10 Most Disturbing Star Wars Moments

  • last year
From grisly deaths to moments too dark for TV, these Star Wars beats were disturbing and then some.


00:00 From the brutal butchering of defenceless infants during Night One on the job,
00:04 to the galaxy's cutest little legend chowing down on the next generation.
00:08 Lucas and now Disney may have largely forged this much-loved universe for the younger generation,
00:14 but you can bet they successfully sent a few of them to therapy along the way on the back of these moments.
00:19 Gareth here from WhatCultureStarWars and here are the 10 most disturbing Star Wars moments.
00:24 Buckle up, folks.
00:25 Number 10, Luke's bizarre milking moment.
00:27 Easing into this list with an entry that doesn't actually involve a shocking execution or the massacring of an infant,
00:33 but we'll get there,
00:34 here's that time fans spent two years eagerly anticipating the return of arguably the most famous Jedi in pop culture history,
00:41 only to be left recoiling in their seats at his hermit habits in The Last Jedi,
00:45 with Rey desperate to recruit the iconic Jedi Master to the Resistance's cause.
00:49 The Force-sensitive soul finds herself being dragged around act-o by the disenchanted space wizard as he went about his daily errands,
00:56 leading to one of the most bizarre occurrences the sequels had to offer, and my goodness is that saying something.
01:01 Squeezing the teat of a docile, tharless siren on the coastline,
01:05 Luke proceeds to milk said creature before taking a hearty swig of the hard-earned green milk
01:10 he'd just harvested from the oddly laid-back entity.
01:13 From Skywalker and the animal's creepy eye contact with Rey as this whole exchange goes down,
01:17 to the touch-too-long amount of screen time afforded to the aforementioned milk-maker,
01:22 this all made for a bit of a peculiar minute or so of movie magic, it's gotta be said.
01:26 9. Grogu munches some eggs
01:28 After securing his spot in the hearts of Star Wars fanatics and casual viewers the world over with his various gurgles
01:34 and memeable exploits over the course of the first season of The Mandalorian,
01:38 folks simply could not wait to see what little green Grogu would be getting up to in late 2020's follow-up season.
01:43 The answer at times, though, made for a rather conflicting viewing experience.
01:47 While Baby Yoda could still be relied upon to deliver the cuteness and jaw-dropping Force feats when needed,
01:53 he also simply could not help himself when faced with the precious spawn of a certain frog lady during Chapter 10, The Passenger.
01:59 Chowing down on the unborn offspring of the innocent mother,
02:03 the internet was understandably somewhat split over what they were watching unfold.
02:07 Sure, Grogu was merely a child, satiating his growing appetite,
02:10 but it's hard to erase the visual of a little green legend swallowing frog lady eggs like M&Ms in a hurry.
02:16 Karma more than bit the tyke on the ass when it came to munching on another species' eggs in that very same episode, mind.
02:22 Number 8. The Clone Wars moment too dark for Cartoon Network
02:25 Despite taking place within the often colorful and vibrant landscape that is the animated corner of the Star Wars universe,
02:31 one particularly savage act of violence turned out to be a little too extreme for TV.
02:36 By the time, the Clone Wars Season 5 episode by the name of "Eminence" eventually reared its head,
02:41 brought about by none other than Savage Opress, Maul's hulking brother.
02:45 On the back of an attempt to convince the Black Sun to join the Shadow Collective,
02:48 the latter's iconic lightsaber is ultimately used by the former to decapitate
02:52 all sat at the table who refused to play ball with Maul.
02:56 Sure enough, Cartoon Network were a touch horrified by the sight of multiple smoking animated leaders without their heads,
03:02 cutting the unsettling imagery from the episode when it originally aired on their channel.
03:05 But fear not, the gruesome culling of this counter was still very much left intact
03:10 when it came to the director's cut made available on Blu-ray and DVD.
03:13 What a world!
03:14 Number 7. A Duchess Falls
03:16 Sticking with the Clone Wars penchant for pushing the limits when it came to thoroughly disturbing and shocking its younger audience,
03:22 few deaths held a candle to the one experienced by pacifist Mandalorian ruler, Duchess Satine Kryze,
03:28 in terms of sheer savageness during Season 5's 16th episode, "The Lawless".
