Jon and Pete Najarian join forces to discuss and debate their favorite topics, including the hottest stock-specific news and sports! Today: $PFE, $VRTX, $PLAB, and Bowl Games
00:00 Welcome to the Rebel's Edge.
00:01 You're about to see a stock
00:03 that was everybody's darling a year ago,
00:06 but oh, how the worm has turned.
00:09 I'm the Rebel's Edge.
00:11 (upbeat music)
00:13 Bang.
00:28 Actually, I do have the clap over here, Pete.
00:32 He's a traveling man.
00:34 All right, Rebel's Edge time, baby.
00:39 Rebel's Edge, December 13th, 2023.
00:42 Thanks for joining us.
00:44 He is Pete Najarian.
00:46 I am John Najarian, and Jared is Jared Najarian.
00:50 He's handling all of--
00:52 Armbrata.
00:54 Jared's like, "What the hell?"
00:56 (both laughing)
00:59 - He's got more hair than the both of us together.
01:01 (both laughing)
01:03 - And that's just counting his back.
01:05 (both laughing)
01:08 - All right, we need to start the Macro Minute.
01:12 - We're getting back into the Macro Minute and so forth.
01:16 We always start off, folks, with the Macro Minute,
01:19 and then we hit Fantastic Futures,
01:21 four stocks that we're watching and trading,
01:23 and then we'll cover a little sports for you,
01:26 along with some social media posts
01:28 that are pretty darn entertaining.
01:30 So without further ado, that's a French word, Pete, adieu,
01:35 let's get started with the Macro Minute,
01:38 and I'm gonna say it's Jay Powell
01:41 and the Fed's last meeting of 2023,
01:45 and there is almost a 100% certainty
01:49 that he's gonna do the following.
01:50 Stay on the pause, talk about how he's not done,
01:55 and then ask Janet Yellen
01:58 for some sort of a Christmas reach around or something.
02:02 - What the hell?
02:03 I don't think he's doing the last one,
02:05 but I will say this.
02:07 So presently, you look at that CME tool, right, John,
02:10 and it's at 98 plus percent.
02:12 It's been there, it's been locked in there,
02:14 that's what's gonna happen.
02:15 If not, then all hell breaks loose,
02:18 but I think that's what's gonna happen.
02:20 And I think it's also interesting,
02:21 as you were just talking about
02:22 and alluding to actually with Jay Powell,
02:24 because when he gets up there to speak,
02:27 that's what really matters, right?
02:28 And the question and answer and all the rest of that.
02:30 And I think what he said already last week,
02:33 and he'll probably have to repeat it again
02:35 because that's the way reporters are,
02:36 but he said last week, he goes,
02:38 "You know, it would be premature for you guys
02:41 "to say that we're done hiking rates."
02:44 (laughs)
02:45 So it's interesting.
02:47 It doesn't necessarily mean they're going to,
02:49 but he had that out there.
02:50 By the way, I took a quick look, John.
02:52 January 31st, which is the next meeting,
02:54 92.2% that they're gonna pause again.
02:57 So I think these pauses definitely
03:01 are gonna continue for a little while longer,
03:03 and they probably should,
03:04 based upon what we're seeing right now
03:06 and what's going on in terms of the economy.
03:09 - Yeah, and keep in mind, as always, folks,
03:11 that we've already corrected 90 basis points,
03:15 meaning we've gone from a little over 5.05% in the 10-year,
03:20 back down to 4.2, so call it 90 pips.
03:24 That's a pretty big move.
03:26 Without the Fed doing anything but pausing.
03:28 All right, fantastic futures, Pete.
03:31 - Fantastic futures!
03:33 - Mortgage refinance demand jumps almost 20%, Pete,
03:42 after hitting the lowest level for mortgages since July.
03:45 Now, that's good news,
03:47 and it's reflected by both markets
03:50 and, of course, the 10-year,
03:53 even though, of course, most people
03:55 are probably talking about 30 years.
03:57 What do you have for futures, Pete?
03:59 - You know, John, I was looking at it.
04:00 We always pull out food and energy,
04:01 and I've been here before.
04:02 I'm gonna go here one more time,
04:03 and I'm gonna talk about sugar.
