B&B owners fear a proposed 4-star hotel will leave them without sunlight and fighting for parking spaces.
The Sutton Park hotel is potentially facing more disruption if plans for the new build are approved.
The Sutton Park hotel is potentially facing more disruption if plans for the new build are approved.
00:00 I'm not totally against any building work where St Chad's was. I'm not. I just have
00:10 concerns over parking and the disruption of the build. All of which could be dealt with
00:17 with a conversation. Maybe if somebody from fragrance group or the construction crew could
00:22 perhaps pop round and we could have a chat and they could show me exactly what they're
00:27 planning to do. From what I've seen on the planning they are going to allow 30 parking
00:35 spaces to the rear of the building which will border along Bolton Street which is the road
00:40 we share. As far as I can see they're allowing 143 rooms to be built. Now if all of those
00:51 rooms have brought a car and there are only 30 parking spaces as far as I can work out
00:58 that leaves a shortfall of 110 parking spaces. Where do these people park? The roads along
01:07 the sea front are going to be right adjacent to the hotel. They are the ones that are really
01:13 going to suffer and they're already suffering as it is because there's so limited parking.
01:18 If you're a hotel with 8 bedrooms you've got to find 8 spaces for your guests or send them
01:24 to an alternative car park which a lot of them don't want to have to drag their luggage
01:30 or walk back and forth to their car. They want to be near the hotel they're staying
01:35 in. A lot of hotels do not have the luxury of having car parking so they rely on their
01:41 guests parking on the main road and as it is it's a fight during the peak seasons to
01:47 get a space even for your own vehicle. So what people are worried about is that the
01:51 new plans have got less parking than previously and with even more rooms than before the parking
01:58 is going to become a major issue. Before the St Chad's as people may remember was 4 usable
02:07 storeys and then it had a pitched roof. So it would take up the same space as a 5 storey
02:14 building but obviously only 4 of those storeys were inhabited with hotel guests. So we've
02:23 got an extra 2 floors of inhabited rooms looking down on us so it will be considerably higher
02:32 and will blot out a lot more of the sky so it will be quite an impact on us. For the
02:41 people that are right close to the St Chad's, their properties, it is going to have a massive
02:46 effect on the amount of sunlight that they get for their own hotels. So is it considerably
02:52 higher than the old St Chad's? The old St Chad's I believe was 5 storeys. It had a pitched
03:00 roof so if you take into consideration the pitched roof but you still saw sunlight either
03:07 side of the roof as the sun was coming round. And it's just the whole design. I think a
03:11 lot of people are disappointed that the design is not in keeping with traditional Blackpool.
03:18 There's no like really fancy features. It hasn't got any real character. Because obviously
03:34 it's going to probably be peak season by the time they get started now. So not only will
03:39 our guests have to worry about where they're parking, they're going to have to be manoeuvring
03:43 in and out of big lorries, cranes being delivered, parts being delivered. So these roads are
03:49 narrow. You can either get 2 cars down and passing as it is without. If there's a lorry,
03:55 bricks being delivered, whatever, cement lorries, cranes. It will affect where people can get
04:01 up and down our roads to actually even get to our hotels. It was very hard to get information
04:07 about when they were going to demolish it. We didn't really know until plants and machinery
04:12 started arriving on site. They decided to start in May and you may remember back then
04:19 we had three bank holidays. We had diggers, machinery, trucks, the rest of it, for the
04:38 best part of a month while they were demolishing it. A lot of these hotels have got basements
04:42 and they are worried that it's actually going to affect their structure of their buildings.
04:47 I don't know, maybe subsidence, cracking in the buildings. It's just the actual mess
04:53 and everything else that's going to make the dust and stress to the people that are
04:58 living here. No one's actually took into account that or even spoke to any of the local people.
05:03 So do you think they've been quite inconsiderate about the neighbours and the disruption?
05:08 I do, yes. I do think they've been inconsiderate, yes. During the demolition process I was speaking
05:15 to the site manager who was in charge of the overall construction, or the demolition, I
05:22 beg your pardon. He assured me that when the demolition was done they were going to hire
05:27 some cherry pickers and they were going to wash down our building, clean our windows,
05:34 clean our gutters. All of this was promised. I mean it was promised verbally, there was
05:38 nothing written down. But I trusted them and I thought well that's a way to go, you know,
05:46 you build a bit of rapport with your neighbours. None of this happened. There was no washing
05:52 down afterwards. The side of my building was absolutely filthy dirty. We had a letter through
05:57 the post but I've never had a one to one conversation with anyone. So somebody writing down what
06:04 they want to do and then not giving me any recourse to answer that is not really a conversation
06:12 or consulting. Nobody wants to have bad feeling with their neighbours when they're having
06:18 to do what they see as necessary construction. And I'm not against all construction, I just
06:24 want some of my views aired and spoken about.