03:33 Determined to push his old nemesis, Kenobi, over the edge and into the dark side by provoking his hatred and anger within,
03:40 Maul takes to force choking Obi-Wan's beloved within the throne room on Mandalore before his very eyes.
03:46 Upon defiantly refusing to opt for the weak way out though,
03:49 Kenobi is then forced to helplessly witness Satine be emphatically impaled by the Darksaber.
03:54 The lingering shot on Kryze's desperate face as she lets loose a few last agonising breaths.
03:59 The close-up on Kenobi's devastated mug as the realisation of this excruciating scenario washes over him.
04:05 It all makes for one of the most daring and distressing executions you'll find within this space-age saga.
04:10 When it comes to delivering the emotional haymakers, Clone Wars simply refused to pull any of its animated punches.
04:16 Number 6. The new and unimproved Emperor 2.0
04:19 If you thought the fearsome Ian McDiarmid's portrayal of the Dark Lord of the Sith in the prequel and original Star Wars trilogies
04:25 was enough to leave your skin a-crawlin',
04:27 Rise of Skywalker watched those various wrinkly showings and emphatically declared,
04:32 "Hold my green milk! Do it!"
04:34 In the wake of resurrecting himself following on from his supposed death via transferring his vessel into a clone substitute carcass,
04:40 as you do,
04:41 the Emperor cuts a deeply distressing figure from the moment he's officially introduced to Kylo Ren,
04:46 as he's freakishly hooked into a huge metal apparatus, of course.
04:50 Only becoming increasingly creepier as this apparent 12A of a Star Wars caper unfolds,
04:56 zombie-esque Emperor 2.0 also experiences arguably one of the most chilling final moments ever gifted a big bad within the galaxy far, far away to date.
05:05 Going full Mace Windu in her attempts to stave off her grandpap's Force lightning,
05:09 Sidious experiences far worse than a few prequel scorch marks this time around.
05:14 The sight of his face very much blistering off his skull,
05:17 all but confirms that McDiarmid won't be along for the ride again anytime soon.
05:21 Probably.
05:22 Number 5. So many decapitations.
05:25 While already touched upon slightly with the Clone Wars series' openness to indulge in the detaching of skull from torso,
05:30 Star Wars doesn't half have a habit of making their various characters lose their heads on our screens.
05:35 And though some folks out there may have grown a touch desensitized to the sight of an alien or human getting their noggins sliced off by various forms of lightsaber over the years,
05:44 that still doesn't change the fact that this violent way of ending a conflict is about as grisly as they come.
05:49 Take your pick from Mace Windu slicing off of Jango Fett's Mandalorian helmet,
05:52 in front of his boy before his lifeless face slipped out mid-fall,
05:56 to Count Dooku's disturbing skull roll after falling victim to Anakin Skywalker's gradual descent into darkness.
06:02 Brutal decapitations are all part of the truly traumatic family Star Wars experience.
06:08 Number 4. Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru get charred on Tatooine.
06:11 At a glance, the U-rating slapped onto George Lucas' first ever cinematic space opera adventure seemed innocent enough.
06:17 But when you remember that this is also the same family flick that comes equipped with a shot of Luke Skywalker's adopted parents,
06:23 charred remains lying static outside of their ravaged Tatooine home pretty early on,
06:28 said certificate becomes a little more questionable.
06:30 Even some four decades on from A New Hope's release,
06:33 the fried skeletons of Uncle Ben and Aunt Beru that were left in the wake of interacting with a despicable stormtrooper search team,
06:39 that clearly were not in the mood for a chat, are enough to elicit genuine audible gasps.
06:44 If you'd forgotten what was waiting around the corner as Luke returned home from his supposed chores, of course.
06:49 Sure, the late 70s were very much a different moment in time entirely,
06:52 but it's still incredible how this seriously graphic visual somehow found its way past censors,
06:57 to the point of branding the entire viewing experience suitable for all the family.
