna hold you I plan for this and I knew what was going to happen just had
28:02 to bring it in the motion and put it in the real life you know I'm saying so you
28:04 had backflip you had the hammock celebration what went into the
28:07 celebration shout out the added sign here for the hammock celebration a lot
28:11 of people don't know that was an easy move but the backflip that was all juice
28:14 and wrong wrong with me on that yeah it was massive you were just saying a
28:18 second ago you wish Dave was here why is that I wish Dave was here so afterwards
28:21 we could have got some pizza Dave you want some slices I know the spots in
28:24 Jersey Jersey pizza you know number one we need to not fuck around this guy will
28:28 be a star at rough-and-rowdy you saw him here tonight first back to you guys we
28:33 got Pat Bev in the booth thank you so much give him a second put that road
28:36 what do you got for us okay here she is we might have had a little bit of a
28:41 wardrobe malfunction was that on purpose or by accident accident are you sure yes
28:48 what do you think these people like what they saw a little bit of a show to go
28:52 with their their fight guys she just gave herself a round of applause did you
29:01 think that you were going to win that fight definitely and were you impressed
29:05 with your opponent hello you think that she would have done better if one of her
29:10 titties had popped out definitely a word to the wise back at home you want a
29:14 better shot at winning a fight here pop those titties out back to you guys
29:20 you got a road is crazy nobody better there's nobody better the business
29:47 it's going down December 8th Gillian Wallow knockout party we got DK we got a
29:52 bunch of fights y'all really think Philly box better than Jersey
29:57 and I'm putting anybody to sleep it's a slumber party we got goofy we got white
30:02 Dolomites we got a bunch of people running we got people Cal Philly
30:09 North Philly rearranging faces that's all I'm doing
30:12 need a body bag back fuck you got knocked out by 25 cents we got Delaware
30:19 versus Philly we got Jersey versus Philly I'm gonna turn you to a dollar
30:22 bill number change of games ready to get your tickets
30:27 hard is lean call it's night wheel call this day we call me and see something
30:32 whoever in front of me just sleep just like that right come on young
30:41 all right here we go boys come on baby
30:46 there you go you see that there you go with the Russian the South will kill a
30:53 little bit of a bunch of let's go come on come on baby
30:59 that's not for not overhand left yeah come on this ref won't break it up he's
31:04 gonna let him fight on South for a little yeah they touch up break
31:07 okay wait I can't stop all the doc you out yeah stop Paul's go back you know
31:13 stop only 20 years old he not playing yeah stop Paul go back him out I'm
31:19 guessing we're not gonna see too many straight punches the air this left he
31:24 grabbed me come on
31:29 come on it's not a little bit anything said 10 seconds forms looking a little
31:36 bit now for there's no form for a little bit of a slip there by the shadow box
31:40 you know right South for the more polished the two fighters come on I
31:44 don't like that here we go touch him up okay okay okay
31:51 Oh somebody's going to sleep yeah right oh this is somebody's going to sleep
31:58 for widow is it we're all shot out to the ropes what's going on oh whoa oh
32:09 somebody's going down somebody is going out I get the bed where's the blanket at
32:18 somebody's going out good somebody definitely going out hey wow
32:24 oh whoa whoa we're the leaks got a 60 year old jockstrap on
32:33 just came out of Herman's for this stuff I got lucky guy he got it he got it he
32:39 definitely got it he definitely got his pop pop jockstrap oh my god on the
32:43 outside - yeah do he that's why they call it we're only yeah unit fight in
32:48 the night this guy we go say 290 but 290 on the left side of his ass I think
32:53 these both 300 somebody's going out
33:02 oh he's gonna break him up
33:06 Oh break it up break it up ref break it up ref yeah break it up ref oh okay
33:31 secure the Sicario is hanging on no okay he's just hanging off with your life
33:38 break it up boys break it up you feel about this cup and shit you ever do that
33:54 somebody going out yeah these guys are aggressive oh yeah it's going down baby
34:08 Oh right it's going down let's go juice we need another Southpaw go stick it oh
34:18 look he's switching up to let's go oh that's that's on Main Street yeah oh
34:39 it's going he did the shimmy shimmy did he did you see me Jimmy you did you
34:44 shimmy shimmy dick slap a little shoot there's juice juice
34:50 the wrong hand yes yes sir oh that last night was one of the most beautiful
35:09 things I've ever seen in the history of ruffin rowdy yes that dude juice might
35:13 be a fucking star right yeah juice a monster juices and juices different his
35:18 hands felt like mixed concrete that boy is fucking strong
35:23 oh they get it all they get it all
35:34 yes let's go baby oh oh they might be too light to knock one another over Oh
35:47 we've got a hundred forty-five pounders in here but they're really snapping each
35:52 other's heads back yes because they are this has been a beautiful rockin rowdy
35:57 so he knew all right we got large tapping back in I'm going with the blue
36:02 glove
36:04 somebody's going down
36:12 somebody's getting knocked up
36:16 Oh
36:18 Oh
36:20 yeah somebody's going down
