International Space Station Crew Finds A Long-Lost Tomato

  • last year
Expedition 70 NASA astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli announced that the International Space Station crew found a tomato lost by fellow NASA astronaut Frank Rubio after the harvest during a previous mission that lasted a year in space.

Credit: NASA
00:00 You know, when I left the space station,
00:02 Node 1 was pretty spartan and immaculate.
00:04 It's kind of accumulated a lot of stuff over the years.
00:08 And with 275 launches to ISS, have you guys hit anything
00:13 for future crews or lost something up there
00:15 that you're still looking for?
00:17 [ Laughter ]
00:29 >> Well, we might have found something
00:32 that someone had been looking for for quite a while.
00:37 Our good friend, Frank Rubio, who headed home,
00:41 has been blamed for quite a while for eating the tomato.
00:45 But we can exonerate him.
00:49 We found the tomatoes.
00:52 >> Awesome, awesome.
00:53 I think we'll have probably one more question
00:56 and then we'll probably hand back over to Capcom
00:58 and let you guys get back to work.
00:59 But, you know, when you return to Earth,
01:04 what's the one thing that --
01:05 and maybe there's more than one thing --
01:07 that you're going to want to explain to people here
01:10 on Earth your favorite memory
01:12 of the International Space Station?
01:28 >> I think it's a beautiful view of the Earth
01:31 from the International Space Station so that we recognize
01:37 that we need to nurture the mother planet Earth.
01:43 >> Awesome.
01:43 Thank you.
01:45 Hey, just I'll say a couple words and I'll hand it
01:48 over to Bob and then we'll get --
