Multi Sub【吞噬星空】_ Swallowed Star _ EP 97

  • last year
Multi Sub【吞噬星空】_ Swallowed Star _ EP 97
00:12Implement Plan 3
00:17The strongest native of the earth
00:19Luo Fenghong Thor is only planet level
00:23Just capture them
00:24indigenous people of the whole earth
00:26There will be no courage to resist
00:28Atuka gave me the positions of these three people
00:34Track based on real-time signals
00:36The Red River Thunder God is flying to Luo Feng's residence
00:39The base terrain of Jiangnan, the country of cold summer on Earth
00:44Just hit all the targets in one go
00:47Jiangnan base moves forward at full speed
01:37Arrived at Luofeng
01:38important point
02:04Only red and thor
02:06Just take them down first
02:09Search Luo Feng’s home again
02:21The strongest among them is Stellar Level 69
02:25Poor natives
02:30There are also two low-level star-level earthlings
02:37From now on
02:39You are my strong men from the universe
02:44Slaves of Bronolan Society
02:58No dragon was found in the leader's house
03:00His family is not here either
03:05I have been here all the time
03:09waiting for you
03:21Black Dragon spacecraft
03:26Happy birthday to you
03:48Just a planet level
03:54Dare to show up
03:56Get him for me
03:58Take action
04:25what happened
04:26So many stellar dancers appeared all of a sudden
04:41Interstellar Miracle Spiritual Autopsy
04:51I'm satisfied with the welcome ceremony Bro prepared for you.
04:54There are more surprises to come
05:24Nezha bastard
05:27Actually ambushed thousands of stellar and planetary slaves
05:31He does not belong to the earth
05:32No wonder it can’t be scanned
05:34Why are there so many stellar level experts?
05:36Attuka run
05:40As long as you escape from the opponent's range of strength
05:43Just move the iron core to the acceleration side
06:03Have you ever asked me about the devil Babata?
06:07There is also a top-notch super-intelligent life.
06:10thought it was such advanced spacecraft intelligence.
06:13Several levels behind me
06:15I had complete control before I even exerted any force.
06:22I surrender
06:24I surrender I surrender
06:56Want to escape
07:04report report
07:07No need to take action
07:08I have my own answer
07:19Encrypted email
07:20The robbery sent by the Mulanshan family
08:08huh huh huh huh
08:10too tender
08:12It's too tender
08:14You bought those slaves, right?
08:16They were implanted with biochips
08:19I must obey you as my master
08:21I just want to control you
08:22Those stellar slaves won’t take action against me at all
08:29The earth can't even say that I'm here to fan you.
08:35It's a pity that I made the wrong idea
08:44This is the far side of the moon
08:47Earth’s current technology monitoring trail
08:48The signal from Major General Luo Fang is lost here.
08:52That's fine if you die
08:55No one on earth will know
09:05Pretend to be a ghost
09:29golden horned beast
09:56After capturing the golden-horned beast
10:00I never had the chance to fight with this body
10:03No one can detect it here
10:09I can finally unleash all the battles
10:13He deliberately led me to the far side of the moon
11:16Those who offend our earth
11:22Don't be careless
11:24Your power is not worth mentioning in front of the Laura God family.
11:30They will surely destroy
12:12first elder
12:14Energy crystal detector display
12:15Jiangnan Base City
12:17Suddenly there are thousands more planet-level conquests
12:20Do you know what's going on?
12:22It's okay, it's okay
12:27Well, let’s discuss the specific situation with the victory department.
12:33came back
12:50Wang Yingzai Mental Hypnosis
12:54Ask these people carefully
12:58Mistress, you win
13:00That stellar captain
13:03Used some meteorite spirit
13:04The special secret of the Nianshi lineage
13:08This little guy really hid something from us
13:10Lu Feng is not well
13:13What's wrong
13:15The coordinates of the solar system and the earth have been sent to his family
13:18The Nolanshan family’s fleet is about to head to Earth
13:20It is expected to arrive in 3 months
13:23Nolan Hill Family Fleet
14:12This is
14:14this is our new home
14:27Something on my mind
14:29I will discuss it with my eldest and second brothers later.
14:31Don't talk, we'll find a solution
14:36The arrival of the tribe is just the prelude to the storm
14:39The earth has completely collapsed
14:41Greater danger is coming