04:04 And I think the reason that it's so interesting to me
04:06 is you go back to late November, John,
04:09 the price of sugar was 28 bucks.
04:11 You look at it right now, it's trading 22 bucks.
04:13 I'll also point out that this is the lowest level
04:15 since June of this past.
04:17 So, interesting to see the way that's been moving around.
04:20 It's just another reflection of what's going on
04:24 in the economy right now,
04:25 and some of the things, some of the reads that we've got.
04:27 And if you leave in food and energy,
04:29 it's a different story
04:31 than it was not too terribly long ago.
04:32 But there are still issues out there,
04:34 and I think the Fed is gonna address those,
04:36 and I'm sure all the questions will be about
04:38 a variety of things,
04:39 primarily, probably, energy prices, which have dropped.
04:43 But you're also gotta look at what's going on
04:45 from a housing perspective as well.
04:47 So, a lot of different storylines,
04:49 I think, will come out of this.
04:50 It should be a pretty volatile afternoon, I would expect.
04:53 - Sure could be, even though, like you say,
04:57 he's been the most transparent Fed official in forever.
05:01 And we know, because of that,
05:05 that he's gonna give that first part of the speech,
05:08 it's a pause.
05:09 Second part, we're not done yet.
05:11 And then the third part, whatever he wants for Christmas.
05:14 All right, Pete, let's talk about Pfizer,
05:16 because Mr. Pfizer, and I, in that case,
05:20 would mean Travis Kelsey, according to Aaron Rodgers.
05:25 But the other Pfizer, the drug company
05:28 that made the COVID vaccine,
05:31 they got a big slump going on.
05:33 People aren't going in for the vaccine shots.
05:36 And thus, Pete, this year,
05:38 this is gonna be hard to believe, folks,
05:40 but they have lost 143 billion in market cap.
05:45 They just gave us a revenue forecast
05:48 that predicts a further slump in sales.
05:52 This is not a good time to be a Pfizer shareholder, is it?
05:56 - It's awful.
05:57 And everything about what they gave from guidance
06:00 and everything else, John, was terrible.
06:01 And I think if you take a look
06:03 at what are the companies out there,
06:05 the pharmaceutical companies, biotech companies,
06:06 however you wanna categorize it,
06:08 but those that decided, you know what,
06:10 we're kind of an all-in company
06:12 going towards this whole vaccine world, right?
06:16 And specifically, the ones that we've just had to go through
06:18 over the last few years.
06:20 That has been hurting them.
06:21 Take a look at Moderna, take a look at Novavax,
06:23 take a look at Pfizer.
06:24 And Pfizer, specifically,
06:26 just absolutely getting cranked, John.
06:28 I mean, this stock is at 52-week lows.
06:31 It hit down towards 51 bucks, went all the way to 26 bucks.
06:35 I mean, this is a butt-kick in there taken right now.
06:39 And it's pretty interesting to watch
06:41 how this is playing out.
06:42 Now, they also, trying to defend themselves a little bit,
06:45 they've had to go out there and spend $43 billion
06:48 on another company that has more
06:50 on the world of cancer exposure.
06:52 But still, that's a big check to write,
06:54 and they've gotta get themselves fixed.
06:56 And they're trying to do something, obviously, with that.
06:59 But I gotta tell you something, John,
07:01 I think there's a whole heck of a lot
07:02 of better companies out there right now
07:04 that I would be selecting in that world of pharma biotech
07:08 over Pfizer, even at these levels.
07:10 I think Pfizer's got issues.
07:12 - Well, like we said, the shareholders certainly have issues
07:17 and 143 billion in market cap slip,
07:21 that's more than, I guess, just a slip.
07:23 That's a fall on your face.
07:25 All right, let's talk about AMB, Pete.
07:29 These guys, 4% increase in revenue for Q4.
07:34 They're over 2.1 billion in revenue.
07:39 And net income, the net that fell to the bottom line,
07:42 up 29%.
07:45 No wonder shares are screaming to the upside double digits.
07:49 - Yeah, ABM, actually, John, but up 14%.
07:52 - ABM, yeah, sorry.
07:53 - A huge run to the upside, 52-week highs, over 51.
