Processo Grillo jr, legale ragazza: "Si sentiva una preda" - Video

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - L'avvocato Dario Romano dopo l'udienza di oggi in cui ha deposto la presunta vittima dello stupro nel processo a Grillo jr e a tre sui amici. "Video in aula? Rispettare la vittima"


00:00 I don't have any further comments on the questions raised by the defendants.
00:04 It just means that the test clearly stated everything that happened, I repeat, in a precise manner.
00:12 It said that there was a moment when you could feel a prey, so everything was very clear,
00:19 the story that was told, and I don't add anything else.
00:23 On the defendants, I don't have any further comments.
00:28 Tomorrow they should show these pieces of video in the courtroom.
00:32 Would you oppose?
00:34 The witness is at the disposal of the court, obviously in respect of his person.
00:42 So, in these terms, we will see what will happen in the hearing when they will be able to show these videos.
00:50 Surely there is a victim that must be respected, and in this sense we will act.
