• 2 years ago
The Sunderland Echo has delivered the news to the people of Wearside since December 22, 1873.
00:00 The Sunderland Echo, still here after 150 years. Its style and look may have changed
00:08 since that first edition on December 22nd 1873. But we are still providing news for
00:16 the people of Wearside and now we are doing it in print and online. Whether you love news,
00:24 sport, nostalgia or the Sunderland lifestyle scene, we've got it all covered. We've been
00:32 there through two world wars. The Echo has brought you the news of royal weddings, coronations,
00:39 jubilee celebrations. We've covered the news at home, from the shipyards, pits, your own
00:47 doorsteps. We've done it from officers across the town and County Durham and we've no intention
00:55 of stopping. We've changed a lot but one thing remains the same. We're still here, bringing
01:03 you the lowdown on Wearside life.
