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12月15日 #百格大事纪,一起关注焦点新闻

72岁退休工程师投诉 穿短裤被拒探病
事件上升至部长 卫长:不着重穿着规范
300人隆市抗议 狂踩美国以色列国旗
冠病康复者注意 专家:10天内勿访高风险群
自闭童命案 2孩童证人重回现场


00:00 Yuan Huai Shao demanded a constitutional amendment to allow Malaysians to be able to identify as their own.
00:03 However, he was not only cornered by the Iron Sand King,
00:06 but also was attacked by the leader of the Salafi,
00:08 and now he is being slapped on the face by the Prime Minister.
00:10 For more information, please follow the "Bai Ge Da Shi Ji" on December 15.
00:14 Good evening, I am Wei Min.
00:18 There is a problem with the clothing in China.
00:20 This time, it is a 72-year-old retired engineer.
00:23 He wore shorts and T-shirts to Bincheng.
00:25 He was in the hospital for a visit.
00:27 As a result, the security guard saw him outside the door.
00:30 The security guard said that
00:32 the clothing requirements of the hospital visit
00:34 were based on the national principle.
00:37 Regarding this matter,
00:38 when the President of the Hospital, Saif Azlan,
00:41 was interviewed by the "Economic Freedom Daily",
00:43 he further said that
00:44 the clothing standard was based on the fifth article of the national principle,
00:48 which is to cultivate morality,
00:51 and has been used for a long time.
00:53 However, he added that
00:55 the hospital has asked the security company
00:57 to improve the professional level of employees,
00:59 ensure that they can communicate professionally and effectively with the public.
01:04 On the other hand,
01:05 this matter has also been raised to the Minister of Health.
01:08 The Minister of Health, Zhu Jifei,
01:09 responded to the social media,
01:11 saying that he focuses on ensuring better medical services,
01:16 rather than allowing the public to follow the clothing regulations of the hospital.
01:20 He also emphasized that
01:21 the distribution process of all government medical institutions and emergency departments
01:25 also needs to be improved.
01:27 The young leader of the Tutou Party, Yuan Huaishao,
01:30 suggested that the government amend the federal constitution
01:33 to ensure that only Malaysians are qualified to become
01:36 Malaysian prime ministers, which aroused public opinion.
01:39 To this, Prime Minister Anwar said after attending the event today,
01:43 "At present, there is no need to amend the federal constitution
01:46 to limit only Malaysians to take office."
01:49 He said, "Tamil Nadu so far,
01:51 the prime minister has always been a Malaysian.
01:53 Even the opposition's prime minister is a Malaysian.
01:57 The future prime minister will also be a Malaysian.
02:00 At present, there are already constitutions and laws
02:02 to ensure the rights of prime ministers.
02:04 Therefore, this should not become a topic.
02:07 In any case, Anwar said,
02:09 "The government will protect the rights and interests of all people,
02:12 as long as they are citizens.
02:14 Whether it is a race or a region,
02:16 it will be protected."
02:17 In addition, Anwar also mentioned
02:19 the topic of the opposition's "re-election of the election zone."
02:22 Criticizing the opposition is just to provoke Malaysians' emotions,
02:26 to make Malaysians scold the government.
02:28 He said, "The constitution has emphasized
02:30 that the government can only launch the re-election of the election zone
02:33 at the end of 2026.
02:36 So Anwar hopes that the opposition will find a way to
02:39 lift the economy and reduce the burden of the people,
02:42 rather than just quarreling."
02:44 Malaysia's Balestine Secretariat
02:47 and about 300 supporters of 19 non-governmental organizations
02:51 marched from Kuala Lumpur's Chawshank Foundation
02:54 in the US Embassy in Singapore
02:57 this afternoon to protest the United States' decision
03:00 to stop the UN Security Council's "tooth-pulling"
03:03 "Destroy, destroy Israel!"
03:10 "Down, down USA!"
03:18 According to the report,
03:19 the police did not stop the protesters,
03:22 but pulled up the police line 500 meters away
03:26 from the US Embassy in Singapore
03:27 to prevent the protesters from moving forward.
03:30 Many of the protesters saw women and children.
03:34 The protesters also used force to destroy
03:38 two long-shaped polystyrene boxes
03:40 with the US and Israeli flags on them
03:43 in front of the police's walls.
03:44 Although it started to rain heavily during the protest,
03:47 there were still no groups of protesters to continue to support Palestine.
03:51 The protest ended at 3 p.m.
03:55 China's coronavirus cases have been increasing recently.
03:59 The Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Republic of China
04:02 held a poll on Facebook yesterday.
04:04 By 5 p.m. today,
04:06 more than 6,000 people had voted.
04:09 The result showed that 39% of netizens had not been diagnosed with the disease,
04:15 while 61% of netizens had been diagnosed with the disease.
04:18 Faced with the increase in cases,
04:20 Professor Li Shijie, a research consultant at the University of Malaya,
04:24 said that the global situation has improved compared to the beginning of the year,
04:27 so it is still safe to travel at the end of the year.
04:30 But people still need to pay attention to daily prevention.
04:33 In addition, Professor Mei Fengming,
04:35 a professor of social and preventive medicine at the University of Malaya,
04:38 urged patients infected with the disease
04:41 to conduct tests and quarantine themselves,
04:43 and urged all patients not to visit
04:47 the elderly and those who are suspected of infection within 10 days.
04:50 In addition, former Minister of Health and Welfare of China,
04:52 Dr. Kelly, and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Jianming,
04:55 urged the Ministry of Health and Welfare
04:57 to reconsider using the "Message Address" app
05:01 to detect and treat patients with the disease.
05:06 Finally, let's pay attention to the progress of the 6-year-old autistic boy,
05:10 Zhang En's case.
05:12 The police found two witnesses who claimed to have seen his child
05:16 after Zhang En's disappearance.
05:18 This morning, they took the two children,
05:20 6-year-old and 9-year-old,
05:22 to the apartment where Zhang En lived
05:25 for a case re-enactment.
05:27 The witnesses only saw the witnesses
05:29 re-enacting the case in the apartment where the child was staying.
05:32 They took the two children to the stairs
05:35 near the coffin.
05:37 During the process, the media could only shoot from a distance
05:40 and observe, not near the apartment.
05:43 According to the investigation,
05:44 the purpose of this case re-enactment
05:46 is to determine whether there is any new evidence
05:49 in the river where Zhang En's body was found
05:51 from the stairs of the apartment.
05:54 This is today's "Journal of China".
05:56 Thank you for watching.
05:57 (upbeat music)
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