Easy Come, Easy Go | show | 1928 | Official Trailer

  • last year
Dix plays radio announcer Robert Parker, working at a station run by his girlfriend's father. Becoming a bit overexcited | dHNfUTRKNm52QnNtRjg


00:00 I don't know how to be any different.
00:04 They see someone who's happy and has it together.
00:06 I don't allow them to see the true me.
00:09 I have to change right now because I could die.
00:11 I'm a binge eater and I don't know how to stop it.
00:15 Every morning I wake up on a diet and every night I end in failure.
00:19 I'm bulimic and I've been bulimic for over 30 years.
00:23 If I don't get my eating disorder under control, I stand to lose my daughter.
00:27 I'm addicted to food.
00:30 Every addict that I've ever known, we want what we want when we want it.
00:34 Do y'all?
00:35 Yes I do.
00:36 Well, welcome to treatment.
00:38 I have never felt that humiliated in all my life.
00:42 I feel like it hurts me more than it's doing me any good.
00:44 I just want to go home.
00:45 There will not be an easy journey, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
00:54 Addicted to Food.
