Box On | show | 1980 | Official Trailer

  • last year
This is a movie about the alternate boxing circuit. Fighters who have lost their licences to box professionally mainly | dHNfNnVXNVBkM3R1eW8


00:00 [phone rings]
00:02 Hello?
00:03 Hello Lisa, remember me?
00:06 That's me, age 10.
00:08 I was taken by the man who murdered my mother.
00:10 I've interviewed some of the women now, so it's...
00:14 Lisa, I've made my decision. Next.
00:16 Women might die.
00:17 Oh for fuck's sake.
00:18 Is there a police national database for missing persons I can access?
00:22 I can't bear it. Why aren't they doing anything?
00:24 Detective Berkeley?
00:25 He's going to kill again, you know it.
00:27 There's nothing else I can do.
00:28 Well if you're not going to do anything then I'll have to write about it.
00:31 You get to choose who lives.
00:33 I can't.
00:34 [screams]
00:35 Vernon!
00:37 Jesus.
00:38 [screams]
00:39 How could you do this to us?
00:41 Get your fucking hands off me!
00:43 Did I tell anyone about what?
00:47 About this call.
00:49 No.
00:52 No, I didn't tell anyone.
00:54 See what happens to liars, Lisa.
00:56 [music]
00:59 [music]
01:01 (whooshing)
