• 2 years ago
Un casque pour travailler pendant le sommeil ?

Une startup spécialisée dans le rêve lucide a déclaré que son produit pourrait permettre aux gens de travailler tout en dormant.

Le bandeau Halo de Prophetic's émet des signaux cérébraux qui augmentent significativement la probabilité de provoquer un rêve lucide.

Dans un rêve lucide, la personne a un contrôle total sur son expérience, elle peut par exemple voler, avoir des super-pouvoirs, ou résoudre des problèmes complexes.

‍ Les créateurs de Halo pensent que leur produit pourrait être particulièrement utile aux ingénieurs, qui pourraient ainsi écrire du code ou résoudre des problèmes pendant leur sommeil. ️

La société a déjà levé plus d'un million de dollars pour développer le bandeau, et elle travaille avec l'un des concepteurs du dispositif Neuralink d'Elon Musk. ️

L'appareil devrait coûter entre 1 500 $ et 2 000 $ lors de son lancement en 2025.

Source : Fortune

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00:00 This startup specializing in lucid dreams has stated that its product could allow people to work while sleeping.
00:04 The Allo device from Prophetix is designed to induce lucid dreams,
00:08 thanks to which the carrier becomes aware that he is sleeping and becomes able to control the experience.
00:12 This bandage emits brain signals, significantly increasing the probability of provoking a lucid dream,
00:17 a state of dream where the person has total control, as if your imagination made things real.
00:21 You could for example fly, have superpowers, etc.
00:24 The creators of Allo consider that its main utility is to allow engineers to write code and work while sleeping.
00:30 They are currently looking to commercialize this idea of ​​lucid dreams beyond occasional users by presenting it to tech companies.
00:36 The idea is to allow employees to solve problems while sleeping, then to transcribe their solutions to the office the next day.
00:41 The company has already raised more than $ 1 million to develop the bandage and work with one of the designers of Elon Musk's Neuralink device.
00:47 Prophetix is not the first startup to allow the possibility of making lucid dreams,
00:50 but none have yet presented a product capable of systematically offering this experience to the consumer.
00:55 The device should cost between $ 1,500 and $ 2,000 at launch in 2025.
00:58 According to the Fortune magazine, customers can book one with a deposit of $ 100.
