Sweet Idleness | movie | 1999 | Official Featurette

  • last year
This movie depicts the two years that young Stendhal spent in Italy. Stendhal, that time still known simply as Henri Bey | dG1fbkJvX1BIbUJuVE0
00:00 Action! Use a slate people.
00:03 Hello there, my name is Michael Antonio Keane. I am a film director, writer and part-time actor.
00:09 Works of mine include Like a Bolt from the Blue, Covid Era and Dolce Farniente, my latest film,
00:16 which I'm so chuffed and proud to be presenting to you.
00:20 We follow Aidan, an Irish writer, who goes to Italy, unexposed to find himself.
00:25 And it's quite funny because I resonate with the project a lot in the sense that he's a creative,
00:32 he's an artist, but more so that he follows his heart.
00:35 He follows his intuition and if something feels wrong, he's not going to do it.
00:42 Yeah, we follow Aidan in his beautiful Italian lifestyle.
00:46 An Irish writer who leaves Ireland to go pursue an Italian lifestyle, an Italian dream, if you like.
00:52 He learns the language, he writes a book, he rediscovers love, but not in the form that you'd think.
01:01 It's more to do with finding love with himself and the wider world.
01:06 If you're at peace with yourself, you're at peace with anything else.
01:09 And that's something that I implemented in this film. It's sort of a metaphor.
01:14 He's marking chapters in his book, but ultimately it's his life.
01:18 And they reflect different segments and chapters within his life that he's gone through.
01:24 Difficult ones, mainly, but also the nice and pretty ones.
01:30 We filmed in Verona, Modena and Bologna.
01:35 And it was all principally shot in northern Italy.
01:39 But, you know, I think that Italy is just so beautiful.
01:43 You don't get the locations that you get there over here at all.
01:47 So I'm so chuffed to have been able to do that.
01:49 It's the book that he wrote in Italian.
01:52 We see that. We see him flicking through the chapters.
01:55 Things to watch out for when you're watching Dolce Fogliente.
01:59 Hmm.
02:00 Trying to figure that one out myself.
02:06 I would have to say, actually.
02:09 Flowers.
02:11 I'm not giving away too much, but flowers, you're going to like that.
02:16 I strongly look forward to people watching the film.
02:18 And I hope that they can connect with both Aidan and the term Dolce Fogliente.
02:23 Because it is quite, quite a simple yet beautiful that you can apply to life, I think.
