9 Worst Things Video Games Made You Do

  • last year
Don't make us control THAT.


0:26 - Little Nightmares II
1:28 - Red Dead Redemption II
2:30 - DPA: The Devil In Me
3:30 - Scorn
4:30 - Guardians of the Galaxy
5:35 - Martha is Dead
6:46 - The Last of Us Part II
7:46 - It Takes Two
8:52 - A Plague Tale: Requiem
00:00 Giving players an element of choice is something that many games allow for.
00:03 Many but not all.
00:05 This is because developers want us to experience the narrative that they've carefully crafted
00:08 for us.
00:09 However, there are times that us gamers are forced to commit actions so horrific that
00:13 we could only wish there was an alternative option to get out of these situations.
00:17 Spoiler warnings are in effect because I'm Sci for What Culture and these are 9 Terrible
00:21 Things Recent Video Games Made Us Do.
00:24 9.
00:25 Incinerate the Doctor - Little Nightmares 2
00:28 As its name suggests, the world of Little Nightmares is far from pleasant.
00:32 Least appealing of all are the cast of grotesque monstrosities who you'll be spending your
00:36 time hiding and fleeing from in between solving puzzles.
00:39 One of these beings, who tiny protagonists Mono and Six face in the sequel, is a terrifying
00:44 doctor who runs a hellish hospital.
00:46 Aside from his attempts to capture us, our first clue that this character is bad news
00:50 is the mangled results of his medical experiments that populate the creepy facility.
00:54 Like the many other boss encounters in the game, this nefarious medical professional
00:57 also features in his own chase sequence.
01:00 However, instead of simply escaping as clutches, our protagonists have a very different idea.
01:05 During the frantic chase, Mono and Six eventually lure their pursuer back to the incinerator
01:08 room which lies between them and their freedom.
01:11 Using the doctor's size against him, Mono traps him inside the furnace to prevent him
01:14 from chasing them further.
01:16 This is not enough, however.
01:18 To progress further, you must now incinerate the doctor in his own furnace, his anguished
01:22 cries underscoring the severity of your actions.
01:26 Even he didn't deserve that death.
01:28 8.
01:29 Beats up Thomas Downes - Red Dead Redemption 2
01:32 Throughout the bulk of Rockstar's epic masterpiece Red Dead Redemption 2, we're given the opportunity
01:36 to decide if grizzled cowboy Arthur Morgan can redeem his villainous past with valiant
01:41 actions or if he remains a cruel man to the end.
01:44 Most of these choices boil down to helping Arthur's friends or choosing whether to
01:48 kill some foes, but one action we have no say in is assaulting a man named Thomas Downes
01:52 near the start of the game.
01:54 At this point, Arthur is still a no-nonsense tough guy who's willing to resort to violence
01:58 at every turn.
01:59 This is exactly what happens when he's requested to collect a debt from the rancher.
02:03 There are a lot of vile characters in the world of Red Dead, but Downes isn't one
02:06 of them.
02:07 He's a good man who's fallen upon tough times, and our job is to beat him to a pulp,
02:11 which leads to his death soon after.
02:13 In a twist of irony, it's this interaction which results in Arthur contracting tuberculosis.
02:18 Being the turning point in Arthur's story, there's no way of getting out of this task
02:22 either.
02:23 You can't keep the mission too long, and the game will simply force you to do it.
02:26 7.
02:27 Choosing who suffocates - The Dark Pictures Anthology, The Devil in Me
02:31 Much like developer Supermassive Games' other horror outings, The Dark Pictures Anthology
02:35 is full of numerous tough decisions that can result in potentially fatal consequences.
02:40 Most recent entry The Devil in Me is no exception to this tenet of gameplay and poses some of
02:44 the cruelest choices in the series to date.
02:47 Taking inspiration from the chilling real-life tale of 19th century serial killer H.H. Holmes'
02:51 notorious Murder Castle, the game sees a production crew find themselves trapped in a faithful
02:56 reconstruction of the macabre murder hotel, complete with its own shifting walls, trap
03:00 doors and elaborate death traps.
03:02 At one point during the hellish ordeal, Presenter Kate and timid intern Erin are locked in airtight
03:07 suffocation chambers.