07:57 I mean, this is almost the exact opposite of Pfizer, right?
08:01 In terms of the movement of the stock
08:03 and sort of the news of the stock.
08:04 And they've had a strong guidance for 2024,
08:07 looking at earnings that are somewhere north of three bucks,
08:09 320, 340, somewhere in that range.
08:12 Everything that they talked about was good
08:14 and it's positive.
08:15 And that's why this stock's at 52-week highs.
08:17 It's why it's up 14% today.
08:19 But there isn't anything that I could pull out of this, John,
08:23 that looked negative right now.
08:24 So despite the fact that it's hitting 52-week highs,
08:27 doesn't mean it's done.
08:28 And it's a company that I think has room still
08:31 to the upside based upon what they're telling us
08:34 and on what they're telling us about 2024.
08:36 - Very true, Pete.
08:39 And I'd say right now, a pretty good space to be in,
08:43 obviously.
08:45 Let's talk about PLAB, Pete, which is Photronix.
08:50 These guys, as you might imagine,
08:53 have something to do with either photographs
08:56 or some way that you express video images.
09:01 And you would be right if you thought that
09:03 because basically flat panel displays
09:07 are part of what they do.
09:09 So these guys had announced some pretty fabulous news.
09:14 Stock's up over 16%.
09:16 Revenue is up 8.2%.
09:20 And they guided very strong on the future look
09:26 for the company, Pete.
09:27 And their CEO was just effusive in his praise
09:31 after a, what, sixth consecutive year of record revenue.
09:36 That's pretty nice.
09:37 - I was going to say that that is the thing
09:40 that's just absolutely astounding.
09:42 I mean, we don't see anybody doing that.
09:44 There's always some kind of a pause or something,
09:47 or maybe even a little bit of a slip up
09:48 or whatever it might be.
09:50 Not the case here.
09:51 Matter of fact, the record revenue for 2023,
09:54 absolutely impressive.
09:56 As you said, the consecutive of this,
09:57 there is a little bit of a short here, John.
10:00 I'm not going to call it a huge short squeeze,
10:02 but there is something to be there
10:04 because I think that's probably adding to it.
10:06 There's about a three or 4% short interest here as well.
10:09 You look at this company and the free cash flow,
10:11 just about everything, strong.
10:13 Their strategic positioning that they've got.
10:16 This is a company that I think everybody
10:17 ought to take a look at because they aren't done.
10:20 They're not done impressing us.
10:22 There's still room to the upside.
10:23 And it trades very much in a very inexpensive way
10:27 when you look at the PE right now.
10:29 So I look at this company and say, you know what?
10:32 They can't seem to be anything wrong
10:34 with what we're seeing so far.
10:36 Really impressive reporting.
10:38 And I think it's not done.
10:40 - And the CEO, Pete, when he said,
10:43 hey, we're celebrating this sixth consecutive
10:45 revenue growth quarter,
10:49 everybody else in his industry is not in the same boat.
10:53 They are the only one that is seeing this kind of growth,
10:57 which tells you a lot about how well
10:59 they do their job, I guess.
11:01 All right, Vertex Pharmaceutical,
11:04 also up almost double digits now.
11:07 They have a pain treatment that is going through
11:11 phase trials, Pete, and it's for people
11:14 with painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy,
11:19 sorry, neuropathy.
11:22 Try to say that one three times fast.
11:24 But they are treating people with that severe pain
11:30 and finding that indeed,
11:32 this treatment is working pretty dang well.
11:36 And that's why they're up almost just that far
11:38 from a double digit gain today.
11:40 - John, this is a company that I kick myself
11:44 every time I don't get involved with this company
11:46 and buy some shares or get some sort of an option position
11:50 on or whatever.
11:51 And the reason I say that is,
11:53 it's hitting 52 week highs today, 392.
11:55 It's establishing another level.
11:57 And then when you look,
11:58 they still have an incredible pipeline in front of them.
12:02 They have a lot of different therapies and so forth
12:05 that have been approved.
12:07 They are doing just about everything right.
12:08 John, how about this, free cash flow, $4 billion.
12:11 On top of that, how about when you look at what cash
12:15 they've got versus what their debt is?
