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八点最热报 | 依据《港版国安法》,黎智英当时被指控两项串谋外国势力罪名和一项共谋罪作为香港头号国安罪名嫌犯,黎智英一旦罪成,很可能会被判处终身监禁,在监狱度过余生。(主播:蔡心惠)


00:00 Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 Hong Kong's founder of E-media, Li Zhiying,
00:07 was accused of violating the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law.
00:10 After being detained for more than 1,000 days,
00:13 the case was tried at 10 a.m.
00:15 Li Zhiying, 76 years old,
00:17 is the founder of the pro-democracy newspaper, Apple Daily, which has been suspended.
00:21 He is also one of the most famous people in the Communist Party leadership.
00:26 The Li Zhiying case is the most eye-catching case
00:30 since the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law was passed.
00:34 According to the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law,
00:36 Li Zhiying was accused of two conspiring foreign forces crimes
00:40 and one conspiracy crime.
00:42 He was arrested by the police in August 2020.
00:45 Although he was granted bail on the way,
00:47 but because of the opposition of the Justice Department,
00:49 Li Zhiying's bail was also cancelled
00:52 and he has been detained until now.
00:54 As the first suspect in Hong Kong's National Security case,
00:57 once Li Zhiying is convicted,
00:59 he is likely to be sentenced to life imprisonment
01:02 and spend the rest of his life in prison.
01:04 The Li Zhiying case has also attracted the attention of the international community.
01:07 British Foreign Minister Cameron made a statement today,
01:10 saying that the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law
01:12 clearly violated the Sino-British Joint Declaration,
01:14 and China's continued use of the National Security Law is a violation of international commitments.
01:18 The National Security Law seriously violates human rights and freedom.
01:21 Its existence is just to make the voice of opposition heard.
01:24 Therefore, he asked the Chinese government to abolish the National Security Law
01:27 and stop related monitoring,
01:29 and called on the Hong Kong authorities to release Li Zhiying.
01:32 U.S. State Department Spokesperson Miller also made a statement
01:35 urging Beijing and the Hong Kong government to respect freedom of the press
01:39 and said that the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law
01:41 has violated freedom of the press and information flow,
01:43 while destroying the Hong Kong democratic system
01:46 and damaging Hong Kong's reputation as an international financial center.
01:49 The U.S. State Department urges the release of Li Zhiying and other prisoners.
01:56 In response to the accusation of the Li Zhiying case between the United States and the United Kingdom,
01:59 Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said
02:02 Li Zhiying is the main planner and participant of the anti-China riot,
02:06 is the agent of the anti-China forces, and the forefathers of the Ma family.
02:09 Hong Kong judicial institutions are in accordance with the law,
02:12 and the harmonious and reasonable legal system.
02:14 Wang Wenbin also said that the United States and the UK have been very careful
02:18 in violating the basic rules of the rule of law and international relations.
02:22 China firmly opposes this.
02:24 The Hong Kong police arrived at the West Kowloon Court building early in the morning
02:34 to strengthen security deployment.
02:35 In addition to pulling up fence and warning lines around,
02:38 special police officers were dispatched to shoot live ammunition.
02:41 There were also many people on site who were on night watch,
02:44 hoping to force the public to listen to the entire interrogation process.
02:47 "Don't shoot!"
02:52 The witness also supported Li Zhiying on the spot.
02:54 She raised her fist in front of the media in front of five British flags outside the court
02:58 to express her support for Li Zhiying.
03:00 "Support Jimmy Lai, support Apple Daily, support the truth.
03:06 It's very important for the whole world now."
03:09 In addition to the witness, former Legislative Council Member Liu Huiqing also appeared to support.
03:14 She said in an interview with the media that many of Li's members were detained for a long time and could not be released.
03:21 She felt very sad about this.
03:23 "I think the people who are awaiting trial in most cases should get bail.
03:28 But anyway, I hope Jimmy and others will get a fair, open and just hearing."
03:35 The highest security police car that escorted Li Zhiying arrived at the West Kowloon Court under the notice of a large number of media.
03:41 Li's trial is expected to last 80 days.
03:44 The trial is not accompanied by the trial group designated by the Three States Security Law.
03:49 For more UN videos visit: www.un.org/webcast
