সপ্তাহ শেষে জাঁকিয়ে শীত পড়বে কলকাতায়! কী পূর্বাভাস দিল আবহাওয়া দফতর?

  • last year
সপ্তাহ শেষে জাঁকিয়ে শীত পড়বে কলকাতায়! কী পূর্বাভাস দিল আবহাওয়া দফতর?
00:00 I'm a past in the King bonger. Kept a beast in Kona some of an animal that's a Cisco a boy. I'll be
00:06 Top, not a rock one significant change near that rapid that matter vicious Korea
00:12 Ponerer on error take a solar majama J. Poner or Kachak a tea time be a mohut a
00:17 father Ponerer on each a drop a some of an off a rocoma. Can you turn the buzzer? I think that
00:24 Maximum temperature Jeter on the detective position Kachak a tea by me to a minimum of one error solar majama J. Ata Kolkata critical tree
00:32 Follow time the budget I think that I'm a jitter kill Korea. Did you know realize you did Kolkata?
00:37 Hit a jam a paradise. I am automotive. We'll judge a behead Honda Porete otherwise their own sure would be K4 a
00:44 Dickey bar at a decade at a time that hockey
00:48 Definitely, you're on Kolkata. I'm a Ponerer or solar majama J. Walsh is a lagula take into temperature at the Kachak a party become
00:54 Faggott even put a little automotive. I said also
00:56 Vardhamana, Shansala subject a bar at a church a hotel at a kinto. Hello, it up much a chairman
01:03 Maximum temperature to kento a mother's hobby Karon each other. Well, it didn't rely upon that a villain
01:10 Developing hand down a hotel a belong a time that I got me top of the into a mother's looking bonga tag me
01:16 I don't know mother if an acute turn a jack a lombus pellet hand a hockey. She'll open. No
01:21 Integer I got me top of the new time data. I'll be the way ponerah niche and I'm a sambharana a motor correct a machine a
01:28 Put a bonga kept a put on actually is going to Darjeeling Kalimpong a cool hulk up history actor a hulk up probability
01:35 I'll tell otherwise, but he's a got a mulatto dry weather
01:38 Are top mother significant? No change in a muhut? They put a corner for tobacco bar, Taney
01:44 Motomachi a rock on time. I am a very kind of water. How do not have a beaker? Kachakachi? We should spread gel a gulat a
01:52 It's a I'm a charge of the in continue corrupted or a particular