12:17 Well, that's at 11 billion on the positive side.
12:21 There isn't a flaw when you look at them right now.
12:24 I mean, it's just absolutely amazing.
12:26 They've got this deep pipeline.
12:28 I think it's impressive this pain treatment they've got.
12:32 I just don't know why I haven't really woken up yet
12:35 and gotten myself involved here.
12:37 It's something I gotta start looking at a little bit closer
12:39 because it still trades at a PE of 22.
12:42 So when you look at this thing, you say,
12:45 well, they've got cash.
12:46 They don't really have debt relative to speaking
12:48 of what their cash position is.
12:50 And they just continue to just build upon that.
12:53 And they just keep pumping out all these different drugs
12:57 and therapies and everything else.
12:58 Absolutely impressive.
13:00 One of the best earnings I have ever seen.
13:03 This is absolutely impressive.
13:05 But it's not just about earnings.
13:07 This is a company that just keeps on bringing somebody else.
13:09 Phase two, one, two, three,
13:11 let's get it out to the public.
13:13 And that's what's killing it right now for them.
13:16 - Absolutely.
13:17 And I love that this is another record high
13:21 for the stock too, Pete.
13:23 So it's not a stock that got ahead of itself.
13:25 It's a stock that like you say, it makes a run.
13:28 And then I guess people take profits, get out or whatever.
13:32 And then it makes another run and then another run.
13:34 And this is one of those runs right now.
13:38 All right, let's talk about sports, Pete.
13:41 But before we dive in, let's give the people what they want.
13:44 Let's talk about this very interesting clip
13:48 that we grabbed from Dr. Lox, MD.
13:53 And Dr. Lox is a guy that more times than not, Pete,
13:56 he's talking about not just sports locks,
13:59 but he loves betting the over-unders on these games.
14:03 So he is totally into what happens
14:06 in the final few minutes of the game
14:08 because in so many games, things change.
14:11 You know, it looks like you're about to win.
14:12 You know, you gave 14, you're gonna win.
14:14 And all of a sudden it gets wiped out.
14:17 So let's watch and comment.
14:19 - Dolphins, what the fuck?
14:24 (laughing)
14:25 I wanna know, 20 to 13, 528 on the clock.
14:30 This game is over.
14:31 - It's over.
14:32 - Look at the two heads in the end zone.
14:33 - It's over.
14:33 Dolphins got it, they're at home.
14:35 - What happened, Dolphins?
14:36 - Look at these Dolphins in the end zone.
14:38 I was at this game, Pete.
14:40 - They deserve to lose just 'cause of that stupid stunt.
14:45 (laughing)
14:47 - Clowning, absolutely clowning the Titans.
14:50 They're doing tricks on it in the end zone,
14:53 doing splits on Will Levis's head.
14:55 A literal GTA strip club twerk session.
14:59 (laughing)
15:00 14 point favorites.
15:02 Down 14.
15:04 Will, I am...
15:06 - Yeah, that guy, Dr. or Mr. Locke or whatever,
15:11 Dr. Locke's brother, .MD.
15:14 He is the best, Pete.
15:15 Gavin.McHugh.
15:17 And he wears his heart on his sleeve for all these pets.
15:23 Sometimes he gets them right.
15:25 You know, like he said, I've got a lock.
15:28 This is a stone pipe lock.
15:31 And then sometimes it doesn't work out so well.
15:33 And then he just wonders what the hell is happening.
15:36 He was wondering on the Army-Navy game too, Pete.
15:39 That was a good one this weekend.
15:41 Where he said, "How the hell does this happen?"
15:44 (laughing)
15:45 - Well, this is a good segue though, John,
15:48 into where I wanted to go.
15:49 'Cause I wanted to go and talk about
15:51 some of the quarterbacks in 2023 and how these GMs, wow.
15:54 Do any of them even deserve a paycheck
15:57 when you only look at it, John?
15:59 And here's why I say that.
16:00 So who was the number one pick in the draft last year?
16:03 Well, it was Bryce Young.
16:04 Now you can put that on the owner, which we do.
16:06 But nonetheless, Bryce Young,
16:09 you know what he's done this year?
