20231215_piotr_krzyzanowski_gw_remontpocztowa_1_s (2)

  • last year
Trwa remont ulicy Pocztowej w Legnicy


00:00 [Polish]
00:02 The reconstruction of the important strategic road in Legnica is still underway.
00:08 The Post Street, the suburbs of Dworcowa Street, Libana and Kartuska Streets
00:14 are under construction.
00:16 The last works related to this major modernization.
00:20 The whole range of these works costs over PLN 22.5 million,
00:27 of which over PLN 5 million was managed to get from the Polish State Tax Administration.
00:35 As we can see, the road is modernized, the lighting, sidewalks, bicycle paths, greenery.
00:44 And so this whole investment is being carried out.
00:49 And in mid-November, with the date that the investor says should be kept, the investment will be completed.
