Short filmTranscript
00:00 [no audio]
00:06 [upbeat music]
00:08 Hey! How'd you date?
00:10 Step-dads and dads don't always get along,
00:13 but Dusty and I have this co-dad thing on lockdown.
00:16 You make treats for the night, right?
00:17 I'll hit the bakery on the way to the pageant.
00:19 Bakery?
00:20 Look, you don't want me to go to the bakery.
00:21 No, I'm usually--
00:22 You repeat what I said and you shake your head up and down,
00:23 it really means you don't want me to do it.
00:25 I'm just thinking--
00:26 What? Maybe homemade?
00:27 No problem, Braddy.
00:28 Homemade snickerdoodles coming right up.
00:30 [car horn honks]
00:31 Hey! Hulk and Rougan, you better count your teeth!
00:33 Thank you so much for the cocoa!
00:35 [upbeat music]
00:36 Hey, guys, I got a big surprise for you.
00:38 Ooh, is it money? A trampoline? Another pony?
00:40 This year, Christmas, both families together.
00:42 Yay!
00:43 [phone ringing]
00:44 Hello?
00:45 Grandpa Kurt?
00:46 [crowd cheering]
00:48 [upbeat music]
00:49 Look, your father hasn't met the new, evolved Dusty.
00:52 That's exactly the stuff he's gonna make fun of us for, you'll see.
00:54 Dear God.
00:55 ♪ Thunderstruck ♪
00:58 Wow. Is that him?
00:59 ♪ Thunderstruck ♪
01:00 That dress is so cool.
01:01 Yeah, I can't picture him actually going shopping.
01:03 ♪ Thunderstruck ♪
01:04 [car engine revving]
01:06 ♪ Thunderstruck ♪
01:07 Dusty.
01:08 [upbeat music]
01:10 Here you go. Bring the car around on the curb.
01:12 This is Sarah's husband.
01:14 Why is he here?
01:15 Oh, 'cause my dad's coming, too.
01:16 [upbeat music]
01:20 Dad!
01:21 Daddy!
01:22 Here's my big man!
01:25 [kissing]
01:27 He hasn't seen his dad in a long time.
01:29 It's only been two weeks, but it feels like forever!
01:32 It does, doesn't it?
01:33 This guy's raising your kids half the time?
01:35 ♪ Thunderstruck ♪
01:37 No, no, no!
01:39 [laughing]
01:41 Tell the Papa Joke!
01:42 Hey, kids, I got a good one for you.
01:44 Two dead hookers wash up on the shore.
01:46 Oh, no, no.
01:47 ♪ Thunderstruck ♪
01:48 He's gonna ruin Christmas, Brad, I'm telling you.
01:50 The only person that can ruin your Christmas
01:52 is looking back at you from that mirror.
01:54 All I see is you, Brad.
01:56 Sorry. Right here.
01:58 There. There we go.
01:59 Hmm?
02:00 Still you, Brad.
02:01 ♪ Thunderstruck ♪
02:04 (whooshing)