03:08 Outside, a switch will give only one of these rooms air, with players now forced to decide
03:13 which one of these characters they want to kill and which one they want to save.
03:16 What makes this choice that extra bit more fiendish though is that there's a sneaky
03:19 trick at play here too.
03:21 Eagle-eyed players may be able to spot that there's a leak in one of the windows that
03:24 will give you time to save both.
03:26 Miss this though and you may feel worse about your choice.
03:29 6.
03:30 Squash a Fetus - Scorn
03:33 From the moment the unnamed protagonist awakens in the fleshy alien world of Scorn, it's
03:37 evident that everything here is just horrific.
03:40 Narrow corridors covered in viscera feel like the insides of a great beast, each tool and
03:44 weapon you'll acquire during your journey looks like it's made of writhing flesh,
03:48 and then there's whatever that mangled creature is you grab from an egg.
03:51 Given that being gross is Scorn's whole aesthetic, it shouldn't come as a surprise
03:55 that this game asks you to do some disgusting things throughout its brief runtime.
03:58 One of the most unpleasant tasks comes in the fifth and final act, in which we're
04:02 required to collect blood containers to activate a console.
04:05 To fill these containers with blood, however, we're going to have to collect what can
04:08 only be described as an alien fetus and put it in a device that is specifically designed
04:12 to squeeze every last drop of blood out of it.
04:15 The concept of juicing a baby, even if it is some kind of Lovecraftian monstrosity,
04:20 is unpleasant enough in itself.
04:22 However, Scorn ensures that we endure through every squelchy second of this mechanical procedure
04:26 through excellently disgusting sound design.
04:29 5.
04:30 The Promise - Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
04:33 The Guardians of the Galaxy, the ensemble intergalactic superheroes with large in the
04:37 life personalities, are best known for their light-hearted and comical adventures.
04:42 This was true in their comic book and blockbuster outings, and it was also the case in their
04:45 very own video game.
04:47 Taking control of Peter Quill, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is a fun-filled action
04:50 adventure that places you in the centre of one of the team's escapades.
04:54 However, despite the quippy dialogue and humorous interactions, this game takes an unexpectedly
04:58 dark turn.
04:59 After the team are captured by the Church of Truth, they're sent into their own dream
05:03 world.
05:04 For Peter, this is being reunited with his mother.
05:06 As the touching sequence goes on, however, a black substance gradually begins to cover
05:10 the screen until everything goes black and the credits roll.
05:14 The only way to break free from this fantasy is to do the unthinkable and have Peter kill
05:18 his own mother.
05:19 Manually breaking free from her loving embrace is already difficult enough, but things only
05:23 get much worse from here.
05:25 Drawing your weapon, you'll now be prompted to shoot her multiple times, all while she
05:29 begs for her life and tells her son that she loves him.
05:32 It's brutal.
05:33 4.
05:34 Desecrating Your Sister's Corpse - Martha is Dead
05:38 Set in the picturesque Italian countryside during World War II, unflinching psychological
05:42 horror Martha is Dead sees Julia discover the bloated corpse of her titular twin sister
05:47 in the lake near her family's home.
05:49 But when their grief-stricken mother arrives at the scene and mistakes Julia for her sister,
05:53 the surviving sibling inadvertently takes on Martha's identity.
05:57 What follows is a twisted exploration of Julia's unravelling mental stability as she becomes
06:01 haunted by her inescapable trauma and grief over what's happened as she's forced to
06:05 live with the aftermath of her decision.
06:07 This game pulls absolutely no punches when it comes to depicting its hardest-hitting
06:11 themes - the title even quite rightfully begins with a severe content warning.
06:15 Those familiar with the game will already be aware of a sickening dream sequence in
06:18 which Julia cuts off her dead sister's face, but things get much worse.
06:22 Late in the game, when Julia suspects that Martha may have been pregnant when she died,
06:26 she takes it upon herself to discover the truth.
06:28 She breaks into the family crypt and, using a pair of scissors, cuts open Martha's
06:32 womb to find a small fetus inside.
06:35 If you're playing on PlayStation, however, this sequence, alongside others, is not interactive.
06:41 Regardless of where you play it, it is disgusting.
06:44 3.
