করা হয় নিত্যপুজো, আরতি! 'থালাইভা' রজনীকান্তর মন্দির কোথায় আছে জানেন?

  • last year
করা হয় নিত্যপুজো, আরতি! 'থালাইভা' রজনীকান্তর মন্দির কোথায় আছে জানেন?
00:00 In India, there are 33 million deities. They are all associated with everyone in every corner of the country. Many of their favorite stars are also sitting in the temple. But is the temple built for the beloved superstar? It's not a story, it's a real story.
00:25 Such an incident has happened. Megastar Rajnikant's devotees have made a temple by elevating Thalaipa. There is also a statue of Rajini there. Not only that, there is also a daily worship. Are you surprised? You will understand by watching the video. What can their fans do for their beloved star?
00:45 Let's watch the video.
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02:09 (alarm ringing)
02:11 Bureau Report, One India, Bangla.
