“I Took My Mum Backpacking With My Girlfriend – To Celebrate Her Being Cancer Free”

  • last year
Credit: SWNS / Becca Wolfenden

A mum is backpacking around Asia with her daughter and her girlfriend – and has been partying on the islands to celebrate being cancer free.

Kate Gearing, 69, was invited to join her daughter, Nessie, and her partner Becca Wolfenden, both 27, on a once in a lifetime trip to Thailand.

Kate was given the all clear in January 2022 after battling breast cancer and the couple planned a trip for her to join them on.
00:00 [music]
00:06 Kamatha's in the most exhausting travel day going from the UK to Thailand.
00:09 We are taking Nessie's mum on a mini backpacking trip island hopping around Thailand to celebrate
00:14 her surviving cancer so it's a pretty big deal.
00:16 Also, she wants to become TikTok famous and we kinda think this is why she agreed to this
00:20 trip.
00:21 But we're not off to the best start and it's kinda all our fault.
00:23 Anyways, let's start from the beginning.
00:25 Because of where we live, we have to drive 5 hours from the highlands in Scotland to
00:29 Edinburgh airport to catch our Qatar Airways flight to Doha.
00:31 Luckily, we have a family member near Edinburgh where we can park our car which saves us so
00:36 much money.
00:37 Our first flight to Doha took about 7 hours, it went by pretty quickly.
00:40 Then we had a layover there for about 3 hours.
00:42 We have just got to Doha and we're heading straight to our gate even though we have a
00:46 3 hour layover because it is huge, this airport.
00:49 We have been late for flights before here and we don't want to chance it again.
00:53 But this time, luckily we didn't have far to go and we actually got to see the airport.
00:56 It is so beautiful and there's so much greenery.
00:58 Time to catch our next flight to Phuket in Thailand which took another 7 hours and we
01:02 arrived at 7am Thai time.
01:04 And to be honest, both flights were totally fine although none of us got much sleep.
01:08 Okay, this is when things start to take a turn for the worse.
01:10 So we've just arrived in Phuket after about 20 hours of travelling.
01:15 We're so exhausted but the travelling doesn't end here because we are taking a ferry all
01:19 the way down to Kuala Lumpur, getting a taxi because we can't wait for the bus because
01:24 it would take too long.
01:25 Because we were in such a rush, we also did get a SIM card in the airport.
01:29 It cost us 950 baht each.
01:33 We got a 30 day unlimited SIM card.
01:35 You can get it cheaper.
01:36 Head out of the airport and go to a 7-11 but we just don't have time for that.
01:40 Honestly, we should have stayed in Phuket for a night or two to recover and get some
01:43 sleep but we were determined to catch the 11am ferry to Kuala Lumpur Island which is
01:47 way way down south near the Malaysian border.
01:50 Backpacking granny, what's the plans next?
01:52 Where are we going?
01:53 We're going on a 5 hour boat trip.
01:56 And how are we going to get there?
01:57 Hopefully by taxi when you arrange it.
02:01 Do you know how much that'll cost?
02:02 800 baht.
02:03 Oh well done!
02:04 Ok perfect.
02:05 Are we ready?
02:06 We are.
02:07 We're just heading out of Phuket airport to get our taxi.
02:10 We paid at the stall that offers taxis and mini buses 700 baht to get to Rasadapur which
02:16 is not too bad.
02:17 They looked up on Grab and it was about 800 baht so we're pretty happy with that.
02:21 At this point we were super exhausted.
02:23 We had been up for at least 20 plus hours but we kept telling ourselves that once we
02:27 got on the ferry it would only be 5 hours until we arrive on Kuala Lumpur Island.
02:31 Or at least that's what we were told.
02:32 We booked the tickets in advance on tigerlineferry.com.
02:35 They cost us £61.17 each one way.
02:38 It was also super super full so we were all squashed together on the boat for 7 hours.
02:42 We did arrive to a beautiful sunset but we were really really exhausted at this point
02:46 and we had little to no sleep in a day and a half.
02:48 To get to our accommodation Nessie then had to drag her suitcase across the beach and
02:52 I'm not going to lie, Granny and I were very happily trotting along with our backpacks.
02:56 This beautiful island is one of our favourites in the whole of South East Asia.
03:00 [Music]
