Rahul Gandhi Criticizes Amit Shah's Historical Knowledge and Advocates for Caste-based Census. He emphasizes the need for representation in the institutional system, pointing out disparities. Join the conversation on this pressing issue affecting the marginalized communities.
#rahulgandhi #amitshah #historydebate #castecensus #institutionalrepresentation #rahulVsamit #historyperspective #castebasedcensus #institutionaldisparities #marginalizedvoices
#rahulgandhi #amitshah #historydebate #castecensus #institutionalrepresentation #rahulVsamit #historyperspective #castebasedcensus #institutionaldisparities #marginalizedvoices
00:00 24 hours!
00:01 To distract us, they will talk about Jawaharlal Nehru or someone else.
00:05 Who is getting the wealth of the country?
00:09 This is the main issue.
00:10 The Prime Minister is an OBC.
00:11 But the government is run by 90 officers.
00:14 Out of 90 officers, 3 are OBC.
00:17 And the OBCs have offices in the corners.
00:21 Pandit Nehru gave his life...
00:28 He gave his life for India.
00:30 He was in jail for years.
00:33 Amit Shahji doesn't know history.
00:37 I can't expect him to know history.
00:42 He keeps rewriting history.
00:45 This is all about distracting.
00:48 Basic issue.
00:52 Who is getting the wealth of the country?
01:02 This is the main issue.
01:03 They don't want to discuss this issue.
01:07 They are afraid of it.
01:08 But we will take this issue forward.
01:11 And we will get the rights of the poor.
01:16 We will get the rights of the poor.
01:22 We had an OBC.
01:24 They gave us an OBC.
01:27 This is not the issue.
01:29 The question is, how much is the structure?
01:35 The Prime Minister is an OBC.
01:38 But the government is run by 90 officers.
01:41 Out of 90 officers, 3 are OBC.
01:45 And the rest are in the corners.
01:48 My point is,
01:51 The government's institutional system,
01:54 How much is the OBC's share?
01:57 How much is the Dalit's share?
01:59 How much is the tribal's share?
02:01 This is the main question for India.
02:04 Let me speak.
02:06 Let me speak.
02:08 This is the main issue.
02:12 And to distract us for 24 hours,
02:16 We will talk about Jawaharlal Nehru or someone else.
02:19 The issue is about the share.
02:22 The issue is about the share.
02:23 to One India Channel and never miss an update.
02:25 (upbeat music)