16:10 He's got nine touchdowns, got nine interceptions,
16:13 got 48 sacks.
16:15 None of those numbers are very good, right?
16:18 So you look at that breakdown, you say, well, you know what?
16:22 Maybe the problem starts with the offensive line.
16:24 Clearly it does, because you get that many sacks,
16:27 you've got a problem.
16:28 That kid, if he can do anything, Bryce Young,
16:31 he can scramble around.
16:32 He's athletic.
16:33 So clearly when he's going back,
16:35 he is absolutely a target
16:37 because they are going through that offensive line
16:40 like you would not believe.
16:41 Now, we see him, we see all these others.
16:44 You've got Richardson.
16:45 Yes, I know he got hurt.
16:47 You've got all these other guys over the last couple of years
16:49 and these GMs just can't get it right.
16:51 So I wanted to point out how bad they really are, John.
16:54 So the clip you just had on there
16:56 was the Miami game against who?
16:58 The Tennessee Titans.
16:59 Who's the quarterback for the Tennessee Titans?
17:01 Well, it's not who was starting out the year.
17:04 It's Will Levis, who slipped in the draft.
17:07 He was predicted to be somewhere top 10, top 20, top 30,
17:11 for sure in the first round, it didn't happen.
17:14 So he goes all the way to the second round.
17:16 He and his girlfriend or whatever were sitting there
17:18 for the entire night, night one on Thursday,
17:21 during the draft and did not hear his name called, right?
17:25 So all he's done, John, is 60% completion.
17:29 He's got eight touchdowns, three interceptions,
17:32 and he had that monster week this past week
17:34 against the Miami Dolphins.
17:35 So that's number one.
17:36 Here's another one for you.
17:38 Tommy, Tommy Cutlets, Tommy DeVito, this kid--
17:42 Tommy Cutlets.
17:44 --is a free agent, John, OK?
17:46 Free agent.
17:47 Now he came out a couple of years ago, but a free agent.
17:50 Out of Illinois, I've seen the kid play in person.
17:53 Three straight wins so far since his opportunity got there
17:57 with the New York Giants.
17:58 His percentage is about 70%.
18:01 He's got five touchdowns and zero interceptions
18:03 in the last three wins.
18:05 The Giants are actually probably somewhere
18:08 involved in the possibility of the playoffs, right?
18:11 A team that was getting flushed, and now all of a sudden
18:14 they're there.
18:15 And I got one more for you.
18:16 Jake Browning.
18:17 Now you don't know who he is.
18:19 Nobody knows who he is.
18:20 They don't know where the hell he played.
18:21 The kid actually was a superstar in college.
18:24 He played at the University of Washington
18:26 a couple of years ago, right?
18:27 Heck of a player.
18:29 At one point in time, he had one of the most decorated
18:32 quarterbacks ever in Pac-12 history,
18:34 but nobody ever remembers him.
18:36 And he kind of got passed over, didn't get drafted.
18:39 He was on the Vikings for a little while
18:41 on their practice squad and bounced around,
18:44 bounced around.
18:45 Well, now he's sitting out there, John,
18:48 with the Cincinnati Bengals.
18:49 And he's got a completion percentage close to 80%.
18:53 Four touchdowns, two interceptions, and three
18:55 starts.
18:56 And he put up some big numbers recently
18:59 in the beating up on Indiana, Indianapolis, 34-14.
19:03 They beat Jacksonville in overtime.
19:06 So this kid is doing what he needs
19:09 to do to make sure Cincinnati is still somewhere relevant.
19:13 And it makes it very, very interesting
19:15 because he's probably more active right now than the starter
19:19 that he had to replace.
19:20 So Joe Burrow's probably going, hey, wait a minute.
19:23 Although Joe's contract's going to keep him there
19:26 for a really long time and a lot of money.
19:28 So I don't think Joe's worried that much.
19:30 But Browning's looking pretty good, John.
19:32 So what is it?
19:34 Where do they make their mistakes?
19:35 Where do these GMs--
19:37 what are they doing when they're analyzing these quarterbacks
19:41 when we've got all these guys going the first round?
19:43 And you could look at the Jets.
19:45 You could look at the Giants.
19:46 You could go up to New England.
