• 2 years ago
The story of rapper and artist Andres “Dres” Vargas-Titus, part of the legendary 90’s hip hop duo Black Sheep, and | dG1fbnNiQXBUMkRMSG8
00:00 Hip-hop definitely gives us the opportunity to blow up.
00:04 Hip-hop also gives us the opportunity to implode.
00:08 [cheering]
00:09 Where's the long black sheep?
00:11 Ow!
00:12 Did you just ask me who was black sheep?
00:13 Who's the black sheep?
00:14 What's the black sheep?
00:15 No, not who I am or when I'm coming, so you're screwed.
00:18 "Choice is Yours" absolutely was a mainstream hit.
00:21 The choice is lightning in a bottle.
00:23 Black sheep, I'd be sitting next to the radio just like this.
00:26 They had something dope and unique to say.
00:30 That was the beginnings of putting hip-hop in Middle America.
00:33 The choice is yours!
00:34 Black sheep was never able to get back to the heights of
00:37 "The choice is yours."
00:38 If you're a chef for 25 years, you're a master chef.
00:42 But if you rhyme for 25 years, you're just old.
00:46 Hip-hop cannibalizes itself so much
00:48 that they're always looking for the next move.
00:51 When you are associated with something so legendary,
00:55 you're like, "What am I supposed to do now?"
00:58 I wound up with the opportunity to make an album
01:02 from Dilla's catalog, one of the illest producers ever.
01:06 I want people to feel what I feel,
01:07 'cause I make it straight from the heart.
01:09 He's gone, but his music is still here.
01:11 I love you, old man.
01:12 Dilla is affording me the platform for the world
01:15 to see exactly what I have to say today,
01:18 and that's all I need.
01:19 People have very strong, visceral feelings about J Dilla.
01:23 If you don't come correct...
01:26 [quack]
01:27 They have mixed feelings about this project.
01:30 That was creating this.
01:33 It sounds like you really need to talk to a lawyer.
01:36 Don't worry about what people are saying.
01:38 Worry about what your heart is saying.
01:40 Things become way more complicated after you go.
01:44 People are people, and people make mistakes.
01:46 You can't be afraid to take that step.
01:48 Even if we fall flat on our face,
01:50 at least we was trying to be ourselves.
01:52 Hip-hop is definitely in the house!
01:55 [cheers and applause]
01:58 [WHOOSH]
