• 2 years ago
A young girl on a far off planet in another solar system discovers that all she has been told is not true, her search fo | dG1faWFHQTBzVHZYd3M
00:00 [Music]
00:17 Oh god, please don't punish me.
00:20 [Music]
00:26 I'm warning you.
00:30 [Music]
00:35 Because it's a 30 men to 70 women ratio.
00:38 [Music]
00:47 Does god already have a mate?
00:49 [Music]
01:03 Oh no.
01:05 [Music]
01:09 [Alarm]
01:12 Rhythor? Why is she afraid?
01:15 [Music]
01:20 Why weren't we told the truth?
01:22 [Music]
