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00:00 [Musique épique]
00:04 [Musique épique]
00:08 [Musique épique]
00:13 -Blessed.
00:14 Then someone rains on our parade.
00:19 And move to one cancer, just to find another.
00:23 -This is not the conversation we should be having right now.
00:29 -We're going after a CIA asset that's been captured.
00:35 -Is this your first mission in theater, JTAC? -Second.
00:38 -Do me a favor, keep up.
00:40 -The last thing we need in this op is to save your ass.
00:42 -The hell are these guys? -Local militia?
00:47 -Yo, hand over in five. -I'm ready.
00:50 -I am your eyes from the sky and the bringer of doom. -Subtle.
00:55 -I got movement. -We got a situation.
00:58 -RPCs 12 o'clock, incoming!
01:01 -Weapons away.
01:06 [Explosion]
01:07 -Ref, are you there? Ref?
01:14 -We're here, Playboy. You gotta get your ass on the move, son.
01:17 -Come on, soldier.
01:19 -Hang in there, okay?
01:21 -Blackbird, can you stay in the area? -Yeah, I get it.
01:25 -Come on, come on.
01:26 -Playboy, are you injured? -Can't talk right now.
01:33 -I get it. This is not where you wanna be. It's not here, it's here.
01:36 -Three hostiles heading your way. Do not move.
01:40 -There's no way I'm off this island.
01:43 -Remember your training.
01:47 -This is gonna get ugly.
01:50 -Our priority is protecting the men and women who serve this country.
02:02 -Five, four, three, two, one.
02:07 -You gotta move, man. Get up and go!
02:16 [Musique]
02:22 [Musique]
02:25 [Musique]
02:28 [Musique]
02:31 Merci à tous !
02:33 Merci à tous !