06:45 Killing Dogs - The Last of Us Part 2
06:48 The post-apocalyptic world of The Last of Us has never shied away from exploring the
06:51 brutality of violence.
06:53 This was especially the case during Part 2, in which these themes tied directly into the
06:57 gameplay.
06:58 Violence is something that isn't taken lightly in this game.
07:01 Even in typical combat encounters, every blow and gunshot is felt with visceral bluntness
07:06 strong enough to make those with the strongest stomachs wince.
07:09 Enemies will cry in pain and grasp in desperation during their dying moments, and it's all
07:14 pretty horrible.
07:15 Even more upsetting is when dogs are included in encounters.
07:19 Able to use their keen sense of smell to lead enemies to your location, eliminating these
07:23 canines is necessary if you don't want your cover to be blown.
07:26 Hearing the animal's cries of distress and agony when doing so, though, is one of the
07:29 harshest reminders that violence should never be the answer.
07:32 Though it's possible to get by without killing most of these dogs, Ellie is forced to euthanise
07:37 Abby's dog when the animal attacks her.
07:39 It's only when we play fetch with that dog later during a flashback that we realise the
07:43 full extent of how monstrous we were.
07:45 2.
07:46 Dismembering Cutie - It Takes Two
07:49 When feuding couple Cody and May are magically turned into their child's toys, they must
07:53 work together to overcome a variety of imaginative obstacles to find a way to return to their
07:58 own bodies whilst mending their fractured relationship in the process.
08:02 Despite presenting us with the sombre reality of divorce right at the start, the collection
08:06 of environments you and your co-op partner will be traversing are full of vibrant colour
08:09 and a playful sense of humour.
08:11 Coming from the developers behind Brothers, A Tale of Two Sons and A Way Out, however,
08:15 there was bound to be some emotionally devastating moments.
08:18 Here, players were expected to make the couple's child cry by killing their favourite toy,
08:23 an adorable stuffed elephant named Cutie.
08:25 Since it was their daughter's tears that got them into this situation, they believe
08:28 that making her cry again will solve the problem.
08:31 What ensues is a relentless pursuit of the fleeing stuffed toy, who pleads with you that
08:35 they don't want to die.
08:37 When the murderous couple finally trap Cutie, players will take absolutely no pleasure in
08:41 dismembering the innocent animal's leg and ear before throwing them from a ledge.
08:45 It doesn't matter if it's a stuffed animal, we'll never forgive ourselves for this one.
08:49 Sorry Cutie.
08:50 1.
08:51 Killing a Major Character - A Plague Tale, Requiem
08:55 Taking place six months after the first game, Requiem sees siblings Amicia and Hugo, having
09:00 escaped their home, travel to the lush lands of Provence in hopes of finding a cure to
09:04 the youngster's affliction.
09:05 However, tragedy is never far behind this pair, and they soon find themselves plunged
09:09 into another emotionally devastating adventure where they uncover more secrets about this
09:13 strange illness.
09:15 After spending two entire games with this dedicated duo and going through their heart-wrenching
09:19 journey alongside them, we're immensely invested in saving Hugo from the disease that's slowly
09:24 consuming him.
09:25 But this is a plague's tale, and nothing pleasant is ever allowed to happen.
09:30 Towards the end of the pair's journey, Hugo, who believes his sister to be dead, allows
09:33 himself to be taken over by the sickness.
09:36 Amicia does everything she can to reach him, but there's nothing she can do for him.
09:40 The only way to prevent the rat plague from spreading is to kill Hugo ourselves.
09:43 It's at this point we must aim Amicia's slingshot to deliver the killing blow, cutting
09:48 the screen to black.
09:49 There's no way to get out of sealing Hugo's fate either.
09:52 Wait too long and your companion will simply kill him instead.
09:55 Well, now I am severely bummed out.
09:58 And that's the list!
09:59 Let us know what you thought of this video down in the comments below.
10:02 Which of these terrible things was the worst to you?
10:05 And of course, let us know of others that we didn't include.
10:08 Make sure you like this video, share it with your friends, subscribe and hit that notification
10:11 bell.
10:12 Cheer yourself up by watching one of our other videos or visiting WhatCulture.com where there's
10:15 more content every day.
10:17 I've been Si for WhatCulture, and have a good week.