19:47 You could go through all these quarterbacks
19:49 that have been drafted high.
19:51 They stink.
19:52 And yet, these other guys managed to get in there.
19:55 And they seem like they're pretty good.
19:57 What in the hell's going on?
19:59 Well, like you said, Mac Jones up in--
20:02 that's his name, right, Pete?
20:03 Mac?
20:04 Yep.
20:04 Yep.
20:05 Up in New England.
20:07 Terrible season.
20:08 The quarterback for the Giants, terrible season.
20:14 Until Tommy gets in and saves the franchise, practically.
20:19 Because he's already thrown eight touchdowns
20:21 in three games, Pete.
20:23 I mean, and he's athletic.
20:26 He moves around in the pocket and things like that.
20:28 He's a good-sized kid.
20:29 He's 6'2" and looks more like a prototypical NFL quarterback
20:37 than does Bryce Young.
20:39 And Bryce is great, but he's skinny.
20:42 He's small.
20:43 He's 5'10" or something like that, Pete.
20:45 And we know that every once in a while,
20:47 there's a breakout Doug Flutie or you
20:52 get somebody who is undersized like Russell Wilson.
20:56 But this kid's, like I say, about the right size.
21:00 Many schools want a guy that's 6'4" or 5" instead,
21:04 but most of them can't move as well as Tommy and some
21:09 of these other guys move.
21:10 So yeah, I think it all goes back to opportunity.
21:16 The Giants have a pretty decent team, as it turns out.
21:21 If you put a quarterback back there,
21:24 Green Bay was doing pretty well and looking
21:26 like they were going to try to make a run into the playoffs.
21:29 And now with this loss, it's that much tougher.
21:33 But at least they got a little help from the Chicago Bears
21:36 because they knocked off the Lions in the same division.
21:40 Yeah.
21:40 Well, and DeVito lives at home, John.
21:43 His mother still does his laundry.
21:45 I mean, kid lives over there in New Jersey.
21:48 He played at one of those monster high schools
21:50 that everybody goes and recruits because everybody who goes
21:53 there is a superstar and everything.
21:54 And it's just kind of a classic story all the way around.
21:58 All right, lastly, we're getting to bowl season, John.
22:01 And what do I mean by that?
22:03 Well, on Saturday, here's the running of the bowls,
22:06 of the bowls.
22:08 So the Myrtle Beach Bowl.
22:11 My question is going to be at the end, which one are you
22:13 looking forward to the most?
22:15 You've got the Celebration Bowl, the New Orleans Bowl.
22:18 That might not be bad, actually.
22:20 The Cure Bowl, the New Mexico Bowl, the LA Bowl,
22:25 the Independence Bowl.
22:27 So what do you think, John?
22:28 When you go through it, the LA Bowl actually
22:30 has teams that are kind of interesting, maybe.
22:33 You got UCLA going against Boise State.
22:35 So that could be sort of interesting, I think.
22:39 Jerry Kill, an old coach at the University of Minnesota
22:41 is at New Mexico State, had a monster year.
22:43 They're playing against Fresno State.
22:45 All these bowls are just Saturday.
22:48 And then they just start winding and going and going.
22:52 And it never stops, John, until we get
22:54 to the national championship.
22:55 But of the bowls, is there any one that sticks out?
22:59 And I'm going to give you a hint.
23:00 Is there any bowl here that sticks out at all for you
23:03 that you really like the looks of right now?
23:07 There is.
23:08 And I know you're wearing your Cal Bears stuff
23:12 in honor of our dad and our brother Paul.
23:14 But yeah, Cal versus--
23:17 and me-- Cal versus Texas Tech, Pete,
23:20 in the Radiance Technologies Independence Bowl.
23:25 Cal finished out the season like a house of fire, Pete.
23:30 Took down Stanford, took down UCLA.
23:34 And that UCLA team put the beating on USC.
23:38 So I thought that was a pretty interesting finish for Cal.
23:43 And I know it's in Shreveport.
23:45 I know you played in the Independence Bowl
23:47 in Shreveport.
23:49 And I don't wish Shreveport on too many people.
23:53 But I'm sure it's a fine place, Pete.
23:56 I'm sure it's a fine place.
