• 2 years ago
This device killed 160 million girls
Dark Legacy
Discover the shocking truth behind China's one-child policy and its devastating impact on the lives of 160 million girls. Implemented in 1980, this policy led to forced sterilizations, strict penalties, and even the sale of baby girls. Watch as we delve into the 178-year-long system that persisted until 2015, exploring the consequences of a skewed gender ratio that has left millions of men in China struggling to find wives. Join us in unveiling the heartbreaking story of a nation affected by a policy that not only shaped its demographic landscape but also resulted in social and cultural challenges that persist to this day.

This device affected 160 million in the last century. The population of
China began to increase dramatically they made a decision in 1980.
That each family is allowed to have only one child and anyone who
has more than one child will be subjected to very strict penalties up to
forced sterilization. As we call it this system of construction persisted
there, until 2015, that means from 178 years. Imagine the important
thing is that during the spirit and a woman who was pregnant will
pregnancy because he can manage and help living conditions and so
on. But if a girl was fun, they would probably sell her. They would
bought and get rid of it because they forgot his bond. They won't be
able to have a boy anymore. In the this way, more than 160 million
pregnancies were aborted in a girl, in China, the unity. The problem is
that this had a huge negative impact on them. Because now, there are
millions of men in China who won't find women to marry. Don't forget
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