Tell your soul, “God is great,” to purify it

  • 7 months ago
God Almighty’s takbir is one of the greatest and most honorable types of remembrance, and because of the great importance of takbir, God Almighty has prescribed it in the most noble and exalted places, such as prayer, fasting, Hajj, holidays, jihad, and others.
Meaning: God is great
It is the glorification of the Lord, Blessed and Most High, and that nothing is greater or greater than Him, so every great thing is insignificant below His majesty. For He is the One to whom necks bowed, and the tyrants humbled themselves before Him, and before Him faces were humbled, and He subdued everything, and creatures bowed down to Him and humbled themselves because of the greatness of His majesty, pride, greatness, supremacy, and power of things. And they became subsistence and diminished before His hands and under His rule and oppression of the creatures. God is greater than everything. God is greater than everything that comes to your mind. God is greater than anyone can comprehend Him. God is greater than eyes can comprehend Him. God is greater than having a counterpart, a likeness, or a rival. Or a counterpart, (and there was no one equal to Him) God is greater than all of His creatures, and His attributes are greater and greater than the attributes of His creatures, and He, Glory be to Him, does not resemble His creatures, and His attributes do not resemble the attributes of His creatures, so His mercy is much greater than the mercy of His creatures, and His knowledge is much greater than the knowledge of His creatures and His power. Much greater than the power of His creatures, and so on with the rest of the attributes.
His saying, the Almighty, the Majestic, “and His greatness is great,” meaning: His greatness is complete greatness, and it is said: The most eloquent word for the Arabs in the meaning of veneration and reverence is (Allah is the Greatest), meaning: He described Him as being greater than all things. On the authority of Omar, may God be pleased with him: The servant’s saying (Allah is the greatest) is better than this world and what In which.
And in this divine command to glorify Him, Glory be to Him, the Most High, there is a warning that the servant, even if he exaggerates in exalting and praising Him, and strives in obedience and praise, must admit his shortcomings in that, and know that the status of God Almighty is greater, more majestic, and greater than what humans think, and that the righteous people, no matter how much they worship God Almighty, will He fulfills his rights, and they will not repay his blessings.
In this way, the status of takbir, the majesty of his ability, the greatness of his status, and his position in religion become clear. Takbir is not a meaningless word, or a word without content, but rather it is a great word that contains great meanings and great purposes.
What shows the greatness of takbeer and the majesty of its value is that the entire religion is considered an elaboration of the word (God is great), s
