Mysterious Earth Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Today, fresh evidence uncovered by archaeologists and professional investigators using modern technological methods is revealing new historical surprises. On this fascinating journey, we will explore history's most interesting enigmas.
Short filmTranscript
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 (gentle music)
00:08 Layer by layer, mysterious earth sifts
00:12 through the latest facts and discoveries.
00:15 As we try to unveil the secrets, more questions arise.
00:19 And new mysteries open the door to unexpected wonders.
00:26 (dramatic music)
00:29 Who were these brutal warriors?
00:38 And how did they survive and even thrive
00:41 in such inhospitable and cold places?
00:44 It's sometimes difficult to separate fact from fiction.
00:51 (dramatic music)
00:54 (gentle music)