柔佛苏丹"元首扩权"建议 安华: 不违宪都可谈

  • last year
八点最热报 | 即将在明年1月31号,正式出任新一任国家元首的柔佛苏丹依布拉欣,早前在接受新加坡《海峡时报》访问时表明,自己不想当“傀儡国王”,并提议可以赋予国家元首更多职责,包括直接监管反贪会和国油公司。而针对苏丹依布拉欣的建议,首相安华则表示,一切都可以讨论的。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 Rufusudan Ibrahim, who is about to officially take over as the new head of state on January 31 next year,
00:10 said in an early interview with the Singapore Maritime Times that he does not want to be a puppet king
00:16 and proposed that he can assign more responsibilities to the head of state, including direct supervision of anti-corruption meetings and state-owned companies.
00:23 His Majesty said that in his opinion, the two important institutions should report to the head of state, not the Congress,
00:31 so that they can ensure their independence and avoid interference by administrative agencies.
00:37 However, Prime Minister Mahathir had expressed his doubts about His Majesty's proposal and reminded the world not to ignore it.
00:45 Mahathir tweeted on the X platform and said,
00:48 "The constitution does not stipulate this power, but if the wishes conveyed by Rufusudan become reality,
00:55 it will raise doubts about the role of the ruler of the Malay state as the leader of the state."
01:00 Mahathir emphasized that, compared to absolute power, the power distribution between the ruler and the Congress is safer.
01:07 As for the suggestion of Ibrahim, Prime Minister Ahuaza said, "Everything can be discussed."
01:14 We can discuss this view, but it will not affect the foundation of the country and the principle of a sovereign state.
01:27 Prime Minister Ahuaza emphasized that as long as he does not oppose the constitution, all suggestions can be discussed.
01:32 He was the first to propose the expansion of the responsibility of the head of state to Ibrahim,
01:38 and he was the first to make the most of the suggestion.
01:43 He said that the constitution, democracy, and the rule of law still need to be defended.
01:50 We can discuss this, but the principle of democracy, parliament, and the rule of law should be maintained.
01:58 We should respect the principle.
02:00 We should not be worried if there are some views, including the views of the late King Sultan Joko.
02:08 In addition, regarding Mahathir's previous opinion, Ahuaza said he had no opinion.
02:13 He said that Mahathir only raised his own opinion, and that it would not threaten the constitution.
02:18 So there was no problem.
02:20 For more information, visit www.fema.org
02:25 Fema.org is a joint venture of the Federal Reserve Bank of Germany and the Federal Reserve Bank of Germany.
