General election case likely to be fixed for hearing today on emergency basis, sources

  • last year
General election case likely to be fixed for hearing today on emergency basis, sources
00:00 I'm gonna give you the important news. Supreme Court judges and Chief Election Commissioner have met.
00:05 The case of Aam Intikhabat is scheduled to end on a controversial basis.
00:10 We have to tell you about the means.
00:12 Supreme Court has met with Chief Election Commissioner and judges.
00:16 It's an important and big news. Tony Jarnal has reached Supreme Court again.
00:20 Chief Election Commissioner is present in the Chamber of Chief Justice.
00:23 We have to tell you about the means.
00:25 We will know more from Hassan Ayub. Hassan, will you tell us about this meeting?
00:28 Yes, we have met.
00:31 Three committees of Supreme Court of Pakistan have met.
00:34 Supreme Court practice and procedure is under the law.
00:37 Chief Justice Sardar Tariq Masood and Judge Jadul Ahsan were present.
00:41 They have met with Chief Election Commissioner.
00:44 At first, they were present on civil dress at Angel for Pakistan.
00:47 Then they came back to Supreme Court in their uniform.
00:54 They have come back to Supreme Court.
00:58 They are telling us that the case will be taken up today.
01:01 The possibility of this is being told.
01:03 There is a confusion.
01:06 Supreme Court Chief Justice has said that the date of 8th February is written on stone.
01:13 The suspension of Lahore High Court and notification of Election Commission regarding ROs and DROs.
01:23 There was a chaos.
01:26 Because of this chaos, Chief Election Commissioner came to Supreme Court.
01:33 He gave a consultation.
01:35 After consultation, he is telling us that the case will be taken up by Supreme Court.
01:47 Because the situation is that tomorrow morning Chief Justice Qazi Faiz Isa is going abroad.
01:54 If the delay is of 1-2 days, then the election schedule which is to be announced in 54 days,
02:01 then it will not be possible to hold elections on 8th February.
02:08 Therefore, the possibility of this is being told.
02:11 Today Supreme Court of Pakistan can take up this case.
02:15 There are two more questions.
02:17 Because Supreme Court has already submitted the request regarding elections.
02:22 Will the three-member committee of Supreme Court give notice of this case?
02:28 Will it use its power of 184/3?
02:30 Or will it submit its request to Election Commission of Pakistan in Supreme Court of Pakistan?
02:35 This is the situation.
02:37 In a while, this case will be cleared.
02:41 Because judges are present in Supreme Court.
02:44 And judges like Justice Jadul Ahsan,
02:47 they often finish their work on Friday after Namaz-e-Jumaa and go to Lahore.
02:53 So, even today, they are present on the principal seat of Supreme Court in Islamabad.
02:59 So, this situation will be cleared in half an hour.
03:03 And the possibility is being told that today Supreme Court can take up this case.
03:10 And Lahore High Court can decide on suspension of notification of Election Commission.
03:17 On the basis of ROs and DROs.
03:20 So that the chaos of elections on 8th February can be ended.
03:26 Ahsan, tell us, if the case is heard today,
03:29 what will be the procedure?
03:31 Will the bench be formed and then it will be settled?
03:33 Yes, definitely.
03:35 Because judges are present in Supreme Court of Pakistan.
03:37 And the High Court decision can be suspended by two benches of Supreme Court.
03:43 And anyone can give his/her order.
03:46 So, there is no doubt in this matter.
03:50 Judges are also present in Islamabad.
03:52 And Chief Justice is also present in Supreme Court of Pakistan.
03:55 Along with him, Judge Sada Tariq Masood is also present in Supreme Court of Pakistan.
04:00 And Judge Jadul Ahsan is also present.
04:02 So, we have to see whether a bench is formed on these three judges.
04:08 Or some other bench is formed.
04:10 Because other judges are also present in the principal seat of Islamabad.
04:14 So, this matter will be cleared in half an hour.
04:18 Attendant of Pakistan, who was present in his civil dress,
04:21 he left from Supreme Court of Pakistan.
04:24 Many media asked him questions.
04:26 But he remained silent.
04:28 Then when he came back, he came back in his uniform.
04:30 It's a very clear indication, it's a very clear sign.
04:33 That today, Supreme Court of Pakistan is going to take up this matter.
04:38 Hassan, what will happen of Lahore High Court decision?
04:41 After which, ROs and DROs were stopped.
04:44 The decision to suspend the notification is still in Supreme Court of Pakistan.
04:51 Supreme Court is an appellate forum.
04:53 That is, High Court is a subordinate court.
04:56 And Supreme Court is its superior judiciary.
04:59 And basically, the administrative control of High Court is with Supreme Court Chief Justice.
05:05 So, even on administrative level, Supreme Court had the power to tell High Court Chief Justice
05:10 that you take up this matter today.
05:12 So, if we say that this is also 5% of 100, then there is a possibility of this too.
05:17 Because High Court has already formed a bench, a five-member bench.
05:21 With which the matter has to be settled on a regular basis.
05:23 So, therefore, today, there is a greater possibility, sometimes a possibility,
05:27 that Supreme Court itself takes up this matter.
05:30 Now, the question for me, which I was thinking,
05:33 that now, on the decision of High Court, it is not appropriate to take Supreme Court's exclusive notice.
05:38 Therefore, I see a greater possibility that, on behalf of Election Commission of Pakistan,
05:43 a one-pager or two-pager application should be filed in Supreme Court,
05:47 on which this matter should be taken up.
05:49 And then, the chaos and confusion regarding the elections of 8th February,
05:53 the election of the Kalaidiyat will be held on 8th February.