07:02 Number 3. Luke and Leia share a smooch.
07:04 An innocent peck on the cheek as the two prepare to risk life and limb to zip wire from one Death Star platform to another is one thing.
07:11 Very much locking lips in a steamy attempt to conjure up some jealousy is something else entirely.
07:16 And an act that left most of the galaxy gagging in their cinema seats the minute a certain revelation came to light.
07:22 Despite what George Lucas would have you believe,
07:24 Leia Organa wasn't always planned to be revealed as Luke Skywalker's twin sister.
07:28 With Lee Bracket's first draft of The Empire Strikes Back hinting at plans to have Luke search for his sibling in Lucas' proposed sequel trilogy.
07:35 Those plans would ultimately be scrapped in favor of the jaw-dropping Leia reveal in Return of the Jedi, of course.
07:40 But it was evident from Lucas' willingness to have the two lock lips,
07:43 that he still wasn't entirely set on this twist coming to fruition at the time of Empire.
07:48 Either that, or he simply has no issue with a little light incest being sprinkled into his family features.
07:53 Whatever way you slice it, history still shows that these two leading lights got way too close for anyone's comfort.
07:59 Number 2 - Darth Vader is fried alive!
08:02 It was always gonna take some seriously horrific battle wounds to leave one of the most powerful Jedi ever to wart the galaxy,
08:08 relying on an excessively loud mechanical suit for the rest of his days.
08:11 And sure enough, the fiery conclusion of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi's mustafar clash for the ages,
08:17 left little doubt in anyone's mind that this chosen one was in need of some serious TLC post high ground cock up.
08:24 Refusing to shy away from the gory reality Hayden Christensen's once handsome as all hell Jedi Knight now found himself in,
08:30 as he lay in defeat.
08:32 The uncompromising flames engulfing Skywalker as his blistered body flails in anguish,
08:37 makes for one of the most affecting visuals George Lucas has ever brought into being.
08:41 And this comes from the same mind who charred up Uncle Owen in Albaroo, don't forget.
08:45 The uncomfortable times only kept on coming too,
08:48 as the mind behind the galaxy then committed to an extended shot of a scorched Vader squirming in agony on a surgical table.
08:54 As the various cyborg elements of his eventual masked alter ego were coldly lodged into permanent place by medical bots.
09:01 Number 1 - Anakin butchers some younglings.
09:03 Rewinding a touch from the fire infused fate rapidly heading Anakin Skywalker's way in Revenge of the Sith,
09:09 and to a moment that all but erased any drop of sympathy that remained for the eventual Darth Vader in one swift switching on of a lightsaber.
09:16 Determined to showcase just how merciless and unwavering the newly turned Anakin had become,
09:21 in the wake of joining the side of Lord Sidious.
09:24 George Lucas felt that the best way to hammer home this unsettling change in attitude,
09:28 was to have his focal point butcher a group of innocent younglings in the midst of the purging of the Jedi Temple.
09:33 Sure we don't actually witness the culling of innocents in all its horror on the big screen,
09:38 despite a scene depicting the act actually being in the pipeline at one point.
09:41 But the solitary flinch from a terrified Jedi initiate, as Skywalker's iconic saber is switched on,
09:47 did enough to cement this moment as undoubtedly the most disturbing occurrence ever to grace a Star Wars showing.
09:54 Don't let Ewan McGregor's quivering face fool you.
09:56 This despicable development and the off-screen carnage that no doubt followed was as diabolical as it comes.
10:02 And that's our moment, know of any of the other most disturbing Star Wars moments we missed?
10:06 Let us know all about them in the comment section right down below,
10:09 and do not forget to like, share and go and click on that subscribe button while you're at it.
10:13 Also if this kind of thing is your bag, then head on over to WhatCulture.com and find some more awesome articles,
10:18 just like the one this video you're watching right now is based on.
10:21 And if only because this little padawan over here wrote it.
10:24 I've been Gareth from WhatCulture Star Wars, thank you very much for clicking on this video today,
10:28 may the force be with you, and hopefully I will see you very, very soon.
10:32 Bye bye!
10:33 (upbeat music)