36:24 I thought he was deep
36:35 he's lucky
36:37 this is crazy man
36:39 oh
36:41 he may go out
36:43 he hold on
36:45 he's done it
36:47 he hold on for dear life
36:49 he hold on
36:51 he hold on
36:53 he hold on
36:55 he hold on for dear life
36:57 let him go
36:59 that's not stand up shocking
37:01 all star bar fighter
37:03 yeah
37:05 again though
37:07 I don't mean to
37:09 oh there it is
37:11 he's setting his feet
37:13 big punches
37:15 velocity setting his feet
37:17 we're going to get a knockout
37:19 we're going to get a knockout here boys
37:23 total lack of defense
37:25 oh it's going to fuck you
37:27 don't turn your back on him
37:29 it's going down ahead
37:31 a lot of jaw that they're in
37:33 that was a nasty uppercut right there
37:35 that uppercut didn't look like an uppercut of somebody that ever boxed before
37:41 somebody's going out
37:43 somebody's going out
37:45 his first round
37:47 oh
37:49 oh shit
37:53 velocity slipping and throwing
37:55 slipping and throwing
37:57 oh
37:59 it's the longest minute of Tidy's life
38:01 let's go boys
38:03 you said it's the longest minute of Tidy's life
38:05 I got a fight coming up anytime
38:07 I got an opponent that's talking crazy
38:09 and I just got put in the free zone
38:11 and shut all the doubters up man that's it
38:13 shut the doubters up and he won a little bit of 3T
38:15 enjoy yourself that's the grand man
38:17 he'll be coming back
38:19 we got some action
38:21 we got some action right off the jump
38:23 Authentic Ace throwing some haymakers
38:25 that's a push right there I don't mind it
38:27 Authentic Ace
38:29 throwing some haymakers
38:31 we got Dennis "Misery" Tokar
38:35 in the blue corner
38:37 and he's getting the business end of it
38:39 from Authentic Ace
38:41 got some body game here
38:43 these guys are doing some stand up striking
38:45 when you turn around and run away
38:47 that's never a good sign boys
38:49 oh shit
38:51 oh shit
38:53 oh shit
38:55 I think he realized that I fucked up
38:57 I think he's got the best fucking nickname
38:59 because his nickname is "Misery"
39:01 and he's feeling it right now
39:03 it's like Kathy Baxter showed up
39:05 with fucking sledgehammer
39:07 there's even King reference right there
39:09 there's even King reference right there
39:11 yeah
39:13 right after it
39:15 two thin fighters
39:23 he got old assed out
39:29 he is old assed
39:31 alright Charlie
39:37 you got it
39:39 alright guys let's show a couple of punches here
39:47 a couple of clean punches
39:49 a couple of clean punches
39:51 they sure look like they're from the 1400s
39:53 they sure look like they're from the 1400s
39:55 they're both fighting like they're from the 1700s
39:57 they almost caught him right here
39:59 he would have let it go he would have caught him
40:01 yeah I got it
40:05 oh whoa whoa
40:07 two unorthodox fighters right now
40:11 nobody's showing me
40:13 yeah we got chrome punches
40:25 I like this so far
40:27 the gorilla keeping that hand out
40:29 a little bit of defense
40:31 I can end in a second
40:33 he's coming out of that corner
40:35 what's this
40:41 another gorilla with it though
40:43 yeah he with it
40:45 yeah he with it and he's throwing some sharp punches too
40:47 yeah
40:49 and he's going to the body a little bit
40:59 the general's throwing that lead left
41:01 he hits with that
41:03 oh he went back
41:07 that's an ok first round
41:19 he's older than two fly
41:21 uh oh that's an unorthodox stand
41:23 oh right over the top
41:29 oh a little bit of a slap fight there
41:31 oh molly
41:33 oh uppercut
41:37 there it is
41:39 that's a headlock
41:41 that's a rabbit punch
41:43 hold on you're not letting go of him bro
41:47 come on man
41:49 look at molly
41:51 look at molly
41:53 he's got it
41:55 he's got it
42:01 oh
42:03 he hit molly
42:05 young boy
42:09 alrighty let's
42:13 I thought we'd see a little more action
42:15 out of the red corner to be honest with you boys
42:17 he talked
42:21 very good very good at it
42:23 yup this is what I do
42:25 no respect
42:29 he said no I'm already in it
42:31 oh
42:33 boys boys
42:35 these haymakers
42:37 dang oh
42:39 I'll tell you what I was about to challenge
42:43 the winner
42:45 I'm out
42:47 fuck this
42:49 I don't even want to commentate on this anymore
42:51 yeah this is
42:53 this is a big dog
42:55 David wants to hold the back of this motherfuckers head
42:57 and throw a punch
42:59 this is some big dogs right here
43:01 these are some big dogs
43:05 this has a little bit of a sumo
43:07 feel to it when they start to bump
43:09 he's trying to line him up for a right hand
43:15 the beast is
43:17 he's trying to line him up for a right hand
43:19 the beast is
43:21 he's trying to line him up for a right hand
43:23 the beast is
43:25 he's trying to line him up for a right hand
43:27 the beast is
43:29 he's trying to line him up for a right hand
43:31 the beast is
43:33 he's trying to line him up for a right hand
43:35 the beast is
43:37 he's trying to line him up for a right hand
43:39 the beast is
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43:43 the beast is
43:45 he's trying to line him up for a right hand
43:47 the beast is
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43:51 the beast is
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43:55 the beast is
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43:59 the beast is
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44:03 the beast is
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