Roraty - wyjątkowe msze św. w czasie adwentu w Kościele Katolickim

  • last year


00:00 [music]
00:08 Advent is associated with the Rorate, the mass of the Holy Rorate, which is associated with Mary and the experience of this
00:18 flame of brightness among this Advent expectation at the lit candle of the Rorate, and at the same time also at the lampions.
00:30 We can say that in our Christian tradition we are experiencing such a beautiful period in which we expect, we expect Christ.
00:40 This expectation is associated especially with the Holy Rorate Masses, when there is darkness, when people enter,
00:50 children enter with traditional lampions, illuminated only by this light of the lampions,
00:59 when the Holy Mass begins, which announces and begins in this darkness, in this darkness, at the praise of God's height,
01:11 the Church is illuminated and then you can see this brightness of our expectation.
01:18 The Word of God, which is the essence of the Holy Rorate Masses, is associated primarily with the word in which we see these traditions.
01:30 This year, especially here in our community, in Górka Klasztorna, as well as in other communities, also in Silesia,
01:37 from where the Sunday guest comes, we experience the Rorate with St. Francis, i.e. Francis' Building Square.
01:45 800 years ago, St. Francis, after the confirmation by Hadrian III, the Pope, of the possibility of celebrating Christmas,
01:56 with this joy, created, together with his brothers, the first shop.
02:03 And since then, these shops have been associated with building this tradition, also in our Christian expectation.
02:15 During the Rorate Masses, we prepare, this year we build this shop in which Christ is to be born.
02:26 And St. Francis gives us joy to see in this future shop, when the time comes,
02:35 when we will experience the Pastoral Mass and illuminate this Christmas shop,
02:43 to see the joy of Christ being born. He is among us.
02:47 And that's why the Rorate Mass, and that's why this preparation, that's why the expectation,
02:53 the expectation gives us this hope and the joy of coming.
02:59 That's why soon, these are already two candles on the Advent wreath, which signal the proximity of the Savior's coming.
03:10 The next candle is the candle of joy, and then we enter on December 24, on the Christmas Eve.
03:20 I encourage you to take part in the Rorate Masses, especially in those,
03:28 which are also attended by children, who come with beautiful lamps,
03:33 to show that the light of darkness is illuminated by the light of Christ.
03:40 I cordially invite you to the Rorate Mass.
03:44 [Russian]
03:47 [Music]