23:58 It's fun, John.
23:59 It's a great little city, actually.
24:01 It's a hidden gem that people don't--
24:02 and I'm not kidding when I say that.
24:05 That was a fun bowl game.
24:08 I had friends who drove up from Texas, who flew down
24:10 from Minnesota, who flew out from California,
24:13 all to come to the Independence Bowl.
24:16 And you kind of go there going, well, let's be honest.
24:19 I mean, what are we going to do here?
24:21 It was great.
24:22 They were so hospitable.
24:24 It was fun.
24:25 John, on that game for us, here's why it was really fun.
24:28 So we played Clemson.
24:29 And we beat them.
24:30 And they had won the national title not long before that.
24:32 But so we beat Clemson.
24:34 Now Clemson had-- they had to have lights out
24:37 every single night before the bowl game at 11.
24:39 You know when we had to have our lights out?
24:41 Never.
24:42 Because Lou Holtz had taken off to go to Notre Dame
24:44 to take that head coaching job.
24:46 We had a guy named John Gutekunst who took over.
24:49 And he said, look, we're going to have fun at this bowl game,
24:51 boys.
24:52 And we're still going to win.
24:53 And we did.
24:55 So there was a lot of partying, a lot of good times,
24:59 a lot of fun.
25:00 And you know what?
25:01 We still won the game.
25:03 So it made it-- it was just like, you know,
25:05 the frosting on top of the cake.
25:06 It was phenomenal.
25:08 The cherry on top.
25:09 Yep.
25:09 It was.
25:10 It was great that you guys did that, Pete,
25:13 and that you were out all night and still did that.
25:16 Brutal.
25:17 And I'm guessing that this guy might know a thing or two
25:20 about partying.
25:21 The LA Bowl hosted by Gronk.
25:25 That is the name of the freaking bowl, folks.
25:28 Just like we told you the other day about the Jimmy Kimmel
25:31 Bowl, this is the LA Bowl hosted by Gronk at SoFi Stadium,
25:37 Boise State versus UCLA, like Pete said.
25:41 I don't know what this Isleta New Mexico Bowl is, Pete.
25:45 I don't know what Isleta is.
25:47 Avocados from Mexico Cure Bowl.
25:50 You know, I half think somebody is slapping these names
25:54 on the beginning of these titles just to screw with us, Pete.
25:59 I mean, Avocados from Mexico Cure Bowl?
26:04 John, there's 41 bowl games.
26:09 That means you need to have 82 teams.
26:12 And I will say this.
26:14 My Golden Gophers got in with a 5 and 7 record.
26:18 It used to be you had to have six wins, wasn't it?
26:20 Used to be the rule, but you know what?
26:22 To fill in, because they started running out of schools
26:26 to fill in, they had to go to academics.
26:29 And the academics at the University of Minnesota
26:31 are so strong that they actually got into their bowl game.
26:34 So it's a win-win.
26:38 Well, and we'll recap more of these next week, folks.
26:42 But Monday, we've got the famous Toastery Bowl
26:46 between Old Dominion, which I always thought
26:48 was a country band, Pete, and Western Kentucky.
26:52 And then we've got Tuesday the Scooter's Coffee Frisco Bowl.
26:57 I don't even know what this thing is.
26:58 Scooter's Coffee?
27:00 John, Scooter's Coffee is the best.
27:02 I've been there.
27:03 It's like the old days of Photo Mat
27:05 when you drive up and just drop your camera--
27:08 your film in there.
27:10 This is the same thing, except for it's with coffee.
27:12 You drive up, there's a guy sitting in this little booth.
27:14 He goes, hey, what do you want?
27:15 You go, I want a coffee.
27:16 Boom, boom, you're gone.
27:18 Scooter's is the best, man.
27:20 Scooter's is, get the hell out of here now.
27:24 Well, we're going to get the heck out of here, folks.
27:26 Thanks for joining us.
27:28 If you'd like any information about some of the stocks
27:30 we talked about, go to
27:35 That's
27:39 And you can be trading just like Pete and me.
27:44 Thank you.
27:45 Have a great day.
27:46 We'll see you tomorrow at 1 PM.
28:16 (upbeat music)