• 2 years ago
Former child star Amanda Bynes took to TikTok to share why she had surgery on her eyelids.


00:00 Former child star Amanda Bynes took to TikTok to share why she had surgery on her eyelids.
00:07 Amanda Bynes recently started a podcast with her close friend who's also a biochemist,
00:13 Paul Siminski.
00:14 After launching the podcast, Bynes took to TikTok to address her followers and fans after
00:20 some noticed something different about her look in recent videos.
00:24 Bynes explained that she had surgery to remove the skin folds on the corners of her eyes
00:29 and that it was one of the best things she could have done for her self-confidence.
00:32 "So I saw a couple of stories online that say I have a new look and I was never open
00:38 about this before but I actually had blepharoplasty surgery on the skin folds in the corners of
00:43 my eyes so I don't have those skin folds anymore.
00:48 It was one of the best things I could have ever done for my self-confidence and it made
00:52 me feel a lot better in my skin so I just wanted to post about that just to clear up
00:58 that rumor as to why I have a new look.
01:02 I feel a lot better now about myself and I'm so glad I had the blepharoplasty surgery.
01:06 It was one of the greatest things I could have ever done."
01:08 (sighs)
